Kim Dae-jung
Kim Dae-jung
The Nobel Peace Prize 2000
“King is son of heaven. Heaven sent him to serve people with just rule. If he unjust, oppresses people, people have right to dispose of him.”
Nobel Prize Cash & Philanthropy
Nobel Prize Cash & Philanthropy
Kim Dae-jung donated his Nobel Prize money of U.S. $258,000 to the Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library and Museum, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. It is the first presidential library in Asia.
‘Two annual international conferences are hosted by the Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library. One conference is held in June to commemorate the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration, and the other in December to celebrate Kim Dae-jung’s Nobel Peace Prize. Various scholars and public figures of numerous fields have joined us for these events to exchange opinions and cooperate academically.’ – Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library.