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Robert J. Lefkowitz MD

Robert J. Lefkowitz MD

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2012

National Medal of Science – Biological Sciences 2007 USA

Nobel co-recipient Brian K. Kobilka

Physician- Cardiologist, Scientist. G-protein-coupled receptors;
approximately half of all medicines used today use this kind of receptor.

“Strong family history of coronary artery disease … at age 50 I had quadruple bypass surgery [1994]. I minimize my risk factors with daily physical exercise, a vegetarian diet and appropriate medications”.

Nobel Lecture
History of Discovery
External Videos/Films
Nobel Prize General Info.
Nat’l Medal – Biological Sciences


Robert J. Lefkowitz himself had generously contributed his biography to our library. Now copyright issues have arisen. Hence the bio has been deleted. We shall publish a bio at a later time. Thank you for your patience and consideration.

jci-logoIntroduction of Robert J. Lefkowitz by Ralph Snyderman. J Clin Invest 2011, Oct 3, 121(10), 4192-4200.

Lab, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC

duke_logoRobert Lefkowitz Shares Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, NC

jci_logoA conversation with Robert Lefkowitz, Joseph Goldstein, and Michael Brown by Ushma S. Neill and Howard A. Rockman J Clin Invest. 012;122(5):1586-1587.

nyt-logoTwo American Scientists Win Nobel Prize in Chemistry by By Kenneth Chang, The New York Times, Oct. 10, 2012

domtar_logoRobert Lefkowitz, MD, Receives 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.