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Michael H. Freedman Ph.D.

Michael H. Freedman Ph.D.

National Medal of Science – Mathematics and Computer Science 1987

American mathematician. Proof of Poincare Conjecture in dimension four. One of the greatest achievements in mathematics in this century. Fields Medal, 1986.

Genealogy Professional
Nat’s Medal Science


Generously contributed by Michael H. Freedman.
Updated 2011


1968-69: studied at University of California, Berkeley, California
1969-73: Ph.D. Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey

Academic and professional experience:

1973-75: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, CA
1975-76: Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey
1976-79: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, UC-SD
1979-82: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, UCSD
1982-present: Professor, Department of Mathematics, UCSD
1985-present: Charles Lee Powell Chair Professor, Department of Mathematics, UCSD
1997-99: on leave from UCSD
1999-2005: Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
1997-2004: Senior Researcher, Microsoft Researcher, Redmond, WA
2004-present: Technical Fellow (Mathematician), Microsoft, Station Q, University of California at Santa Barbara
2005-present: Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of California at Santa Barbara


American Mathematical Society
National Academy of Sciences
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
New York Academy of Sciences
Associate Editor for: Annals of Mathematics (1984-91), Journal of American Mathematacal Society, Journal of Differential Geometry, Mathematical Research Letters, Topology, Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM)

Honors and awards:

1980-83: Alfred P. Sloan Fellow
1982: Invited Lecturer, Int’l Congress of Mathematicians, Warsaw, Poland 1984 California Scientist of the Year
1984-89: MacArthur Foundation Fellow
1984: Elected to National Academy of Sciences
1985: Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
1985: Charles Lee Powell Endowed Chair in Mathematics, UCSD
1986: American Mathematical Society’s Veblen Prize
1986: Fields Medal, Int’l Congress of Mathematicians, Berkeley, CA
1987: National Medal of Science (White House, June 1987)
1988: Humboldt Award, Germany
1989: elected to New York Academy of Sciences
1994: Guggenheim Fellowship Award