Nancy Andreasen M.D.,Ph.D.
Nancy Andreasen M.D.,Ph.D.
National Medal of Science – Biological Sciences 2000
Psychiatrist, Litterateur. Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience, Genomics, Neuroimaging, Neuroscience of Creativity, Schizophrenia. Writes books to educate laity and reduce stigma. Founding Chair, Neuroscience Section, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Creative people tend to be very persistent, even when confronted with skepticism or rejection.
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Published Papers
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Papers in preparation
Published Papers
- Andreasen NJC: Theme and structure in Donne’s Satyres. Studies in English Literature, 1963; 3:59-75. Reprinted in Die Englische Satire, edited by Wolfgang Weiss, Berlin: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1982.
- Andreasen NJC: Donne’s Devotions and the psychology of assent. Modern Philology, 1965; 62:207-216.
- Andreasen NJC: Swift’s satire on the occult in A Tale of a Tub. Studies in Literature and Language , 1965; 5:410-421.
- Andreasen NJC: Mechanism of lithium carbonate in manic-depressive illness: A review. Diseases of the Nervous System , 1971; 32:335-341. [PMID: 4931497]
- Noyes R, Ringdahl IC, and Andreasen NJC: Effect of lithium citrate on adrenocortical activity in manic-depressive illness. Comprehensive Psychiatry , 1971; 12:337-347. [PMID: 5112605]
- Andreasen NJC, Norris AS, and Hartford CE: Incidence of long-term psychiatric complications in severely burned adults. Annals of Surgery , 1971; 174:785-793. [PMID: 5113460]
- Noyes R, Andreasen NJC, and Hartford CE: Psychological reaction to severe burns. Psychosomatics, 1971; 12:416-422. [PMID: 5172961]
- Andreasen NJC, Noyes R, Hartford CE, Brodland G, and Proctor S: Management of emotional reactions in seriously burned adults. New England Journal of Medicine, 1972; 286:65-69. [PMID: 5006879]
- Andreasen NJC: The role of religion in depression. Journal of Religion and Health, 1972; 11:153-166.
- Andreasen NJC and Norris AS: Long-term adjustment and adaptation mechanisms in severely burned adults. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1972; 154:352-362. [PMID: 4260337]
- Andreasen NJC, Noyes R, and Hartford CE: Factors influencing adjustment of burn patients during hospitalization. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1972; 32:517-525. [PMID: 4644660]
- Andreasen NJC: James Joyce: A portrait of the artist as schizoid. JAMA, 1973; 224:67-77. [PMID: 4570147]
- Andreasen NJC, Tsuang MT, and Canter A: The significance of thought disorder in diagnostic evaluations. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1974; 15:27-34. [PMID: 4809355]
- Andreasen NJC and Canter A: The creative writer: Psychiatric symptoms and family history. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1974; 15:123-131. [PMID: 4822820]
- Brodland GA, Andreasen NJC: Adjustment problems of the family of the burn patient. Social Casework, 1974; pp 13-18.
- Andreasen NJC, Hartford CE, Knott JR, and Canter A: Letter: Cerebral deficits after burn encephalopathy. New England Journal of Medicine, 1974; 290:1487-1488. [PMID: 4831768]
- Andreasen NJC: Neuropsychiatric complications in burn patients. Psychiatry in Medicine, 1974; 5:161-171. [PMID: 9335912]
- Andreasen NJC and Powers PS: Over inclusive thinking in mania and schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1974; 125:452-456. [PMID: 4461137]
- Andreasen NJC: Ariel’s flight: The death of Sylvia Plath. JAMA, 1974; 228:595-599. Reprinted in the Saturday Evening Post, April 1975. [PMID: 4594635]
- Andreasen NJC and Powers PS: Creativity and psychosis: A examination of conceptual style. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1975; 32:70-73. [PMID: 1111477]
- Andreasen NJC and Noyes R: Suicide attempted by self-immolation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1975; 131:554-558. [PMID: 1119621]
- Andreasen NJC and Canter A: Genius and insanity revisited: Psychiatric symptoms and family history in creative writers. In Life History in Psychopathology, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1975, Volume 4, pp. 187-210.
- Andreasen NJC: Clinical research on depression: A review. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1975; 161:63-69.
- Knott JR, Peters JF, Robinson M, and Andreasen NJC: The contingent variation (CNV) in schizophrenic and depressive patients. Electroenceph. Clinical Neurophysiology, 1975; 40.
- Powers PS, Stavens C, Andreasen NJ: The ontogenesis of intelligence: Evaluating the Piaget theory. Compr Psychiatry 1975; 16(2):149-54 [PMID: 1120415]
- Andreasen NJC, Peters JR, and Knott JR: CNVs in hyperactive children: Effects of chemotherapy. In The Responsive Brain. Bristol, England: Wright, 1976.
- Andreasen NJC and Powers PS: Psychosis, thought disorder, and regression. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1976; 133:522-526.
- Andreasen NJC: Benjamin Franklin: Physicus et medicus. JAMA, 1976; 236:57-62. [PMID: 778412]
- Andreasen NJC and Pfohl B: Linguistic analysis of speech in affective disorders. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1976; 33:1361-1367. [PMID: 985047]
- Andreasen NJC: The artist as scientist: Psychiatric diagnosis in Shakespeare’s Tragedies. JAMA, 1976; 235:1868-1872. [PMID: 768538]
- Andreasen NJC: Do depressed patients show thought disorder? Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1976; 163:192-196. [PMID: 956802]
- Andreasen NJC: Deciding who must see a psychiatrist. In Counseling in Marital and Sexual Disorders. Eds. R. Stahmann and W. Hiebert. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1977.
- Spitzer RL, Endicott J, Woodruff RA, and Andreasen NC: Classification and clinical evaluation of mood disorders. In Depression: Clinical, Biological, and Psychological Perspectives. edited by G. Usdin. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1977.
- Andreasen NC, Hartford CE, Knott J, and Canter A: EEG changes associated with burn delirium. Diseases of the Nervous System, 1977; 38:27-31. [PMID: 832567]
- Andreasen NC and Bardach J: Dysmorphobia: Symptom or Disease? American Journal of Psychiatry, 1977;134:673-676. [PMID: 869032]
- Andreasen NC: The reliability and validity of proverb interpretation to assess mental status. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1977; 18:465-472. [PMID: 891169]
- Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, and Winokur G: The family history method using diagnostic criteria: Reliability and validity. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1977; 34:1229-1235. [PMID: 911222]
- Andreasen NC: Mood disorders and creativity. In CIBA Geigy Series on Creative Psychiatry, edited by F.F. Flach, 1977.
- Spitzer RL, Andreasen NC, Endicott J, and Woodruff RA: Proposed classification of schizophrenia in DSM-III. In The Nature of Schizophrenia: New Approaches to Research and Treatment, edited by L.C. Wynne, R.L. Cromwell, and S. Matthysse. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1978.
- Spitzer RL, Andreasen NC, Endicott J, and Woodruff RA: The classification of schizophrenia. Schizophrenic Bulletin, 1978; 4:489-509.
- Pfohl B and Andreasen NC: The development of classification systems in psychiatry. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1978; 19:197-207.
- Andreasen NC: Affective disorders. In Current Therapy, edited by H.F. Conn. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1978.
- Andreasen NC: Creativity and psychiatric illness. Psychiatric Annals, 1978; 8:23-45.
- Spitzer RL, Andreasen NC, and Endicott J: Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders in DSM-III. Comprehensive Psychiatry , 1978; 19(3):197-207. [PMID: 734363]
- Andreasen NC and Winokur G: Newer experimental methods for classifying depression: A report from the NIMH Collaborative Pilot Study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1979; 36:447-452. [PMID: 426612]
- Andreasen NC and Spitzer RL: Classification of psychiatric disorders. In Handbook of Biological Psychiatry, edited by H.M. van Praag, M.H. Lader, O.J. Rafaelsen, and E.J. Sachar. New York and Basel: Marcel Dekker, 1979.
- Andreasen NC and Winokur G: Secondary depression: Familial, clinical, and research perspectives. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1979; 136:62-66. [PMID: 758830]
- Andreasen NC: Thought, language, and communication disorders: I. Clinical assessment, definition of terms, and evaluation of their reliability. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1979; 36:1315-1321. [PMID: 496551]
- Andreasen NC: Thought, language, and communication disorders: II. Diagnostic significance. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1979; 36:1325-1330. [PMID: 496552]
- Andreasen NC: Affective flattening and the criteria for schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1979; 136:944-946. [PMID: 453357]
- Andreasen NC and Grove WM: The Relationship between schizophrenic language, manic language, and aphasia. In Hemisphere Asymmetries of Function and Psychopathology, edited by P. Flor-Henry and J. Gruzelier. New York and Amsterdam: Elsevier-North Holland, 1979.
- Andreasen NC: DSM-III: Basic philosophy and approach. In Psychiatry: Current Principles and Practices, edited by M.M. Pearson. New York: Physician Programs, Inc., 1979.
- Andreasen NC: DSM-III: What’s in it? In Psychiatry: Current Principles and Practices, edited by M.M. Pearson. New York: Physician Programs, Inc., 1979.
- Andreasen NC: The concept of psychosis in DSM-III. In Psychiatry: Current Principles and Practices, edited by M.M. Pearson. New York: Physician Programs, Inc., 1979.
- Andreasen NC: The concept of affective disorders in DSM-III. In Psychiatry: Current Principles and Practices, edited by M.M. Pearson. New York: Physician Programs, Inc., 1979.
- Andreasen NC: Depression and creativity. Current Concepts in Depression, 1979; pp. 9-15.
- Andreasen NC: Progress of psychiatric diagnosis (letter). Archives of General Psychiatry. 1979; 36(12):1383. [PMID: 496557]
- Grove WM, Andreasen NC, and Halmi K. Statistical salvation. Biological Psychiatry, 1979; 14:561-562. [PMID: 486613]
- Andreasen NC: Post-traumatic disorder. In Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, edited by Freedman, Kaplan, and Sadock. 3rd edition. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. 1980; Volume II, pp. 1517-1525.
- Andreasen NC and Hurtig R: Psycholinguistics. In Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, edited by Freedman, Kaplan, and Sadock. 3rd edition. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. 1980; Volume I, 458-468.
- Andreasen NC and Wasek P: Adjustment disorders in adolescents and adults. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1980; 37:1166-1170. [PMID: 7425801]
- Andreasen NC, Grove WM, and Maurer R: Cluster analysis and the classification of depression. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1980; 137:256-265. [PMID: 7437660]
- Andreasen NC: DSM-III: Organic mental disorders and substance use disorders. In Psychiatry: Current Principles and Practices, edited by M.M. Pearson. New York: Physician Programs, Inc., 1980.
- Andreasen NC: Anxiety and other related disorders. In Psychiatry: Current Principles and Practices, edited by M.M. Pearson. New York: Physician Programs, Inc., 1980.
- Andreasen NC: DSM-III: Personality and psychosexual disorders. In Psychiatry: Current Principles and Practices, edited by M.M. Pearson. New York: Physician Programs, Inc., 1980.
- Andreasen NC: DSM-III: Childhood and adjustment disorders. In Psychiatry: Current Principles and Practices, edited by M.M. Pearson. New York: Physician Programs, Inc., 1980.
- Andreasen NC: Are books and readers facing extinction? American Journal of Psychiatry, 1980; 137:1079-1080. [PMID: 7425159]
- Andreasen NC: Biological, psychological, and behavioral aspects of anxiety: A holistic approach. Greenwich, Connecticut: CPC Communications, Inc., 1980.
- Andreasen NC and Grove WM: Cluster analysis and the subtyping of affective disorders. Psychopharmacological Bulletin, 1980; 16:36-38.[PMID: 7454930]
- Reich T, Rice J, Andreasen NC, and Clayton P: A preliminary analysis of the segregation distribution of primary major depressive disorder. Psychopharmacological Bulletin, 1980; 16:34-36. [PMID: 7454929]
- Andreasen NC: Suffering and art: A defense of sanity. In The Healing Arts, edited by J. Trautman. Springfield, Illinois: University of Southern Illinois Press, 1981.
- Andreasen NC: Mania and creativity. In Mania: An Evolving Concept, edited by R.H. Belmaker and H.M. van Praag. New York: SP Medical and Scientific Books, 1981.
- Andreasen NC: Sexual problems and affective disorders. Human Sexuality, 1981; 15(5):134-143.
- Andreasen NC, Alpert M, and Martz J: Acoustic analysis: An objective measure of affective flattening. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1981; 38:281-285. [PMID: 7212958]
- Coryell W, Winokur G, and Andreasen NC: The effect of case definition on affective disorder rates. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1981; 138:1106-1109. [PMID: 7258392]
- Andreasen NC, Grove WM, Shapiro RW, Keller MB, Hirschfeld RMA, and McDonald-Scott P. Reliability of lifetime diagnosis: A multi-center collaborative perspective. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1981; 38:400-405. [PMID: 7212970]
- Grove WM, Andreasen NC, McDonald-Scott P, Keller MB, and Shapiro RW. Reliability studies of psychiatric diagnosis: Theory and practice. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1981; 38:408-413. [PMID: 7212971]
- Andreasen NC: Anxiety disorders: A holistic approach. In Psychiatry: Clinical Update. Kalamazoo, Michigan: The Upjohn Company, 1981.
- Keller MB, Lavori PW, Andreasen NC, Grove WM: Test re-test reliability of assessing psychiatrically ill patients in a multi-center design. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1981; 16:213-227. [PMID: 7348277]
- Keller MB, Lavori PW, McDonald-Scott P, Scheftner WA, Andreasen NC, Shapiro RW, and Croughan J: Reliability of lifetime diagnoses and symptoms in patients with a current psychiatric disorder. The Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1981; 16:229-240. [PMID: 7348278]
- Andreasen NC: Woman displays manic symptoms after separation from lover. Hospital & Community Psychiatry, 1981; 32(8):533-4. [PMID: 7250912]
- Andreasen NC: “Burned” and “Harassed,” in DSM-III Case Book, edited by R.L. Spitzer, A.E. Skodol, M. Gibbon, and J.B.W. Williams. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 1981.
- Andreasen NC, McDonald-Scott P, Grove WM, Keller MB, Shapiro RW, and Hirschfeld RMA: Assessment of reliability in multi-center collaborative research using a videotape approach. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1982; 139:876-882. [PMID: 7091404]
- Andreasen NC: Affective disorders: Concepts, diagnosis, and classification. In Handbook of Affective Disorders, edited by E.S. Paykel. London: Churchill-Livingstone, New York: The Guilford Press, 1982, pp. 24-44.
- Andreasen NC and Hoenk P: The predictive value of adjustment disorders: A followup study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1982; 139:584-589. [PMID: 7072842]
- Andreasen NC, Olsen SA, Dennert JW, and Smith MR: Ventricular enlargement in schizophrenia: Relationship to positive and negative symptoms. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1982; 139:297-302. [PMID: 7058942]
- Andreasen NC, Dennert JW, Olsen SA, and Damasio AR: Hemispheric asymmetries and schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1982; 139:427-430. [PMID: 7065287]
- Andreasen NC, Smith MR, Jacoby CG, Dennert JW, and Olsen SA: Ventricular enlargement in schizophrenia: Definition and prevalence. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1982; 139:292-296. [PMID: 7058941]
- Andreasen NC, and Grove WM: The classification of depression: Traditional versus mathematical approaches. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1982; 139:45-52. [PMID: 7055276]
- Grove WM and Andreasen NC: Simultaneous tests of many hypotheses in exploratory research. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1982; 170:3-8. [PMID: 7054383]
- Andreasen NC: Should the term “thought disorder” be revised? Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1982; 28:291-299. [PMID: 7116825]
- Andreasen NC: Negative symptoms in schizophrenia: Definition and reliability. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1982; 39:784-788. [PMID: 7165477]
- Andreasen NC: Negative versus positive schizophrenia: Definition and validation. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1982; 39:789-794.[PMID: 7165478]
- Andreasen NC: There may be a “schizophrenic language”. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1982; 5:588-589.
- Andreasen NC, and Olsen SA: The classification of schizophrenia. In Advances in Neuropsychopharmacology, edited by G.D. Burrows. London: John Libby and Company, Ltd., pp. 175-182, 1982.
- Dennert JW and Andreasen NC: CT scanning and schizophrenia: A review. Psychiatric Developments, 1982; 1:105-122. [PMID: 6371794]
- Andreasen NC: The clinical differentiation of affective and schizophrenic disorders. In Affective and Schizophrenic Disorders, edited by Michael R. Zales. New York: Brunner/Mazel Publishers, 1983.
- Andreasen NC: Diagnosis of depression in the elderly. In Physicians’ Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression in the Elderly, edited by Thomas Crook and Gene D. Cohen. New Canaan, CT: Mark Powley Associates, Inc., 1983.
- Keller MB, Lavori PW, McDonald-Scott P, Endicott J, and Andreasen NC: The reliability of retrospective treatment reports. Psychiatry Research, 1983; 9:81-88. [PMID: 6577484]
- Andreasen NC and Akiskal HS: The specificity of Bleulerian and Schneiderian symptoms: A critical reevaluation. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 1983; 6:41-54. [PMID: 6889175]
- Andreasen NC: The subtyping of schizophrenia. Directions in Psychiatry, 1983; 3:3-7.
- Andreasen NC: The Amish: a naturalistic laboratory for epidemiologic and genetic research (editorial). American Journal of Psychiatry, 1983; 140(1):75-6. [PMID: 6847990]
- Coffman JA and Andreasen NC: Commentary: Imaging of the brain aids search or correlates of mental illness. Integrative Psychiatry, 1983; 1:138-140.
- Andreasen NC and Miller FT: Nosology, phenomenology, and diagnosis. In Core Readings in Psychiatry, edited by M.H. Sacks, P. Rubinton, and W.H. Sledge. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1983, pp. 75-85.
- Andreasen NC: The Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS). Iowa City, Iowa: The University of Iowa, 1984.
- Andreasen NC: The Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS). Iowa City, Iowa: The University of Iowa, 1984.
- Andreasen NC: The clinical significance of thought disorder. Hibbs Award Lecture, American Psychiatric Association, May 1984.
- Andreasen NC: Post-traumatic stress disorder. In Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry IV, edited by Freedman, Kaplan, and Sadock. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, Volume 1, 1984, pp. 918-924.
- Coffman JA, Andreasen NC and Nasrallah HA: Left hemispheric density deficits in chronic schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 1984; 19:1237-1247. [PMID: 6498245]
- Coryell W, Endicott J, Reich T, Andreasen NC, and Keller M: A family study of bipolar II disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1984; 145:49-54. [PMID: 6743943]
- Rice J, Reich T, Andreasen NC, Lavori PW, Endicott J, Hirschfeld RMA, and Klerman GL: Sex-related differences in depression: Familial evidence. Journal of Affective Disorders, 1984; 71:99-210. [PMID: 6241204]
- Hirschfeld RM, Klerman GL, Clayton PJ, Keller MB, and Andreasen NC: Personality and gender-related differences in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 1984; 7(3-4):211-21. [PMID: 6241205]
- Endicott J, Nee J, Andreasen NC, Clayton P, Keller MB, and Coryell W: Bipolar II: Combine or keep separate? Journal of Affective Disorders, 1984; 8:17-25.. [PMID: 3156908]
- Andreasen NC, Reich T, Scheftner W, Hirschfeld RMA, and Coryell W: Endogenous versus nonendogenous depression: Validation through family studies. In Proceedings of the VIII World Congress of Psychiatry, edited by R.H. Andrews. New York: Raven Press, 1984, p. S382.
- Andreasen NC: Positive versus negative schizophrenia: Criteria and validation. In Psychiatry, edited by P. Pichot, P. Berner, R. Wolf, and K. Thau. New York: Plenum Publishing Corporation, Vol. 1,1985, pp. 449-454.
- Andreasen NC: Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and History (CASH). Iowa City, Iowa: The University of Iowa, 1985.
- Andreasen NC: Negative syndrome in schizophrenia: Strategies for long-term management. In Chronic Treatments in Neuropsychiatry, edited by E. Costa, G. Racagni, and D. Kemali. New York: Raven Press, 1985, pp. 1-7.
- Grove WM and Andreasen NC: Language and thinking in psychosis: Is there an input abnormality? Archives of General Psychiatry, 1985; 42: 26-32. [PMID: 3966850]
- Coryell W, Endicott J, Andreasen NC, and Keller MB: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and unipolar major depression among the relatives of affectively ill probands. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1985; 142:817-821. [PMID: 4014503]
- Clark DC, Clayton PJ, Andreasen NC, Lewis C, Fawcett J, and Scheftner WA: Intellectual functioning and abstraction ability in major affective disorders. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1985; 26:313-325. [PMID: 4017560]
- Andreasen NC: Structural brain abnormalities in schizophrenia. In New Perspectives in Schizophrenia, edited by M.V. Seeman and M.N. Menuck. New York: Macmillan, 1985, pp. 43-59.
- Andreasen NC, Grove WM, and Hoffman RE: Language abnormalities in schizophrenia. In New Perspectives in Schizophrenia, edited by M.V. Seeman and M.N. Menuck. New York: Macmillan, 1985, pp. 97-120.
- Andreasen NC, Hoffman RE, and Grove WM: Mapping abnormalities in language and cognition. In Controversies in Schizophrenia, edited by M. Alpert. New York: Guilford Press, 1985, pp. 199-226.
- Andreasen NC:. Positive versus negative schizophrenia: A critical evaluation. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1985; 11:380-389. [PMID: 2862761]
- Coryell W, Endicott J, Keller MB, and Andreasen NC: Phenomenology and family history in DSM-III psychotic depression. The Journal of Affective Disorder, 1985; 9:13-18. [PMID: 3160743]
- Klerman GL, Lavori PW, Rice J, Reich T, Endicott J, Andreasen NC, Keller MB, and Hirschfeld RMA: Birth cohort trends in rates of major depressive disorder among relatives of patients with affective disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1985; 42:689-693. [PMID: 4015310]
- Endicott J, Nee J, Andreasen NC, Clayton PJ, Keller MB, and Coryell WH: Bipolar II: Combine or keep separate? Journal of Affective Disorders, 1985; 8:17-28. [PMID: 3156908]
- Lewis CE, Rice J, Andreasen NC, Clayton P, and Endicott J: Alcoholism in antisocial and nonantisocial men with unipolar major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 1985; 9:253-263. [PMID: 2934459]
- Hirschfeld RM, Klerman GL, Andreasen NC, Clayton PJ, and Keller MB: Situational major depressive disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1985; 42:1109-1114. [PMID: 4051687]
- Endicott J, Nee J, Coryell W, Keller MB, Andreasen NC, and Croughan J: Schizoaffective, psychotic, and nonpsychotic depression: Differential familial association. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1986; 27:1-13. [PMID: 3948499]
- Young MA, Scheftner W, Klerman GL, Andreasen NC, and Hirschfeld RM: The endogenous sub-type of depression: a study of its internal construct validity. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1986; 148:257-67. [PMID: 3459565]
- Andreasen NC: The psychopathology and classification of schizophrenia. In Schizophrenia: An Integrative View. Milan: Associazione Richerche sulla Schizophrenia, and London: John Libbey, Ltd., 1986, pp. 87-103.
- Andreasen NC, Rice J, Endicott J, Reich T, and Coryell WH: The family history approach to diagnosis: How useful is it? Archives of General Psychiatry, 1986; 43:421-429. [PMID: 3964020]
- Andreasen NC, Scheftner W, Reich T., Hirschfeld RMA, and Endicott J: The validation of the concept of endogenous depression: A family study approach. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1986; 43:246-251. [PMID: 3954544]
- Andreasen NC, Nasrallah HA, Dunn V, Olson SC, Grove WM, Ehrhardt JC, Coffman JA, and Crossett JHW: Structural abnormalities in the frontal system in schizophrenia: A magnetic resonance imaging study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1986; 43:136-144. [PMID: 3947208]
- Nasrallah HA, Andreasen NC, Coffman JA, Olson SC, Dunn V, Ehrhardt JC, and Chapman SM: A controlled magnetic resonance study of corpus callosum thickness in schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 1986; 21:274-282. [PMID: 3947709]
- Pfohl B, and Andreasen NC: Schizophrenia: Diagnosis and Classification. In APA Annual Review, Volume 5, edited by A.J. Frances and R.E. Hales. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1986, pp. 7-24.
- Andreasen NC: Cerebral localization: Its relevance to psychiatry. In Can Schizophrenia Be Localized in the Brain?, edited by Andreasen NC. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1986, pp. 3-16.
- Grove WM and Andreasen NC: Multivariate statistical analysis in psychotherapy. In Contemporary Issues in Psychopathology, edited by T. Millon and Klerman GL. New York: Guilford Press, 1986, pp. 347-362.
- Hoffman RE, Stopek S, and Andreasen NC: A comparative study of manic vs schizophrenic speech disorganization. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1986; 43:831-838. [PMID: 3753163]
- Andreasen NC and Grove WM: Evaluation of positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Psychiatrie et Psychobiologie (Paris), 1986; 1:108-121.
- Andreasen NC: Thought disorder. In Medical Basis of Psychiatry, edited by G. Winokur and Clayton P. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1986, pp. 414-422.
- Rumsey JM, Andreasen NC, and Rapoport JL: Thought, language, and communication and affective flattening in autistic adults. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1986; 43:771-777. [PMID: 3729672]
- Andreasen NC: Scale for the assessment of thought, language, and communication (TLC). Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1986; 12(3):473-82. [PMID: 3764363]
- Andreasen NC, and Grove WM: Thought, language, and communication in schizophrenia: Diagnosis and prognosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1986; 12:348-359. [PMID: 3764356]
- Lewis CE, Rice J, Andreasen NC, Endicott J, and Hartman A: Clinical and familial correlates of alcoholism in men with unipolar depression. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 1986; 10:657-662. [PMID: 3544919]
- Andreasen NC: Atlas of brain imaging: CT scanning. In Masters of Psychiatry. Greenwich, Connecticut: CPC Communications, 1986.
- Keller MB, Lavori PW, Coryell WH, Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Clayton PJ, Klerman GL, and Hirschfeld RMA: Differential outcome of pure manic, mixed/cycling, and pure depressive episodes in patients with bipolar illness. JAMA, 1986; 255:3138-3142. [PMID: 3702024]
- Andreasen NC: Clinical symptomatology of schizophrenia: Assessment in pharmacological studies. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 1986; 9:40-43.
- Rice J, Reich T, Andreasen NC, Coryell WH, and Endicott J: Validity of the bipolar/unipolar dichotomy: Familial evidence. In Biological Psychiatry, edited by C. Shagass, R.C. Josiassen, W.H. Bridger, K.J. Weiss, D. Stoff, and G.M. Simpson. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., 1986, pp. 850-852.
- Grove WM, Clayton P, Endicott J, Hirschfeld RMA, Andreasen NC, and Klerman GL: Immigration and major affective disorder. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1986; 74:548-552. [PMID: 3825578]
- Keller MB, Lavori PW, Klerman GL, Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Corywell W, Fawcett J, Rice JP, and Hirschfeld RM: Low levels and lack of predictors of somatotherapy and psychotherapy received by depressed patients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1986; 43(5):458-66. [PMID: 3083800]
- Hirschfeld RM, Klerman GL, Andreasen NC, Clayton PJ, and Keller MB: Psycho-social predictors of chronicity in depressed patients. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1986; 148:648-54. [PMID: 3779243]
- Hoffman RE, Stopek S, and Andreasen NC: A comparative study of manic vs schizophrenic speech disorganization. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1986; 43(9):831-838. [PMID: 3753163]
- Grove WM, Andreasen NC, Winokur G, Clayton P, Endicott J, and Coryell WH: Primary and secondary affective disorders: Unipolar patients compared on familial aggregation. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1987; 28:113-126. [PMID: 3829654]
- Lewis CE, Rice J, Andreasen NC, and Endicott J: The antisocial and the nonantisocial male alcoholic. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 1987; Supplement 1, 379-383. [PMID: 3426704]
- Andreasen NC, Rice J, Endicott J, Coryell WH, Grove WM, and Reich T: Familial rates of affective disorder: A report from the National Institute of Mental Health Collaborative Study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1987; 44:461-469. [PMID: 3579497}
- Coryell WH, Andreasen NC, Endicott J, and Keller MB: The significance of past mania or hypomania in the course and outcome of major depression. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1987; 144:309-315. [PMID: 3826429]
- Lewis CE, Rice J, Andreasen NC, Endicott J, and Rochberg N: The antisocial and the nonantisocial alcoholic: Clinical distinctions in men with major unipolar depression. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 1987; 11:176-182. [PMID: 3296837]
- Rice J, Reich T, Andreasen NC, Endicott J, Van Eerdewegh M, Fishman R, Hirschfeld RMA, and Klerman GL: The familial transmission of bipolar illness. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1987; 44:441-447. [PMID: 3579495]
- Andreasen NC: The diagnosis of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1987; 13:9-22. [PMID: 3496659]
- Andreasen NC: Schizophrenia: Diagnosis and assessment. In Psychopharmacology, the Third Generation of Progress: The Emergence of Molecular Biology and Biological Psychiatry, edited by Herbert Y. Meltzer. New York: Raven Press, 1987, pp. 1087-1094.
- Grove WM, Andreasen NC, Endicott J, D. Young, Keller MB, Hirschfeld RMA, and Reich T: Isolation and characterization of a nuclear depressive type. Psychological Medicine, 1987; 17:471-484. [PMID: 3602239]
- Andreasen NC: Creativity and mental illness: Prevalence rate in writers and their first-degree relatives. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1987; 144:1288-1292. [PMID: 3499088]
- Andreasen NC: Negative and positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Excerpta Medica: Problemi di Psichiatria Clinica, July 1987.
- Andreasen NC: Measurement of genetic aspects of depression. In The Measurement of Depression: Clinical, Biological, Psychological, and Psychosocial Perspectives, edited by A.J. Marsella, Hirschfeld RMA, and Martin M. Katz. New York: Guilford Press, 1987, pp. 87-108.
- Swayze VW and Andreasen NC: Brain imaging: Applications in psychiatry. Behavioral Science and the Law, 1987; 5:223-238.
- Andreasen NC: Affective flattening: Evaluation and diagnostic significance. In Anhedonia and Affect Deficit States, edited by D. Clark and J. Fawcett. New York: PMA Publishing Corporation, 1987.
- Grove WM and Andreasen NC: Primary and secondary affective disorders: II. Unipolar patients compared on familial aggregation. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1987; 28:113-126. [PMID: 3829654]
- Grove WM, Andreasen NC, Clayton PJ, Winokur G, and Coryell WH: Primary and secondary affective disorders: Baseline characteristics of unipolar patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 1987; 12:249-257. [PMID: 2960717]
- Andreasen NC, Nasrallah HA, Ehrhardt JC, Grove WM, S.C. Olson, J.A. Coffman, and J.H.W. Crossett: Magnetic resonance imaging: Applications in psychiatry. In Etiopathogenic Hypotheses of Schizophrenia, edited by E. Sacchetti. Lancaster, England: MTP Press, Ltd., 1987, pp. 117-122.
- Keller MB, Lavori PW, McDonald-Scott P, and Andreasen NC: The LIFE: A videotape study on the reliability of obtaining prospective longitudinal followup data. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1987; 44:540-548.
- Yates WR, Jacoby CG, and Andreasen NC: Cerebellar atrophy in schizophrenia and affective disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1987; 144(4):465-7. [PMID: 3565615]
- Andreasen NC: Clinical symptomatology of schizophrenia: Assessment in pharmacological studies. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 1987.
- Andreasen NC: The concept of negative symptoms: Definition, specificity, and significance. Psychiatrie et Psychobiologie, 1987; 11:240-251.
- Andreasen NC: Brain imaging: Applications in psychiatry. Science, 1988; 239:1381-1388.
- Black DW, Yates RW, and Andreasen NC: Schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, and delusional (paranoid) disorders. In American Psychiatric Press Textbook of Psychiatry, edited by J.A. Talbott, S.C. Yudofsky, and R.E. Hales. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1988, pp. 357-402.
- Coryell WH, Endicott J, Andreasen NC, Keller MB, Clayton PJ, Hirschfeld RMA, Scheftner WA, and Winokur G: Depression and panic attacks: The significance of overlap as reflected in follow-up and family study data. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1988; 145:292-300. [PMID: 3344844]
- Andreasen NC: Evaluation of brain imaging techniques in mental illness. Annual Review of Medicine, 1988; 39:335-345. [PMID: 3285780]
- Andreasen NC, Grove WM, Endicott J, Coryell WH, Scheftner WA, Hirschfeld RMA, and Keller MB: The phenomenology of depression. Psychiatrie et Psychobiologie, 1988; 3:1-10.
- Andreasen NC: Mood disorders and creativity. In The Creative Mind edited by F.F. Flach. Buffalo, New York: Bearly Limited, 1988; pp. 294-314.
- Andreasen NC and Glick ID: Bipolar affective disorder and creativity: Implications and clinical management. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1988; 29:207-217. [PMID: 3288437]
- Andreasen NC and Grove WM: Bipolar versus unipolar and primary versus secondary: Which diagnosis takes precedence? Journal of Affective Disorders, 1988; 15:69-80. [PMID: 2970495]
- Andreasen NC: The subtyping of schizophrenia. In The Schizophrenias, edited by F.F. Flach. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1988, pp. 30-40.
- Andreasen NC: Schizophrenia. Current Concepts. Kalamazoo, Michigan: The Upjohn Company, 1988.
- Andreasen NC: Evaluation of brain imaging techniques in mental illness. Ann Rev Med, 1988; 39:335-345. [PMID: 3285780]
- Swayze VW, Yates WR, Andreasen NC, and Alliger RJ: CT abnormalities and tardive dyskinesia. Psychiatry Research, 1988; 26:51-58. [PMID: 3237906]
- Andreasen NC, Carson R, Diksic M, Evans AC, Farde L, Gjedde A, Hakim A, Lal S, Nair NP, Sedvall G, Tune L, and Wong DF: Workshop on schizophrenia, PET, and dopamine D2 receptors in the human neostriatum. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1988; 14:471-484. [PMID: 2975043]
- Andreasen NC, Shore D, Burke JD Jr, Grove WM, Lieberman JA, Oltmanns TF, Pettegrew J, Pulver AE, Siever LJ, Tsuang MT, and Wyatt RJ: Clinical phenomenology. Schizophrenia Bulletin , 1988; 14:345-363. [PMID: 2905523]
- Klerman GL, Hirschfeld RMA, Keller MB, Coryell W, and Andreasen NC:. Major depression and related affective disorders. In DSM-III: An Interim Appraisal, edited by R.L. Spitzer and J.B. Williams. New York: Guilford Press, 1988.
- Andreasen NC: Schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorders. In DSM-III: An Interim Appraisal, edited by R.L. Spitzer and J.B. Williams. New York: Guilford Press, 1988.
- Andreasen NC, Ehrhardt JC, Yuh W, Swayze VW, Ziebell S, and Cohen G: Magnetic resonance imaging in schizophrenia: An update. In Schizophrenia: Scientific Progress, edited by S.C. Schulz and C.A. Tamminga. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989, pp. 207-215.
- Grove WM and Andreasen NC: Quantitative and qualitative distinctions between psychiatric disorders. In Validity of Psychiatric Diagnosis, edited by Lee Robins and James E. Barrett. New York: Raven Press, 1989, pp. 127-141.
- Rice J, Andreasen NC, Coryell WH, Endicott J, Fawcett J, Hirschfeld RMA, Keller MB, Klerman GL, Lavori P, Reich T, and Scheftner WA: NIMH Collaborative Program on the Psychobiology of Depression: Clinical. Genetic Epidemiology, 1989; 6:179-182. [PMID: 2731705]
- Coryell WH, Keller M, Endicott J, Andreasen NC, Clayton P, and Hirschfeld RMA: Bipolar II illness: Course and outcome over a five-year period. Psychological Medicine, 1989; 19:129-141. [PMID: 2727202]
- Andreasen NC, Ehrhardt JC, Swayze VW, Cohen G, and Yuh WTC: Magnetic resonance imaging in psychiatry. In Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Principles and Applications of NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging to Biomedical Research, edited by J. Pettegrew. New York: Springer Verlag, 1989.
- Andreasen NC: Some reflections on the concept of endogenous depression. In Contemporary Themes in Psychiatry: A Tribute to Sir Martin Roth. London:The Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1989.
- Andreasen NC: The Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS): Conceptual and theoretical foundations. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1989; 155 (suppl 7):49-52. [PMID: 2695141]
- Andreasen NC: Neural mechanisms of negative symptoms. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1989; 155 (suppl. 7):93-98. [PMID: 2695142]
- Coryell WH, Endicott J, Keller MB, Andreasen NC, Grove WM, Hirschfeld RMA, and W. Scheftner: Bipolar affective disorder and high achievement: A familial association. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1989; 146:983-988. [PMID: 2750997]
- Andreasen NC: The American concept of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1989; 15:519-531. [PMID: 2696083]
- Andreasen NC Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging. In: Andreasen NC (editor): Brain Imaging: Applications in Psychiatry. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1989, pp 67-121.
- Andreasen NC, Ehrhardt JC, Swayze VW, R. Alliger, Yuh WTC, Cohen G, and S. Ziebell: Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in schizophrenia: The pathophysiological significance of structural abnormalities. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1990; 47:35-44. [PMID: 2294854]
- Pahl JJ, Swayze VW, and Andreasen NC: Diagnostic advances in anatomical and functional brain imaging in schizophrenia. In Recent Advances in Schizophrenia, edited by A. Kales, C.N. Stefanis, and J.A. Talbott. New York and Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1990.
- Andreasen NC: Positive and negative symptoms: Historical and conceptual aspects. In Ban, T.A., Freedman, A.M., Gottfries, C.G., Levy, R., Pichot, P., Pöldinger, W. (Serial editors): Modern Problems of Pharmacopsychiatry. Positive and Negative Symptoms and Syndromes, edited by Andreasen NC. Basel, Switzerland: Karger, 1990.
- Andreasen NC: Methods for assessing positive and negative symptoms. In Ban, T.A., Freedman, A.M., Gottfries, C.G., Levy, R., Pichot, P., Pöldinger, W. (Serial editors): Modern Problems of Pharmacopsychiatry. Positive and Negative Symptoms and Syndromes, edited by Andreasen NC. Basel, Switzerland: Karger, 1990.
- Andreasen NC, Flaum M, Swayze VW, and Tyrrell G: Positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia: A critical reappraisal. Archives of General Psychiatry , 1990; 47:615-621. [PMID: 2360855]
- Yates WR, Swayze VW, Andreasen NC: Neuropsychological effect of global and focal cerebral atrophy in schizophrenia. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology, 1990; 3:98-106.
- Crowe RR, Black DW, Andreasen NC, and Huether M: The Iowa multiplex family study of schizophrenia: Linkage analyses on chromosome 5. European Archives of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 1990; 239:290-292. [PMID: 2140777]
- Andreasen NC, Swayze VW, Flaum M, Yates WR, Arndt S, and McChesney C: Ventricular enlargement in schizophrenia evaluated with computed tomographic scanning: Effects of Gender, Age, and Stage of Illness. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1990; 47:1008-1015. [PMID: 2241503]
- Andreasen NC, Flaum M: Schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders Hosp Commun Psychiatry, 1990; 41:954-956. [PMID: 2210704]
- Swayze VW, Andreasen NC, Ehrhardt JC, Yuh WTC, Alliger R, Cohen G: Developmental abnormalities of the corpus callosum in schizophrenia. Archives of Neurology, 1990; 47:805-808. [PMID: 2537163]
- Swayze VW, Andreasen NC, Alliger RJ, Ehrhardt JC, Yuh WTC: Structural brain abnormalities in bipolar affective disorder: Ventricular enlargement and focal signal hyperintensities. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1990; 47:1054-1059. [PMID: 2241506]
- Andreasen NC, Swayze VW, Flaum M, Alliger R, and Cohen G: Ventricular abnormalities in affective disorder: Clinical and demographic correlates. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1990; 147:893-900. [PMID: 2356874]
- Pahl JJ, Andreasen NC, and O’Leary DS: The study of schizophrenia with SPECT in Radiopharmaceuticals and Brain Pathology Studied with PET and SPECT, edited by M. Diksic and R. Reba. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1990
- Flaum M, Arndt S, and Andreasen NC: The role of gender in studies of ventricular enlargement in schizophrenia: A predominantly male effect. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1990; 147:1327-1332. [PMID: 2400001]
- Andreasen NC, Ehrhardt JC, Swayze VW II, Yuh WTC, Blakley N, and Ziebell S: Structural and developmental abnormalities in schizophrenia assessed with MRI in Plasticity and Morphology of the Central Nervous System, edited by C. L. Cazzullo, E. Sacchetti, G. Conte, G. Invernizzi and A. Vita, 1990.
- Flaum M and Andreasen NC: Diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia and related disorders: Options for DSM-IV. Schizophrenia Bulletin , 1990; 17:133-142. [PMID: 2047783]
- Andreasen NC, and Flaum M: Schizophrenia: the characteristic symptoms. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1991; 17(1):27-49. [PMID: 2047788]
- Flaum M, Arndt S, and Andreasen NC: The reliability of “bizarre” delusions. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1991; 32:59-65. [PMID: 2001621]
- Crowe RR, Black DW, Wesner R, Andreasen NC, Cookman A, Roby J: Lack of linkage of chromosome 5q11-q13 markers in six schizophrenia pedigrees. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1991; 48:357-361. [PMID: 2009035]
- Arndt S, Alliger RJ, and Andreasen NC: The distinction of positive and negative symptoms: The failure of a two-dimensional model. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1991; 158:317-322. [PMID: 2036528]
- Andreasen NC: Reply to “Phenomenology or physicalism?” Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1991; 17:187-189.
- Andreasen NC: Management of the treatment-resistant schizophrenic patient. In Treatment Resistance and Prediction of Response in Psychiatry, Innsbruck, 1991.
- Andreasen NC, Cohen G, Swayze VW II: Use of magnetic resonance imaging to understand schizophrenia. Bulletin of Clinical Neurosciences , 1991; 55:131-136.
- Arndt S, Cohen G, Alliger RJ, Swayze VW II, Andreasen NC: Problems with ratio and proportion measures of imaged cerebral structures. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 1991; 40:79-89. [PMID: 1946842]
- Andreasen NC: Brain imaging: Applications in psychiatric diagnosis in The 1990 Distinguished Visiting Professorship Lectures, edited by J.E. Hamner, III. The University of Tennessee, Memphis:Memphis, TN, 1991.
- Grove WM, and Andreasen NC: Thought disorder in relation to brain function in Handbook of Schizophrenia, Vol. 5: Neuropsychology, Psychophysiology and Information Processing, edited by S.R. Steinhauer, J.H. Gruzelier, and J. Zubin. Elsevier Science Publishers:B.V., 1991.
- Andreasen NC, Ehrhardt JC, Swayze VW, Tyrrell G, Cohen G, and Arndt S: T1 and T2 relaxation times in schizophrenia as measured with magnetic resonance imaging. Schizophrenia Research, 1991; 5:223-232. [PMID: 1760400]
- Andreasen NC, Flaum M, Arndt S, Alliger R, and Swayze VW. Positive and negative symptoms: Assessment and validity. In A. Marneros, NC Andreasen, M. Tsuang, (editors) Positive versus Negative Schizophrenia , Bonn, Heidelberg:Springer-Verlag, 1991, 28-51.
- Andreasen NC: Assessment issues and the cost of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin , 1991; 17(3)475-481. [PMID: 1947872]
- Mion C, Andreasen NC, Arndt S, Swayze VW, Cohen GA: MRI abnormalities in tardive dyskinesia. Psychiatry Research, 1991; 40:157-166. [PMID: 1685788]
- Marneros A and Andreasen NC Positive and negative symptomatology: The state of affairs, In Positive versus Negative Schizophrenia, A. Marneros, N. C. Andreasen, M. Tsuang, editors, Bonn, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1991, 441-460.
- Cohen G, Andreasen NC, Alliger R, Arndt S, Kuan J, Yuh WTC, Ehrhardt J: Segmentation techniques for the classification of brain tissue using magnetic resonance imaging. Psychiatric Research: Neuroimaging, 1992; 45:33-51. [PMID: 1440077]
- Andreasen NC: Diagnosis, assessment, and neural substrates of schizophrenia. Triangle, 1992; 31:127-132.
- Andreasen NC, Cohen GC, Harris G, Parkkinen J, Rezai K, Swayze VW: Image processing for the study of brain structure and function: problems and programs. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 1992; 4:125-133. [PMID: 1627972]
- Swayze VW II, Andreasen NC, Alliger RJ, Yuh WTC, Ehrhardt JC: Subcortical and temporal structures in affective disorder and schizophrenia: A magnetic resonance imaging study. Biological Psychiatry, 1992; 31:221-240. [PMID: 1547297]
- Andreasen NC, Flaum M, Arndt S, Alliger R, Miller D, O’Leary D: Positive and negative symptoms and syndromes: Assessment and biological correlates. In Schizophrenia and Affective Psychoses. Nosology in Contemporary Psychiatry, F. Ferrero, A.E. Haynal, and N. Sarotrius, editors. John Libbey CIC, NY, 1992.
- Andreasen NC, Flaum M, Arndt S: The Comprehensive Assessment of symptoms and History (CASH): An instrument for assessing psychopathology and diagnosis. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1992; 49:615-623. [PMID: 1637251]
- Arndt S, Tyrrell G, Flaum M, and Andreasen NC: Comorbidity of substance abuse and schizophrenia: the role of pre-morbid adjustment. Psychological Medicine,1992; 22(2):379-88. [PMID: 1615105]
- Marneros A, and Andreasen NC: Positive und Negative Symptomatik der Schizophrenie (German). Nervenarzt, 1992; 63(5):262-70. [PMID: 1603185]
- Andreasen NC: Neuroradiology and neuropsychiatry: a new alliance (comment). American Journal of Neuroradiology, 1992; 13(3):841-3. [PMID: 1590180]
- Flaum M, Andreasen NC, and Arndt S: The Iowa prospective longitudinal study of recent-onset psychoses. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1992; 18(3):481-90. [PMID: 1411335]
- Andreasen NC, K. Rezai, R. Alliger, Swayze VW, Flaum M, P. Kirchner, Cohen G, D.S. O’Leary: Hypofrontality in neuroleptic-naive and chronic schizophenic patients: Assessment with xenon-133 single-photon emission computed tomography and the Tower of London. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1992; 49:943-958. [PMID: 1360199]
- Arndt S, Tyrrell G, Flaum M, Andreasen NC: Comorbidity of substance abuse and schizophrenia: The role of premorbid adjustment. Psychological Medicine, 1992; 22:379-388. [PMID: 1615105]
- Grove WM and Andreasen NC. Concepts, diagnosis and classification. In: Handbook of Affective Disorders by ES Paykel, Guilford Press, New York, pp 25-41.
- Andreasen NC: John Cae Nemiah, M.D.: The Editor, 1978-1993 (editorial). American Journal of Psychiatry, 1993; 150(3):390-392. [PMID: 19952083]
- Andreasen NC: Neural correlates of mental phenomena (editorial). American Journal of Psychiatry, 1993; 150(5):687-8. [PMID: 8480811]
- Andreasen NC: Brave New Brain. National Forum, 1993; 73:26-27.
- Arndt S, Davis CS, Miller D, and Andreasen NC: Effect of antipsychotic withdrawal on extrapyramidal symptoms: Statistical methods for analyzing single-sample repeated-measure data. Neuropsychopharmacology, 1993; 8:67-75. [PMID: 8093835]
- Andreasen NC, Flaum M, Swayze V, O’Leary DS, Alliger R, Cohen G, Ehrhardt J, and Yuh WTC: Intelligence and brain structure in normal individuals. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1993; 150:130-134. [PMID: 8417555]
- Andreasen NC, Arndt S, Cohen G, Alliger R, Swayze VW II: Correction for head size [PMID: letter, comment]. Psychiatry Research, 1993; 50:283.[PMID: 8177926]
- Andreasen NC: Mental illness awareness and self-awareness: advocacy and action [PMID: editorial]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1993; 150:1443-1444. [PMID: 8379545]
- O’Leary DS, Madsen MT, Hurtig R, Kirchner PT, Rezai K, Rogers M, and Andreasen NC: Dual isotope brain SPECT imaging for monitoring cognitive activation: Initial studies in humans. Nuclear Medicine Communications, 1993; 14:397-404. [PMID: 8510881]
- Madsen MT, O’Leary DS, Andreasen NC, Kirchner PT: Dual isotope brain SPECT imaging for monitoring cognitive activation: Physical considerations. Nuclear Medicine Communications, 1993; 14:391-396. [PMID: 8510880]
- Andreasen NC and Swayze V II. Neuroimaging. In Costa e Silva J.A., Nadelson, C.C., (editors) International Review of Psychiatry, Volume 1, . American Psychiatric Press, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1993.
- Andreasen NC, Cizadlo T, Harris G, Swayze V, O’Leary DS, Cohen G, Ehrhardt J, and Yuh WTC: Voxel processing techniques for the antemortem study of neuroanatomy and neuropathology using magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 1993; 5:121-130. [PMID: 8508032]
- Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, and Arndt S: Neuroimaging and clinical neuroscience: Some basic issues and principles. In J. Oldham, M.B. Riba, A. Tasman, (editors) Review of Psychiatry, Volume 12 Neuroimaging and Clinical Neurosciences, American Psychiatric Press, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1993.
- Wang ZW, Black D, Andreasen NC, and Crowe R: A linkage study of chromosome 11q in schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1993; 50:212-216. [PMID: 8439242]
- Wang ZW, Black D, Andreasen NC, and Crowe RR: Pseudoautosomal locus for schizophrenia excluded in 12 pedigrees. Archives of Genera Psychiatry, 1993; 50:199-204.[PMID: 8439240]
- Andreasen NC and Carpenter WT: Diagnosis and Classification of Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1993; 19(2):199-214. [PMID: 8322032]
- Rezai K, Andreasen NC, Alliger R, Cohen G, Swayze VW II, and O’Leary DS: The neuropsychology of the prefrontal cortex. Archives of Neurology, 1993; 50:636-642. [PMID: 8503801]
- Miller DD, Arndt S, and Andreasen NC: Alogia, attentional impairment, and inappropriate affect: Their status in the dimensions of schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1993; 34(4):221-226. [PMID: 8348799]
- Andreasen NC, Harris G, Cizadlo T, Arndt S, O’Leary DS, Swayze VW, and Flaum M: Techniques for measuring sulcal/gyral patterns in the brain as visualized through MR scanning: BRAINPLOT and BRAINMAP. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 1994; 90:93-97.[PMID: 8278413]
- Andreasen NC: Thought disorder. In Medical Basis of Psychiatry , 2nd edition, edited by Winokur G. and Clayton P.. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1994, pp. 393-401.
- Andreasen NC, Swayze VW II, Flaum M, O’Leary DS, Alliger R, Cohen G: The neural mechanisms of mental phenomena. In Andreasen NC (editor) Schizophrenia: From Mind to Molecule. Washington, D.C.:American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1994.
- Miller DD, Flaum M, Arndt S, Fleming F, Andreasen NC: Effect of antipsychotic withdrawal on negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology, 1994; 11:11-20.[PMID: 7945739]
- Andreasen NC: Creativity, cognitive style, and mood disorder: How are they related to one another? Nervure, 1994.
- Andreasen NC, Rice J, Endicott J, Reich T, and Coryell W: The family history approach to diagnosis. In J. E. Mezzich, M.R. Jorge, and I.M. Salloum (editors). Psychiatric Epidemiology: Assessment Concepts and Methods, 1994, pp. 349-367.
- Andreasen NC: The mechanisms of schizophrenia. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 1994; 4:245-251. [PMID: 8038584]
- Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P, Schultz S, Miller D, Gupta S, Swayze V, and Flaum M: Positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia: Past, present, and future. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1994; (suppl) 51-59. [PMID: 7879644]
- Andreasen NC: American Journal of Psychiatry celebrates 150th anniversary [editorial]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1994; 151:1-4. [PMID: 8192183]
- Andreasen NC: Daniel X. Freedman, M.D. 1921-1993. A memoriam to a scientist in the service of the ill. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1994; 151:799-801. [PMID: 8184988]
- Hurtig RR, Hichwa RD, O’Leary DS, Ponto LLB, Narayana S, Watkins L and Andreasen NC: Effects of timing and duration of cognitive activation in 150 water PET studies. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 1994; 14:423-430. [PMID: 8163584]
- Cizadlo T., Andreasen NC, Zeien G, Rajarethinam R, Harris G, O’Leary DS, Swayze VW, Arndt S, Hichwa R, Ehrhardt J, and Yuh WTC: Image registration issues in the analysis of multiple-injection 150H20 PET studies: BRAINFIT. Proceedings from SPIE–The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1994; 2168:234-245.
- Andreasen NC and Flaum M: The Concept of Schizophrenia and the Development of DSM-IV. In T Moroji and K Yamamoto The Biology of Schizophrenia, Tokyo, Elsevier, 1994, 3-14 .
- Arndt S, Swayze V, Cizadlo T, O’Leary D, Cohen G, Yuh WTC, Ehrhardt J, and Andreasen NC: Evaluating and validating two methods of estimating brain structure volumes: Tessellation and simple pixel counting. NeuroImage, 1994; 1:191-198. [PMID: 9343570]
- Andreasen NC, Arndt S, Swayze V, Cizadlo T, Flaum M, O’Leary DS, Ehrhardt J, Yuh WTC: Thalamic abnormalities in schizophrenia visualized through magnetic resonance image averaging. Science, 1994; 266:294-298. [PMID: 7939669]
- Arndt S, Tyrrell G, Woolson RF, Flaum M, and Andreasen NC: Effects of errors in a multicenter medical study: Preventing misinterpreted data. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1994; 28:447-459. [PMID: 9343570]
- Wang ZW, Black DW, Andreasen N, Crowe RR: No evidence of a schizophrenia locus in a second pseudoautosomal region [letter]. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1994; 51:427. [PMID: 8179466]
- Roy MA, Flaum M, Gupta S, and Andreasen NC: Epidemiological and clinical correlatives of familial and sporadic schizophrenia. Acta psychiatric Scandinavica, 1994; 89:324-328. [PMID: 8067271]
- Andreasen NC, Flashman L, Flaum M, Arndt S, Swayze V, O’Leary DS, Ehrhardt JC, Yuh WTC: Regional brain abnormalities in schizophrenia measured with magnetic resonance imaging. JAMA, 1994; 272:1763-1769. [PMID: 7966925]
- Miller DD, Perry P, Cadoret R, Andreasen NC: Clozapine’s effect on negative symptoms in treatment refractory schizophrenics. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1994; 35:8-15. [PMID: 8149734]
- Andreasen NC and Tamminga CA Images in neuroscience. Cortex II: Identifying lobes and landmarks. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1994; 151:1722. [PMID: 7977876]
- Amador XF, Flaum M, Andreasen NC, Strauss DH, Yale SA, Clark SC, Gorman JM: Awareness of illness in schizophrenia and schizoaffective and mood disorders. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1994; 51:826-836. [PMID: 7944872]
- Andreasen NC: Changing concepts of schizophrenia and the a historical fallacy [editorial] American Journal of Psychiatry, 1994; 151:1405-1407. [PMID: 8092333]
- Roy M-A, Flaum M, Arndt S, Crowe R, Andreasen NC: Magnetic resonance imaging in familial versus sporadic cases of schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 1994; 54:25-36. [PMID: 7701026]
- Andreasen NC: Emil Kraepelin, 1856-1926. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1994;151(3):428. [PMID: 8109653]
- Nopoulos P, Flashman L, Flaum M, Arndt S, O’Leary D, Andreasen NC: Stability of cognitive functioning early in the course of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 1994; 14: 29-37. [PMID: 7893619]
- Flaum M, Andreasen NC, Swayze VW, O’Leary DS, Alliger RJ: IQ and brain size in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 1994; 53:243-257. [PMID: 7870846]
- Andreasen NC: Clinical correlations: Mental illnesses. In Conn, P.M. Neuroscience in Medicine, Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Company, 1995, 338-342.
- Andreasen NC and Flaum M: Nosology, phenomenology and diagnosis. In Core Readings in Psychiatry: An Annotated Guide to the Psychiatric Literature, W.H. Sledge and C. Warren, ed. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, 1995.
- Andreasen NC and Flaum M: The schizophrenia spectrum: Perspectives from neuroimaging. In Marneros, A., Andreasen NC, Tsuang, M.T., (editors) Psychotic Continuum . Springer Publishers, Heidelberg, 1995.
- Andreasen NC, Arndt S, Alliger R, Miller D, Flaum M: Symptoms of Schizophrenia: Methods, meanings, and mechanisms. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1995; 52:341-351. [PMID: 7723714]
- Andreasen NC, Arndt S, Miller D, Flaum M, Nopolous P: Correlational studies of the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms and the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms: An overview and update. Psychopathology, 1995; 28:7-17. [PMID: 7871123]
- Andreasen NC: The validation of psychiatric diagnosis: New models and approaches. [Editorial}. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1995; 152:134-136. [PMID: 7840346]
- Andreasen NC, Arndt S, O’Leary D, Flaum M, Nopoulos P: Clinical presentation and cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. In: Critical Issues in the Treatment of Schizophrenia (N. Brunello, G. Racagni, SZ Langer, J. Mendlewicz, Eds.), Int Acad Biomed Drug Res. Basel, Karger, 1995, vol 10, pp 1-8.
- Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Hurtig R, Rezai K, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, and Hichwa RD: Short-term and long-term verbal memory: A positron emission tomography study. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, U.S.A., 1995; 92:5111-5115. [PMID: 7761457]
- Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Hurtig R, Rezai K, Watkins GL, Ponto L, Hichwa R: Neural Substrates of Facial Recognition. Human Brain Mapping, 1995; Suppl. 1:31. [PMID: 9081548]
- Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Rezai K, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD: I. PET studies of memory: Novel and practiced free recall of complex narratives. NeuroImage, 1995; 2:284-295. [PMID: 9343613]
- Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Cizadlo T, Arndt S, Rezai K, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD: Remembering the past: Two facets of episodic memory explored with positron emission tomography. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1995; 152:1576-1585. [PMID: 7485619]
- Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Cizadlo T, Arndt S, Rezai K, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD: II. PET studies of memory: Novel versus practiced free recall of word lists. NeuroImage, 1995; 2:296-305. [PMID: 9343614]
- Andreasen NC, Rezai K, Swayze VW II, O’Leary DS: SPECT imaging in schizophrenia: Effects of clinical presentation in Brain Imaging in Psychiatry. F. Grünwald, S. Kasper, H.-J. Biersack, and H.-J. Möller (editors) De Gruyter Publishers, Berlin, 1995, pp. 1-15.
- Andreasen NC, Roy M, Flaum M: Positive and negative symptoms in Handbook of Schizophrenia, Eds. S.R. Hirsch and D. Weinberger. Basil Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1995, pp 28-45.
- Andreasen NC, Swayze V, O’Leary DS, Nopolous P, Cizadlo T, Harris G, Arndt S, Flaum M: Abnormalities in midline attentional circuitry in schizophrenia: Evidence from magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. European Neuropsychopharmacololgy, 1995; 5(Suppl):37-41. [PMID: 8775757]
- Andreasen NC: Clients, consumers, providers, and products: Where will it all end? [Editorial]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1995; 152(8):1107-1109. [PMID: 7625455]
- Andreasen NC: Images in neuroscience. Neuroimaging, III. PET and the [15O]H20 technique,
Part 1: Statistical analysis of images. American Journal of Psychiatry 1995; 152:1704. [PMID: 8526233] - Andreasen NC: Posttraumatic stress disorder: Psychology, biology, and the Manichaean warfare between false dichotomies. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1995; 152 (7):963-965. [PMID: 7793464]
- Andreasen NC: Symptoms, signs, and diagnosis of schizophrenia. Lancet, 1995; 346:477-481. [PMID: 7637483]
- Andreasen NC: The validation of psychiatric diagnosis: New models and approaches. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1995; 152(2):161-162. [PMID: 7840346]
- Arndt S, Andreasen NC, Flaum M, Miller D, Nopoulos P: A longitudinal study of symptom dimensions in schizophrenia: Prediction and patterns of change. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1995; 52(5):352-360. [PMID: 7726715]
- Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Andreasen NC, Zeien G, Harris G, O’Leary DS, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD: A comparison of approaches to the statistical analysis of [PMID: 15O] H2O PET cognitive activation studies. Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 1995; 7:155-168. [PMID: 72399138]
- Flaum M and Andreasen NC: Brain morphology in schizotypal personality as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging. In: Raine A, Lencz T, and Mednick S (eds.) Schizotypical Personality. Cambridge University Press, New York, 385-405, 1995.
- Flaum M and Andreasen NC: The reliability of distinguishing “primary” vs. “secondary” negative symptoms. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1995; 36:421-427. [PMID: 8565446]
- Flaum M, O’Leary DS, Swayze VW II, Miller DD, Arndt S, Andreasen NC: Symptom dimensions and brain morphology in schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders. Journal of Psychiatric Research , 1995; 29:261-276. [PMID: 8847654]
- Flaum M, Swayze VW II, O’Leary DS, Yuh WTC, Erhardt JC, Arndt S, Andreasen NC: Effects of diagnosis, laterality, and gender on brain morphology in schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1995; 152(5) 704-714. [PMID: 7726310]
- Gupta S, Andreasen NC, Arndt S, Flaum M, Schultz SK, Hubbard WC, Smith M: Neurological soft signs in neuroleptic-naive and neuroleptic-treated schizophrenic patients and in normal comparison subjects. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1995; 152:191-196. [PMID: 7840351]
- Gupta S, Rajaprabhakaran R, Arndt S, Flaum M, Andreasen NC: Premorbid adjustment as a predictor of phenomenological and neurobiological indices in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 1995, 16(3):189-197. [PMID: 7488564]
- Nopoulos P, Torres I, Flaum M, Andreasen NC: Brain morphology in first episode schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1995; 152:1721-1724. [PMID: 8526236]
- Nopoulos PC, Flaum M, Andreasen NC, Swayze VW: Gray matter heterotopias in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 1995; 61:11-14. [PMID: 7568565]
- Persico AM, Wang ZW, Black DW, Andreasen NC, Uhl GR: Exclusion of close linkage of the dopamine transporter gene with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1995; 152:134-136. [PMID: 7802105]
- Piven J, Arndt S, Bailey J, Havercamp S, Andreasen NC, Palmer P: An MRI study of brain size in autism. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1995; 152(8):1145-1149. [PMID: 7625461]
- Rajarethinam R, Gupta S, Andreasen NC: Volume of pineal gland in schizophrenia; an MRI study. Schizophrenia Research, 1995; 14:253-255. [PMID: 7766537]
- Roy M-A, Flaum M, Andreasen N: No difference found between winter-born and non-winter-born schizophrenic cases. Schizophrenia Research, 1995; 17:241-248. [PMID: 8664203]
- Schultz SK, Miller DD, Arndt S, Ziebell S, Gupta S, and Andreasen NC: Withdrawal-emergent dyskinesia in patients with schizophrenia during antipsychotic discontinuation. Biological Psychiatry, 1995; 38:713-719. [PMID: 8580223]
- Andreasen NC and Schultz SK: Assessing the Symptoms of Schizophrenia. In: Schizophrenia (M. Moscarelli, A. Rupp, and N. Sartorius, Eds.), John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Sussex, England, 1996, pp 15-22.
- Andreasen NC, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, O’Leary DS, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD: Sample size and statistical power in 15O H20 studies of human cognition. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 1996; 16:804-816. [PMID: 8784225]
- Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Nopoulos P, Flaum M: Neural substrates of frontal function in schizophrenia. In Dopamine Disease States, R.J. Beninger, T. Palomo, and T. Archer, eds., 1996.
- Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Hurtig R, Rezai K, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD: Neural substrates of facial recognition. J. Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 1996; 8:139-146. [PMID: 9081548]
- Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Cizadlo T, Arndt S, Rezai K, Ponto LLB, Watkins GL, Hichwa RD: Schizophrenia and cognitive dysmetria: A positron emission tomography study of dysfunctional prefrontal-thalamic-cerebellar circuitry. PNAS, 1996; 93: 9985-9990. [PMID: 8790444]
- Andreasen NC, Rajarethinam R, Cizadlo T, Arndt S, Swayze VW II, Flashman LA, O’Leary DS, Ehrhardt JC, Yuh TC: Automatic atlas-based volume estimation of human brain regions from MR images. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 1996; 20:98-106. [PMID: 8576490]
- Andreasen NC. Schizofrenia positiva e negativa: sintomi e sindromi. NóOS Aggiornamenti in Psichiatria 1996; 2:197-220. (In Italian).
- Andreasen NC. Creativity and Mental Illness: A conceptual and historical overview. In: Depression and the Spiritual in Modern Art: Homage to Miró. J.J. Schildkraut and A. Otero (eds). West Sussex, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1996; pp 2-14.
- Andreasen NC: A Comparison of Approaches to the Statistical Analysis of Cognitive Activation Studies Using [15O] H2O with Positron Emission Tomography. In Quantification of Brain Function Using PET. Ralph Myers, Vincent Cunningnam, Dale Bailey, and Terry Jones (eds). Academic Press, San Diego, 1996.
- Andreasen NC: Body and soul [editorial]. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1996; 153(5):589-590. [PMID: 8615402]
- Hichwa RD, O’Leary DS, Ponto LLB, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Hurtig RR, Watkins GL, Wollenweber SD, Andreasen NC: Counts vs. Flow: When Does it Matter? In Quantification of Brain Function Using PET. Ralph Myers, Vincent Cunningnam, Dale Bailey, and Terry Jones (eds). Academic Press, San Diego, 1996.
- Andreasen NC: Neuroimaging, V. PET and the [15O] H20 technique, part 3: Finding the location of significant regions. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1996; 153(2):150.
- Andreasen NC: PET and the [15 O] H2O technique, Part 2: Choosing a significance threshold. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1996; 153(1):6.
- Andreasen NC: Pieces of the schizophrenia puzzle fall into place. Neuron, 1996; 16:697-700. [PMID: 8607988]
- Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Andreasen NC, Heckel D, Gold S, O’Leary D: Tests for comparing images based on radomization and permutation methods. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab, 1996; 16:1271-1279. [PMID: 8898701]
- Arndt S, Cizadlo T, O’Leary D, Gold S, Andreasen NC: Normalizing counts and cerebral blood flow intensity in functional imaging studies of the human brain. NeuroImage, 1996; 3:175-184. [PMID: 9345488]
- Arndt S, Rajarethinam R, Cizadlo T, O’Leary DS, Downhill J, Andreasen NC: Landmark-based MR image registration and measurement: A reliability study. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 1996; 67: 145-154. [PMID: 7977876]
- Black DW and Andreasen NC: Schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, and delusional disorder. In: Synopsis of Psychiatry. Robert E. Hales and Stuart C. Yudofsky (eds). Washington, D.C., The American Psychiatric Press. 1996; 393-437.
- Docherty NM, DeRosa M, Andreasen NC: Communication disturbances in schizophrenia and mania. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1996; 53(4):358-364. [PMID: 8634014]
- Flashman LA, Flaum M, Gupta S, Andreasen NC: Soft signs and neuropsychological performance in schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1996, 153(4):526-532. [PMID: 8599401]
- Johnson VP Swayze II VW, Sato Y, and Andreasen NC. Fetal alcohol syndrome: Craniofacial and central nervous system manifestations. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 1996; 61, 329-339.
- Nopoulos P, Swayze V, Andreasen NC: Pattern of brain morphology in patients with schizophrenia and large cavum septi pellucidi. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 1996; 8:147-152. [PMID: 9081549]
- O’Leary DS, Andreasen NC, Hurtig RR, Hichwa RD, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Rogers M, Kirchner P: A positron emission tomography study of binaurally- and dichotically-presented stimuli: Effects of level of language and directed attention. Brain and Language, 1996; 53:20-39. [PMID: 8722897]
- O’Leary DS, Andreasen NC, Hurtig RR, Kesler ML, Rogers M, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Kirchner PT, Hichwa RD: Auditory attentional deficits in patients with schizophrenia: A positron emission tomography (PET) study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1996; 53:633-641. [PMID: 8660130]
- Piven J, Arndt S., Bailey J, Andreasen NC: Regional brain enlargement in autism: A magnetic resonance study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1996; 35:530-535. [PMID: 8919716]
- Swayze VW II, Anderson A, Arndt S, Rajaprabhakaran R, Fleming F, Sato Y, Andreasen NC: Reversibility of brain tissue loss in anorexia nervosa assessed with computerized Talairach 3D proportional grid. Psychology Medicine, 1996, 26:381-390. [PMID: 8685291]
- Travis KA, Arndt S, Andreasen NC: Pairwise matching of sample and control groups using PROC FASTCLUS. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual SAS Users Group International Conference, (Poster) 1996; 1012-1016.
- Andreasen NC. Peut-on expliquer les symptômes de la schizophrénie par un méchanisme cognitif unique? (Can the symptoms of schizophrenia be explained by a single cognitive mechanism?) Biopsy in Schizophrenia, 1997; 1:6-7.
- Andreasen NC, Flaum M, Schultz S, Duzyurek S, Miller DD: Diagnosis, methodology and subtypes of schizophrenia. Neuropsychobiology, 1997; 35:61-63. [PMID: 9097293]
- Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Flaum M, Nopoulos P, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD: Hypofrontality in schizophrenia: Distributed dysfunctional circuits in neuroleptic naive patients, Lancet, 1997; 349:1730-1734. [PMID: 9193383]
- Andreasen NC: What shape are we in? Gender, psychopathology, and the brain. [Editorial] American Journal of Psychiatry, 1997; 154:1637-1639. [PMID: 9396838]
- Andreasen NC: The Evolving Concept of Schizophrenia: From Kraepelin to the Present and Future. Schizophrenia Research, 1997; 28:105-109. [PMID: 9468346]
- Andreasen NC: The role of the thalamus in schizophrenia. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry; 1997, 42:27-33. [PMID: 9040920]
- Andreasen NC: Linking Mind and Brain in the Study of Mental Illnesses: A Project for a Scientific Psychopathology. Science,1997; 275: 1586-1593. [PMID: 9054346]
- Andreasen NC: Improvement of negative symptoms: Concepts, definition and assessment. International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 1997; 12 Supple 2:S7-S10. [PMID: 9218162]
- Andreasen NC: Mel Sabshin: integrator, innovator, and master of metaphor. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1997; 154 (6 suppl):2-5. [PMID: 9167538]
- Andreasen NC: What is psychiatry? [Editorial] American Journal of Psychiatry, 1997; 154:591-593. [PMID: 9137110]
- Andreasen NC: George Winokur, 1925-1996. Neuropsychopharmacology, 1997; 16:438-439.
- Andreasen NC, Flaum M, Nopoulos P, Arndt S, Harris G, Heckel D, Cizadlo T: Measurement of cortical surface anatomy in schizophrenia. NeuroImage 1997; 5:276
- Barondes SH, Alberts BM, Andreasen NC, Bargmann C, Benes F, Godman-Rakic P, Gottesman I, Heinemann SF, Jones EG, Kirchner M, Lewis D, Raff M, Roses A, Rubenstein J, Snyder S, Watson SJ, Weinberger DR, Yolken RH: Workshop on schizophrenia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1997; 94:1612-1614. [PMID: 9050825]
- Cizadlo T, Harris G, Heckel D, Flaum M, Christian B, O’Leary DS, Andreasen NC: An automated method to quantify the area, depth, and convolutions of the cerebral cortex from MR data: (BRAINSURF). Neuroimage, 1997; 5:402.
- Dann J, DeLisi LE, Devoto M, Laval S, Nancarrow DJ, Shields G, Smith A, Loftus J, Peterson P, Vita A, Comazzi M, Invernizzi G, Levinson DF, Wildenauer D, Mowry BJ, Collier D, Powell J, Crowe RR, Andreasen NC, Silverman JM, Mohs RC, Murray RM, Walters MK, Lennon DP, Crow TJ, et al: A linkage study of schizophrenia markers within Xp11 near the MAOB gene. Psychiatry Research, 1997; 70:131-143. [PMID: 9211575]
- Flashman LA, Andreasen NC, Flaum M, Swayze VW II: Intelligence and regional brain volumes in normal controls, Intelligence 1997, 25:149-160.
- Flaum M, Nopoulos P, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Andreasen NC: An MRI study of grey matter, white matter, and cerebral spinal fluid volumes in patients with schizophrenia vs. normal controls. NeuroImage, 1997; 5:277.
- Flaum M, O’Leary DS, Johnson D, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Hichwa R, Andreasen NC: Relationship between symptom dimensions and cerebral blood flow in schizophrenia as assessed by 15H2O PET. Schizophrenia Research, 1997; 24:165.
- Gold S, Arndt S, Johnson D, O’Leary D.S., Andreasen NC: Factors that influence effect size in 15O PET Studies: A meta-analytic review: A meta-analytic review. NeuroImage, 1997; 5:280-291. [PMID: 9345557]
- Gupta S, Andreasen NC, Arndt S, Flaum MA, Hubbard WC, and Ziebell S: The Iowa longitudinal study of recent onset psychoses: One year follow-up of first-episode patients. Schizophrenia Research, 1997; 23:1-13. [PMID: 9050123]
- Harris G, Andreasen NC, Cizadlo T, Bailey J, Bockholt J, Travis K, Arndt S: Improving tissue segmentation in magnetic resonance imaging: Multiple pulse sequences and automated training class selection. NeuroImage 1997; 5:402. [PMID: 10050826]
- Ho B, Andreasen N, Flaum M. Dependence on public financial support early in the course of schizophrenia. Psychiatric Services, 1997; 48:948-950. [PMID: 9219306]
- Miller DD, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Rezai K, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD: Effect of antipsychotics on regional cerebral blood flow measured with positron emission tomography (PET). Neuropsychopharmacology, 1997; 17(4):230-240. [PMID: 9326747]
- Miller DD., Rezai K., Alliger R, and Andreasen NC.: The effect of antipsychotic medication on relative cerebral blood perfusion in schizophrenia: Assessment with technetium-99m hexamethyl-propyleneamine oxime single photon emission computed tomography. Biological Psychiatry, 1997; 41: 550-559. [PMID: 9046987]
- Nopoulos P, Flaum M, Andreasen N: Sex differences in brain morphology in schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1997; 154 (12):1648-1654.
- Nopoulos P, Swayze V, Flaum M, Ehrhardt JC, Yuh WTC, Andreasen NC: Cavum septi pellucidi in normals and patients with schizophrenia as detected by MRI. Biological Psychiatry, 1997; 41:1102-1108.
- O’Leary DS, Andreasen NC, Hurtig RR, Torres IJ, Flashman LA, Kesler ML, Arndt SV, Cizadlo TJ, Ponto LLB, Watkins GL, Hichwa RD: Auditory and visual attention assessed with PET. Human Brain Mapping, 1997; 5:422-436.
- O’Leary Andreasen N, Hurtig R, Arndt S, Flaum M, Hichwa, R: A PET study of auditory attention deficits in patients with schizophrenia: a replication and extension of previous findings. Schizophrenia Research, 1997; 24:170.
- O’Leary DS, Andreasen NC, Flaum M, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Hurtig RR, Torres I, Flashman L, Ponto LLB, Watkins GL, Hichwa RD. Language processing in schizophrenic patients and controls: An MRI and PET study of planum temporale asymmetries. NeuroImage, 1997; 5:22.
- Paradiso S, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Arndt S, Robinson RG: Cerebellar size and cognition: Correlations with IQ, verbal memory and motor dexterity. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology, 1997; 10:1-8
- Paradiso S, Facorro BC, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Watkins LG, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD: Brain activity assessed with PET during recall of word lists and narratives. Neuroreport, 1997; 8:3091-3096.
- Paradiso S, Johnson DL, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Ponto LLB, Watkins GL and Hichwa RD. Left amygdala and prefrontal activation during conscious evaluation of emotional valence of visual stimuli. NeuroImage, 1997; 5:116.
- Paradiso S, Robinson RG, Andreasen NC, Downhill J, Davidson R, Kirchner P, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, and Hichwa RD: Emotional activation of limbic circuitry in elderly normal subjects in a PET study. Am J Psychiatry, 1997; 154:384-389.
- Schultz SK., Miller DD, Oliver S, Arndt S, Flaum M, and Andreasen NC: Life course of schizophrenia: Age and symptom dimensions. Schizophrenia Research, 1997; 23:15-23.
- Swayze VW, Johnson VP, Hanson JW, Piven J, Sato Y, Andreasen NC: Magnetic resonance imaging of brain anomalies in fetal alcohol syndrome. Pediatrics, 1997; 99(2):232-240.
- Torres IJ, Flashman LA, O’Leary DS, Swayze VW II, Andreasen NC: Lack of an association between delayed memory and hippocampal and temporal lobe size in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls. Biological Psychiatry; 1997; 42(12):1087-1096.
- Andreasen NC, Paradiso S, O’Leary DS: “Cognitive dysmetria” as an integrative theory of schizophrenia: A dysfunction in cortical-subcortical-cerebellar circuitry? Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1998; 24:203-218.
- Andreasen NC: The crisis in clinical research [Editorial]. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 1998; 155(4):455.
- Flaum M, Amador X, Gorman J, Bracha HS, Edell W, McGlashan T, Pandurangi A, Kendler KS, Robinson D, Lieberman J, Ontiveros A, Tohen M, McGorry P, Tyrrell G, Arndt S, Andreasen NC: DSM-IV Field Trial for Schizophrenia and Other Psychiatric Disorders. In DSM-IV Sourcebook-Volume 4. T.A. Widiger, A.J. Frances, and H.A. Pincus, eds. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association, 1998, pp 1007-1017.
- Flaum M, Andreasen NC, Widiger TA: Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. In DSM-IV Sourcebook-Volume 4. T.A. Widiger, A.J. Frances, and H.A. Pincus, eds. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association, 1998, pp 687-713.
- Gold S., Christiansen B, Arndt S, Zeien G, Cizadlo T, Johnson D, Flaum M, Andreasen NC: Functional MRI Statistical Software Packages: A Comparative Analysis. Human Brain Mapping, 1998; 6:73-84.
- Gupta S, Black DW, Arndt S, Hubbard WC, Andreasen NC: Factors associated with suicide attempts among patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatric Services, 1998; 49:1353-1355.
- Heckel D, Arndt S, Cizadlo T, Andreasen NC: An efficient procedure for permutation tests in imaging research. Computers and Biomedical Research, 1998; 31:164-171.
- Ho BC, Nopoulos P, Flaum M, Arndt S, Andreasen N. Two-year Outcome in First Episode Schizophrenia: Predictive Value of Symptoms for Quality of Life. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1998; 155:1196-1201.
- Holzman PS, Kupfer DJ, Andreasen NC: On preserving the National Institute of Mental Health Career Scientist Award. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1998; 55:12-14.
- Levinson DF, Mahtani MM, Nancorrow DJ, Brown DM, Kruglyak L, Kirby A,, Hayward NK, Crowe RR, Andreasen NC, Black DW, Silverman JM, Endicott J, Sharpe L, Mohs RC, Siever LJ, Walters MK, Lennon DP, Jones HL, Nertney DA, Daly MJ, Mowry BJ. Genome Scan of Schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1998; 155(6):741-750.
- Nopoulos P, Flaum M, Arndt S, Andreasen N: Morphometry in schizophrenia revisited: Height and its relationship to premorbid function. Psychological Medicine, 1998; 28:655-663.
- Nopoulos P, Giedd JN, Andreasen NC, Rapoport J. Frequency and Severity of Enlarged Cavum Septi Pellucidi in Childhood Onset Schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1998; 155(8):1074-1979.
- Nopoulos, P., Swayze, V., Flaum, M. and Andreasen, N. . Incidence of Ectopic Gray Matter in Patients with Schizophrenia and Healthy Controls using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 1998; 10: 351-353.
- Nopoulos P, Schultz S, Andreasen N: Brain and behavior. In Textbook of Women’s Health. L. Wallis, Ed. Little Brown and Company, pp 795-802, 1998.
- Tibbo P, Nopoulos P, Arndt S, Andreasen NC: Corpus callosum shape and size in male patients with schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 1998, 44:405-412.
- Wiser AK, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD. Dysfunctional Cortico-Cerebellar Circuits Cause “Cognitive Dysmetria” in Schizophrenia. Neuroreport, 1998; 9:1895-1899.
- Andreasen NC: Understanding the Causes of Schizophrenia. [Editorial] The New England Journal of Medicine, 1999; 340(8):645-647.
- Andreasen NC: A unitary model of schizophrenia: Integrating a fragmented phrene and a broken brain. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 1999: 56:781-787.
- Andreasen NC: I don’t believe in late onset schizophrenia. In: Late Onset Schizophrenia, Howard R, Rabins PV, Castle DJ (eds). Wrightson Biomedical Publishing Ltd, 1999, pp 111-123.
- Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P, O’Leary DS, Miller DD, Wassink T, Flaum M: Defining the phenotype of schizophrenia: Cognitive dysmetria and its neural mechanisms. Biol Psychiatry, 1999; 46:909-920.
- Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Paradiso S, Cizadlo T, Arndt S, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD: The cerebellum plays a role in consciously retrieved episodic memory. Human Brain Mapping, 1999, 8:226-234.
- Andreasen NC: Changing boundaries in psychiatry. Lancet, 1999; 354 Supple: SIV56.
- Arndt S, Turvey C, Andreasen NC. Correlating and predicting psychiatric symptom ratings: Spearman’s R versus Kendall’s Tau correlation. J Psychiatry Res, 1999; 33:97-104.
- Black DW and Andreasen NC: Schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, and delusional (paranoid) disorders. In American Psychiatric Press Textbook of Psychiatry, edited by R.E. Hales, S.C. Yudofsky, and J.A. Talbott. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1999, pp. 425-477.
- Black DW and Andreasen NC: Schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, and delusional (paranoid) disorders. In Essentials of Clinical Psychiatry: Based on The American Psychiatric Press Textbook of Psychiatry, Third Edition, edited by R.E. Hales and S.C. Yudofsky. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1999, pp. 233-275.
- Corson PW, Nopoulos P, Miller DD, Arndt S, Andreasen NC: Change in basal ganglia volume over 2 years in patients with schizophrenia: typical versus atypical neuroleptics. Am J Psychiatry, 1999; 156:1200-1204.
- Crespo-Facorro B, Paradiso S, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS. Recalling word lists reveals cognitive dysmetria in schizophrenia patients. A PET study. Am J Psychiatry, 1999; 156(3):386-392.
- Crespo-Facorro B, Kim JJ, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Wiser AK, Bailey JM, Harris G, Magnotta VA: Human frontal cortex: An MRI-based parcellation method. NeuroImage, 1999; 10:500-519.
- Gold S, Arndt S, Nopoulos P, O’Leary DS, Andreasen NC. A longitudinal study of cognitive function in first episode and recent onset schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry, 1999; 156(9):1342-1348.
- Harris G, Andreasen NC, Cizadlo T, Bailey JM, Bockholt J, Magnotta V, Arndt S. Improving tissue classification in MRI: A Three-dimensional multispectral discriminant analysis method with automated training class selections. J Comput Asst Tomogr, 1999; 23(1):144-154.
- Ho BC, Miller D, Nopoulos P, Andreasen NC: A comparative effectiveness study of risperidone and olanzapine in the treatment of schizophrenia. J Clin Psychiatry, 1999, 60:658-663.
- Johnson DL, Wiebe JS, Gold SM, Heckel D, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Hichwa RD, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB. Cerebral blood flow and personality: A positron emission tomography study of extraversion. Am J Psychiatry, 1999; 156:252-257.
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- Martinez M, Goldin LR, Cao Q, Zhang J, Sanders AR, Nancarrow DJ, Taylor JM, Levinson DF, Kirby A, Crowe RR, Andreasen NC, Black DW, Silverman JM, Lennon DP, Nertney DA, Brown DM, Mowry BJ, Gershon ES, Gejman PV: Follow-up study on a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia on chromosome 6q. Am J Med Genet 1999; 88(4):337-343.
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- Nopoulos PC, Ceilley JW, Gailis EA, Andreasen NC: An MRI study of cerebellar vermis morphology in patients with schizophrenia: Evidence in support of the cognitive dysmetria concept. Biol Psychiatry, 1999; 46:703-711.
- Nopoulos PC, Andreasen NC. “Gender Differences in Neuroimaging Findings” In: Gender Differences in Mood and Anxiety Disorders: From Bench to Bedside. Review of Psychiatry Series, Volume 18, No. 3. Leibenluft E (ed), American Psychiatric Association Press, Inc., Washington DC, 1999, pp 1-30.
- Paradiso S, Johnson DL, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD: Cerebral blood flow changes associated with attribution of emotional valence to pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral visual stimuli in a PET study of normal subjects. Am J Psychiatry, 1999; 156:1618-1629.
- Schultz SK, Andreasen NC: Schizophrenia: Progress in the search for fundamental mechanisms and definitive treatments. Lancet, 1999; 353:1425-1430.
- Schultz SK, O’Leary DS, Boles Ponto LL, Watkins GL, Hichwa RD, Andreasen NC: Age-related changes in regional cerebral blood flow among young to mid-life adults. Neuroreport, 1999; 10:2493-2496.
- Schultz SK, Ho BC, Arndt S, Andreasen NC: Impaired glucose tolerance and abnormal movements in patients with schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry, 1999; 156(4):640-642.
- Schultz SK, O’Leary DS, Andreasen NC, et al: A positron emission tomography study of age-related changes in regional cerebral blood flow among young to mid-life adults. NeuroReport, 1999; 9:151-160.
- Wassink TH, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P, Flaum M: Cerebellar morphology as a predictor of symptom and psychosocial outcome in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry, 1999; 45:41-48.
- Wassink TH, Flaum M, Nopoulos P, Andreasen NC: Prevalence of depressive symptoms early in the course of schizophrenia. Am J. Psychiatry, 1999; 156(2):315-316.
- Wassink TH, Nelson JJ, Crowe RR, Andreasen NC: Heritability of BDNF alleles and their effect on brain morphology in schizophrenia. Am J Med Genet (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 1999; 88:724-728.
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- Westmoreland Corson P, Nopoulos P, Arndt S, Heckel D, Andreasen NC: Caudate size in first episode neuroleptic-naive schizophrenic patients measured using a neural network. Biol Psychiatry 1999; 46: 712-720.
- Andreasen NC (2000). “Schizophrenia: the fundamental questions.” Brain Research Reviews 31:106-112.
- Andreasen NC (2000). “Prediction in Clinical Psychiatry: What Does the Future Hold?” [Editorial] Am J Psychiatry 157:1373-1374.
- Andreasen NC (2000). “Three living heros of contemporary psychiatry.” [Editorial] Am J Psychiatry 157(12):1911.
- Block RI, O’Leary DS, Hichwa RD, Augustinack JC, Ponto LLB, Ghoneim MM, Arndt S, Ehrhardt JC, Hurtig RR, Watkins GL, Hall JA, Nathan PE, Andreasen NC (2000). “Cerebellar hypoactivity in frequent marijuana users.” NeuroReport 11(4):749-753.
- Crespo-Facorro B, Kim J-J, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Magnotta V (2000). “Regional frontal abnormalities in schizophrenia: A quantitative gray matter volume and cortical surface size study.” Biol Psychiatry 48:110-119.
- Crespo-Facorro B, Kim J-J, Andreasen NC, Spinks R, O’Leary DS, Bockholt HJ, Harris G, Magnotta VA (2000). “Cerebral cortex: A topographic segmentation method using magnetic resonance imaging.” Psychiatry Res: Neuroimaging 100:97-126.
- Crespo-Facorro B, Kim J-J, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Bockholt HJ, Magnotta V (2000). “Insular cortex abnormalities in schizophrenia: A structural magnetic resonance imaging study of first-episode patients.” Schizophr Res 46:35-43.
- Flashman, LA, McAllister, TW, Andreasen, NC and Saykin, AJ (2000). “Smaller brain size associated with unawareness of illness in patients with schizophrenia.” Am J Psychiatry 157(7): 1167-9.
- Ho BC, Andreasen NC, Flaum M, Nopoulos P, Miller D (2000). “Untreated initial psychosis: Its relation to quality of life and symptom remission in first-episode schizophrenia.” Am J Psychiatry 2000; 157:808-815.
- Kim JJ, Mohamed S, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD (2000). “Regional neural dysfunctions in chronic schizophrenia studied with Positron Emission Tomography.” Am J Psychiatry 157(4):542-548.
- Kim JJ, Crespo-Facorro B, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Zhang B, Harris G, Magnotta VA (2000). “An MRI-based parcellation method for the temporal lobe.” NeuroImage 11:271-288.
- Magnotta VA, Gold S, Andreasen NC, Ehrhardt JC, Yuh WTC (2000). “Visualization of subthalamic nuclei with cortex attenuated inversion recovery (CAIR) MR imaging.” NeuroImage 11:341-346.
- Nancarrow DJ, Levinson DF, Taylor JM, Hayward NK, Walters MK, Lennon DP, Nertney DA, Jones HL, Mahtani MM, Kirby A, Kruglyak L, Brown DM, Crowe RR, Andreasen NC, Black DW, Silverman JM, Mohs RC, Siever LJ, Endicott J, Sharpe L, Mowry BJ: No support for linkage to the bipolar regions on chromosomes 4p, 18p, or 18q in 43 schizophrenia pedigrees. Am J Med Genet 2000; 96(2):224-227
- Nopoulos, P, Berg, S, Castellenos, FX, Delgado, A, Andreasen, NC and Rapoport, JL (2000). “Developmental brain anomalies in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.” J Child Neurol 15(2):102-8. [PMID: 10695895]
- Nopoulos P, Flaum M, O’Leary D, Andreasen NC (2000). “Sexual dimorphism in the human brain: evaluation of tissue volume, tissue composition and surface anatomy using magnetic resonance imaging.” Psychiatry Res 98(1): 1-13. [PMID: 10708922]
- Nopoulos P, Berg S, Canady J, Richman L, Van Demark D, Andreasen NC (2000). “Abnormal brain morphology in patients with isolated cleft lip, cleft palate, or both: a preliminary analysis.” Cleft Palate Craniofac J 37(5):441-446. [PMID: 11034025]
- Nopoulos P, Krie A, Andreasen NC (2000). “Enlarged cavum septi pellucidi in patients with schizophrenia: clinical and cognitive correlates [In Process Citation].” J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 12(3): 344-9. [PMID: 10956567]
- Nopoulos P, Berg S, Castellenos FX, Delgado A, Andreasen NC, Rapoport JL (2000): “Developmental brain anomalies in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.” J Child Neurol 15(2):102-108. [PMID: 10695895]
- O’Leary DS, Block RI, Flaum M, Schultz SK, Boles Ponto LL, Watkins GL, Hurtig RR, Andreasen NC, Hichwa RD (2000). “Acute marijuana effects on rCBF and cognition: a PET study. NeuroReport 11(17):3835-3841. [PMID: 11117500]
- O’Leary DS, Flaum M, Kesler ML, Flashman LA, Arndt S, Andreasen NC (2000). “Cognitive correlates of the negative, disorganized, and psychotic symptom dimensions in schizophrenia.” J Neuropsych Clin Neurosci 12:4-15. [PMID: 10678506]
- Pantel J, O’Leary DS, Cretsinger K, Bockholt HJ, Keefe H, Magnotta VA, Andreasen NC (2000). “A new method for the in vivo volumetric measurement of the human hippocampus with high neuroanatomical accuracy.” Hippocampus, 10:752-758. [PMID: 11153720]
- Sears LL, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS (2000). “Cerebellar functional abnormalities in schizophrenia are suggested by classical eyeblink conditioning.” Biological Psychiatry 48:204-209. [PMID: 10924663]
- Schultz SK, Ho BC, Andreasen NC (2000). “Clinical features characterizing young-onset and intermediate-onset schizophrenia.” J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 12:502-505. [PMID: 11083169]
- Wassink TH, Crowe RR, Andreasen NC (2000). “Tumor necrosis factor receptor-II: heritability and effect on brain morphology in schizophrenia.” Mol Psychiatry 5:678-682. [PMID: 11126399]
- Wiser AK, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Crespo-Facorro B, Ponto LLB, Watkins GL, Hichwa RD (2000). “Novel vs. well-learned memory for faces: A positron emission tomography study.” J Cog Neurosci 12:255-266. [PMID: 10771410]
- Andreasen NC (2001). “Genome Map + Brain Map = Brave New World” (except from book). Cerebrum 3:100-118.
- Andreasen NC (2001). “Imaging the Ailing Brain.” Currents 2:11-13.
- Andreasen NC (2001). “Diversity in Psychiatry: Or, Why Did We Become Psychiatrists?” [editorial] Am J Psychiatry 158:673-675. [PMID: 11329383]
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- Atbasoglu CE, Schultz SK, Andreasen NC (2001): The relationship of akathisia with suicidality and depersonalization among patients with schizophrenia. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci; 13(3):336-341. [PMID: 11514639]
- Crespo-Facorro B, Wiser AK, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD (2001). “Neural basis of novel and well- learned recognition memory in schizophrenia: A positron emission tomography study.” Human Brain Mapping 12:219-231. [PMID: 11241873]
- Crespo-Facorro B, Paradiso S, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD (2001). “Neural mechanisms of anhedonia in schizophrenia: A PET study of response to unpleasant and pleasant odors.” JAMA 286(4):427-435. [PMID: 11466121]
- Ho BC, Andreasen NC (2001). “Long delays in seeking treatment for schizophrenia. Lancet 357:898-900. [PMID: 11289340]
- Ho BC, Andreasen NC: “Positive Symptoms, Negative Symptoms, and Beyond.” In: Current Issues in the Psychopharmacology of Schizophrenia. Breier A, Tran PV, Herera J, Bymaster F, Tollefson (eds). Williams and Wilkens, Baltimore, 2001.
- Miller DD, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Watkins GL, Ponto LLB, Hichwa RD (2001). “Comparison of the effects of Risperidone and Haloperidol on regional cerebral blood flow in schizophrenia.” Biological Psychiatry 49:704-715. [PMID: 11313038]
- Nopoulos P, Berg S, VanDemark D, Richman L, Canady J, Andreasen NC: Increased incidence of a midline brain anomaly in patients with nonsyndromic clefts of the lip and/or palate. J Neuroimaging 2001; 11(4):418-424. [PMID: 11677883]
- Nopoulos P, Miller D, Flaum M., Andreasen NC: “Issues in the assessment of negative treatment response.” In: Negative Symptom and Cognitive Deficit Treatment Response in Schizophrenia. Keefe, R. and McEvoy J. (eds.) American Psychiatric Association Press, 2001; pp 19-32.
- Nopoulos PC, Rideout D, Crespo-Facorro B, Andreasen NC: Sex differences in the absence of massa intermedia in patients with schizophrenia versus healthy controls. Schizophr Res 2001; 48(2-3):177-185 [PMID: 11295371]
- Nopoulos PC, Ceilley JW, Gailis EA, Andreasen NC (2001). “An MRI study of midbrain morphology in patients with schizophrenia: Relationship to psychosis, neuroleptics, and cerebellar neural circuitry.” Biological Psychiatry 49(1):13-19. [PMID: 11163775]
- Philibert RA, Sandhu HK, Hutton AM, Wang S, Arndt S, Andreasen NC, Crowe R, Wassink TH (2001). “Population Based Association Analyses of the HOPA12bp Polymorphism with respect to Schizophrenia and Hypothyroidism.” American Journal of Medical Genetics 105:130-104. [PMID: 11424983]
- Schultz SK, Nopoulos PC, Andreasen NC: “The neuroanatomy of schizophrenia.” In: Current Issues in the Psychopharmacology of Schizophrenia. Breier A, Tran PV, Herera J, Bymaster F, Tollefson (eds). Williams and Wilkens, Baltimore, 2001.
- Schultz SK, Ellingrod V, Fleming FW, Andreasen NC (2001). The association between risk factors for tardive dyskinesia and phenylalanine-induced abnormal movements in schizophrenia. Hum. Psychopharmacology Clin. Exp. 16:273-277. [PMID: 12404580]
- Stephan KE, Magnotta VA, White T, Arndt S, Flaum M, O’Leary DS, Andreasen NC (2001). “Effects of olanzapine on cerebellar functional connectivity in schizophrenia measured by fMRI during a simple motor task.” Psychological Medicine, 31(6):1065-1078. [PMID: 11513374]
- Torres IJ, Flashman LA, O’Leary DS, Andreasen NC (2001). “Effects of Retroactive and Proactive Interference on Word List Recall in Schiozphrenia.” J Int Neuropsychol Soc 7(4):481-490. [PMID: 11396550]
- Ward J, Magnotta V, Andreasen NC, Ooteman W, Nopoulos P, Pierson R (2001). Color Enhancement of Multispectral MR Images: Improving the Visualization of Subcortical Structures. J Comput Assist Tomogr 25(6):942-949. [PMID: 11711808]
- White T, O’Leary D, Magnotta V, Arndt S, Flaum M, Andreasen NC (2001). “Anatomic and functional variability: The effects of filter size in group fMRI data analysis.” NeuroImage 13:577-588. [PMID: 11305887]
- Andreasen NC (2002) Genome Map + Brain Map = Brave New World. TEN 4:58-64.
- Andreasen NC (2002): Schizophrenia: the big questions. Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi, 104(4):249.
- Andreasen NC, White T, Nopoulos P (2002): Novel methods to study brain morphology in schizophrenia. Eur Psychiatry, 17 Supple 1:86-87.
- Block RI, O’Leary DS, Hichwa RD, Augustinack JC, Ponto LLB, Ghoneim MM, Arndt S, Hurtig RR, Watkins GL, Hall JA, Nathan PE, Andreasen NC (2002). Effects of frequent marijuana use on memory-related regional cerebral blood flow. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 72:237-250. [PMID: 11900794]
- Chemerinski E, Nopoulos PC, Crespo-Facorro B, Andreasen NC, Magnotta V (2002): Morphology of the Ventral Frontal Cortex in Schizophrenia: Relationship with Social Dysfunction. Biological Psychiatry 52:1-8. [PMID: 12079724]
- Chemerinski E, Ho BC, Flaum M, Arndt S, Fleming F, Andreasen N (2002): Insomnia as a predictor for symptom worsening following antipsychotic withdrawal in schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry 43(5):393-396. [PMID: 12216015]
- Corson PW, O’Leary DS, Miller DD, Andreasen NC (2002): The effects of neuroleptic medications on basal ganglia blood flow in schizophreniform disorders: A comparison between neuroleptic-naïve and medicated states. Biological Psychiatry 52: 855-862. [PMID: 12399138]
- Franck N, O’Leary DS, Flaum M, Hichwa RD, Andreasen NC (2002): Cerebral blood flow changes associated with Schneiderian first-rank symptoms in schizophrenia. J. Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 14(3):277-282. [PMID: 12154151]
- Fuller R, Nopoulos P, arndt S, O’Leary D, Ho BC, Andreasen NC (2002): Longitudinal assessment of premorbid cognitive functioning in patients with schizophrenia through examination of standardized scholastic test performance. Am J Psychiatry, 159(7):1183-1189. [PMID: 12091197]
- Magnotta VA, Harris G, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Yuh WTC, Heckel D (2002): Structural MR image processing using the BRAINS2 toolbox. Computerland Medical Imaging and Graphics 26:251-264. [PMID: 12074920]
- Moser DJ, Schultz SK, Arndt S, Benjamin ML, Fleming FW, Brems CS, Paulsen JS, Appelbaum PS, Andreasen NC (2002): Capacity to provide informed consent for participation in schizophrenia and HIV research. Am. J. Psychiatry, 159:1201-1207. [PMID: 12091200]
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- O’Leary DS, Block RI, Koeppel JA, Flaum M, Schultz SK, Andreasen NC, Ponto LB, Watkins GL, Hurtig RR, Hichwa RD (2002): Effects of Smoking Marijuana on Brain Perfusion and Cognition. Neuropsychopharmacology 26:802-816. [PMID: 12007751]
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- Schultz SK, O’Leary DS, Boles Ponto LL, Arndt S, Magnotta V, Watkins GL, Hichwa RD, Andreasen NC (2002). Age and Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Schiozphrenia: Age Effects in Anterior Cingulate, Frontal, and Parietal Cortex. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 14(1):19-24. [PMID: 11884650]
- Spinks R, Magnotta V, Andreasen NC, Albright KC, Ziebell S, Nopoulos P, Cassell M (2002): Manual and automated measurement of the whole thalamus and mediodorsal nucleus using magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroimage 17: 631-642. [PMID: 12377139]
- Wang Z, Wassink T, Andreasen NC, Crowe RR (2002): Possible association of a cholecystokinin promotor variant to schizophrenia. Am J. Med Genet, 114(5):479-482. [PMID: 12116180]
- White T, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P (2002). Brain Volumes and Surface Morphology in Monozygotic Twins. Cerebral Cortex 12:486-493. [PMID: 11950766]
- Calarge C, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS (2003): Visualizing how one brain understands another: A PET Study of Theory of Mind. American Journal of Psychiatry 160:1954-1964. [PMID: 14594741]
- Fuller RLM, Schultz SK, Andreasen NC (2003): The Symptoms of Schizophrenia. In: Schizophrenia, 2nd Edition. Hirsch SR & Weinberger D, eds. Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford UK, pp. 25-33.
- Ho BC, Alicata D, Ward J, Moser DJ, O’Leary DS, Arndt S, Andreasen NC (2003): Untreated initial psychosis: relation to cognitive deficits and brain morphology in first-episode schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry 160(1):142-148. [PMID: 10784476]
- Ho BC, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P, Arndt S, Magnotta V, Flaum M (2003): Progressive structural brain abnormalities and their relationship to clinical outcome. Archives of General Psychiatry 50:585-594. [PMID: 12796222]
- Kim J-J, Crespo-Facorro B, Andreasen NC, O’Leary DS, Magnotta V, Nopoulos P (2003): Morphology of the lateral superior temporal gyrus in neuroleptic naïve patients with schizophrenia: relationship to symptoms. Schizophrenia Research 60:173-181. [PMID: 12591581]
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- Magnotta VA, Bockholt HJ, Johnson HJ, Christensen GE and Andreasen NC (2003). “Subcortical, cerebellar, and magnetic resonance based consistent brain image registration.” Neuroimage 19(2 Pt 1): 233-245. [PMID: 12814574]
- Milev P, Ho BC, Arndt S, Nopoulos P, Andreasen NC (2003): Initial magnetic resonance imaging volumetric nrain measurments and outcome in schizophrenia: A prospective longitudinal study with 5-year follow-up. Biological Psychiatry 54:608-615. [PMID: 13129655]
- Okugawa G, Takase K, Nobuhara K, Yoshida T, Minami T, Tamagaki C, Magnotta VA, Andreasen NC and Kinoshita T (2003). “Inter- and intra-operator reliability of brain tissue measures using magnetic resonance imaging.” Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 253(6): 301-306. [PMID: 14714119]
- O’Leary DS, Block RI, Turner BM, Koeppel J, Magnotta VA, Boles Ponto L, Watkins GL, Hichwa RD, Andreasen NC (2003) Marijuana alters the human cerebellar clock. NeuroReport 14:1145-1151. [PMID: 12821798]
- Paradiso S, Andreasen NC, Crespo-Facorro B, O’Leary DS, Watkins GL, Boles Ponto LL and Hichwa RD (2003). “Emotions in unmedicated patients with schizophrenia during evaluation with positron emission tomography.” Am J Psychiatry 160(10): 1775-1783. [PMID: 14514490]
- Swayze II VW, Andersen AE, Andreasen NC, Arndt S, Sato Y, Ziebell S (2003): Brain Tissue Volume Segmentation in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa before and after Weight Normalization. Int. J. Eat. Disord. 33:33-44. [PMID: 12474197]
- Wassink TH, Nopoulos P, Pietila J, Crowe RR, Andreasen NC (2003): NOTCH4 and the Frontal Lobe in Schizophrenia. American Journal of Medical Genetics 118B:1-7. [PMID: 12627456]
- White TJ, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P and Magnotta V (2003). “Gyrification abnormalities in childhood- and adolescent-onset schizophrenia.” Biol Psychiatry 54(4): 418-426. [PMID: 12915286]
- Andreasen NC (2004). “Acute and delayed posttraumatic stress disorders: a history and some issues.” Am J Psychiatry 161(8): 1321-1323. [PMID: 15285955]
- Crespo-Facorro B, Kim JJ, Chemerinski E, Magnotta V, Andreasen NC and Nopoulos P (2004). “Morphometry of the superior temporal plane in schizophrenia: relationship to clinical correlates.” J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 16(3): 284-294. [PMID: 15377735]
- Crespo-Facorro B, Nopoulos PC, Chemerinski E, Kim JJ, Andreasen NC and Magnotta V (2004). “Temporal pole morphology and psychopathology in males with schizophrenia.” Psychiatry Res 132(2): 107-115. [PMID: 15598545]
- Heitmiller DR, Nopoulos PC and Andreasen NC (2004). “Changes in caudate volume after exposure to atypical neuroleptics in patients with schizophrenia may be sex-dependent.” Schizophr Res 66(2-3): 137-142. [PMID: 15061245]
- Ho BC, Mola C and Andreasen NC (2004). “Cerebellar dysfunction in neuroleptic naive schizophrenia patients: clinical, cognitive, and neuroanatomic correlates of cerebellar neurologic signs.” Biol Psychiatry 55(12): 1146-1153. [PMID: 15184033]
- Ho BC, Flaum M, Hubbard W, Arndt S and Andreasen NC (2004). “Validity of symptom assessment in psychotic disorders: information variance across different sources of history.” Schizophr Res 68(2-3): 299-307. [PMID: 15099611]
- Spinks R, Sandhu HK, Andreasen NC and Philibert RA (2004). “Association of the HOPA12bp allele with a large X-chromosome haplotype and positive symptom schizophrenia.” Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet 127(1): 20-27. [PMID: 15108174]
- Torres IJ, O’Leary DS and Andreasen NC (2004). “Symptoms and interference from memory in schizophrenia: evaluation of Frith’s model of willed action.” Schizophr Res 69(1): 35-43. [PMID: 15145469]
- Wassink TH, Piven J, Vieland VJ, Pietila J, Crowe RR, Andreasen NC: Examination of AVPR1a as an autism susceptibility gene. Mol Psychiatry 9:968-972, 2004. [PMID: 15098001]
- Andreasen NC, Carpenter WT, Jr., Kane JM, Lasser RA, Marder SR and Weinberger DR (2005). “Remission in schizophrenia: proposed criteria and rationale for consensus.” Am J Psychiatry 162(3): 441-449. [PMID: 15741458]
- Andreasen NC (2005). “Vulnerability to mental illnesses: gender makes a difference, and so does providing good psychiatric care.” Am J Psychiatry 162(2): 211-213. [PMID: 15681293]
- Coryell W, Nopoulos P, Drevets W, Wilson T and Andreasen NC (2005). “Subgenual prefrontal cortex volumes in major depressive disorder and schizophrenia: diagnostic specificity and prognostic implications.” Am J Psychiatry 162(9): 1706-1712. [PMID: 16135631]
- Ho BC, Alicata D, Mola C and Andreasen NC (2005). “Hippocampus volume and treatment delays in first-episode schizophrenia.” Am J Psychiatry 162(8): 1527-1529. [PMID: 16055776]
- Ho BC, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P, Fuller R, Arndt S and Cadoret RJ (2005). “Secondary prevention of schizophrenia: utility of standardized scholastic tests in early identification.” Ann Clin Psychiatry 17(1): 11-18. [PMID: 15942998]
- Ho BC, Wassink TH, O’Leary DS, Sheffield VC and Andreasen NC (2005). “Catechol-O-methyl transferase Val158Met gene polymorphism in schizophrenia: working memory, frontal lobe MRI morphology and frontal cerebral blood flow.” Mol Psychiatry 10(3): 229, 287-298. [PMID: 15668720]
- Kopelman A, Andreasen NC and Nopoulos P (2005). “Morphology of the anterior cingulate gyrus in patients with schizophrenia: relationship to typical neuroleptic exposure.” Am J Psychiatry 162(10): 1872-1878. [PMID: 16199833]
- McCormick L, Decker L, Nopoulos P, Ho BC and Andreasen N (2005). “Effects of atypical and typical neuroleptics on anterior cingulate volume in schizophrenia.” Schizophr Res 80(1): 73-84. [PMID: 16169191]
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- Moser DJ, Reese RL, Schultz SK, Benjamin ML, Arndt S, Fleming FW and Andreasen NC (2005). “Informed consent in medication-free schizophrenia research.” Am J Psychiatry 162(6): 1209-1211. [PMID: 15930073]
- Pressler M, Nopoulos P, Ho BC and Andreasen NC (2005). “Insular cortex abnormalities in schizophrenia: Relationship to symptoms and typical neuroleptic exposure.” Biol Psychiatry 57(4): 394-398. [PMID: 15705355]
- Spinks R, Nopoulos P, Ward J, Fuller R, Magnotta VA and Andreasen NC (2005). “Globus pallidus volume is related to symptom severity in neuroleptic naive patients with schizophrenia.” Schizophr Res 73(2-3): 229-233. [PMID: 15653265]
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- Andreasen NC (2006): “From Austria, Through Aplysia, Toward the Mind.” Science 313:919-920.
- Andreasen NC (2006): “Farewell, thou child of my right hand.” Am J. Psychiatry, 163:1-2. [PMID: 16390877]
- Bigelow NO, Turner BM, Andreasen NC, Paulsen JS, O’Leary DS, Ho BC (2006): “Prism adaptation in schizophrenia.” Brain and Cognition, I6(3):235-242. [PMID: 16510223]
- Bigelow NO, Paradiso S, Adolphs R, Moser DJ, Arndt S, Hebeerlein A, Nopoulos P, Andreasen NC (2006): “Perception of socially relevant stimuli in schizophrenia.” Schizophrenia Research, 83 (2-3):257-267. [PMID: 16497483]
- Cheng P, Magnotta VA, Wu D, Nopoulos P, Moser DJ, Paulsen J, Jorge R, Andreasen NC (2006). “Evaluation of the GTRACT diffusion tensor tractography algorithm: a validation and reliability study.” NeuroImage, 31(3):1075-1085. [PMID: 16631385]
- Coryell W, Nopoulos P, Drevets W, Wilson T, Andreasen NC. Subgenual prefrontal cortex volumes in major depressive disorder and schizophrenia: diagnostic specificity and prognostic implications. Am J Psychiatry 2005; 162:1706-1712. [PMID: 16135631]
- Ho BC, Milev P, O’Leary DS, Librant A, Andreasen NC, Wassink TH (2006): “Cognitive and magnetic resonance imaging brain morphometric correlates of brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met gene polymorphism in patients with schizophrenia and healthy volunteers.” Arch Gen Psychiatry, 63(7):731-740. [PMID: 16818862]
- McCormick LM, Ziebell S, Nopoulos P, Cassell M, Andreasen NC, Brumm M (2006): “Anterior cingulate cortex: An MRI-based parcellation method.” NeuroImage, 32(3):1167-1175. [PMID: 16859929]
- Moser DJ, Reese RL, Hey CT, Schultz SK, Arndt S, Beglinger LJ, Duff KM and Andreasen NC (2006). “Using a brief intervention to improve decisional capacity in schizophrenia research.” Schizophr Bull 32(1): 116-120. [PMID: 11677273]
- Paulsen JS, Magnotta VA, Mikos AE, Paulson HL, Penziner E, Andreasen NC and Nopoulos PC (2006). “Brain structure in preclinical Huntington’s disease.” Biological Psychiatry 59(1): 57-63. [PMID: 16112655]
- Paz RD, Andreasen NC, Daoud SZ, Conley R, Roberts R, Bustillo J, Perrone-Bizzozero NI (2006): Increased expression of activity-dependent genes in cerebellar glutamatergic neurons of patients with schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry 163:1829-1831. [PMID: 17012697]
- Powell S., Magnotta V., Johnson H., Andreasen N. (2006). Automated brain segmentation using neural networks. The International Society for Optical Engineering, March.
- Shriver AS, Canady J, Richman L, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P (2006): Structure and function of the superior temporal plane in adult males with cleft lip and palate: pathologic enlargement with no relationship to childhood hearing deficits. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 47:994-1002. [PMID: 17073978]
- Song T, Gasparovic C, Andreasen N, Bockholt J, Jamshidi M, Lee RR, Huang M (2006): A hybrid tissue segmentation approach for brain MR images. Med Biol Eng Comput 44:242-249. [PMID: 16937165]
- White T, Ho BC, Ward J, O’Leary DS, Andreasen NC. (2006). “Neuropsychological performance in first-episode adolescents with schizophrenia: a comparison with first-episode adults and adolescent control subjects.” Biol Psychiatry, 60(5):463-471. [PMID: 16566898].
- Andreasen, N. C. (2007): “DSM and the death of phenomenology in America: an example of unintended consequences.” Schizophr Bull 33, 108-112. [PMID: 17158191]
- Crespo-Facorro B, Roiz-Santianez R, Pelayo-Teran JM, Rodriguez-Sanchez JM, Perez-Iglesias R, Gonzalez-Blanch C, Tordesillas-Gutierrez D, Gonzalez-Mandly A, Diez C, Magnotta VA., Andreasen NC, Vazquez-Barquero, J. L. (2007): Reduced thalamic volume in first-episode non-affective psychosis: correlations with clinical variables, symptomatology and cognitive functioning. Neuroimage 35:1613-1623. [PMID: 17395492]
- Ho BC, Andreasen NC, Dawson JD, Wassink TH (2007): Association between brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met gene polymorphism and progressive brain volume changes in schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry; 164(12):1890-9. PMCID: PMC3062255.
- Marvel CL, Turner BM, O’Leary DS, Johnson HJ, Pierson RK, Ponto LL, Andreasen NC (2007): The neural correlates of implicit sequence learning in schizophrenia. Neuropsychology 21:761-777. PMCID: PMC2799042.
- Nopoulos P, Richman L, Andreasen NC, Murray JC, Schutte B (2007): Abnormal brain structure in adults with Van der Woude syndrome. Clin Genet 71:511-517. [PMID: 17539900]
- Nopoulos P, Richman L, Andreasen N, Murray JC, Schutte B (2007): Cognitive dysfunction in adults with Van der Woude syndrome. Genet Med 9:213-218. [PMID: 17438385]
- Nopoulos P, Magnotta VA, Mikos A, Paulson H, Andreasen NC, Paulsen JS (2007): Morphology of the cerebral cortex in preclinical Huntington’s disease. Am J Psychiatry 164:1428-1434. [PMID: 17728429]
- Vaidya JG, Paradiso S, Andreasen NC, Johnson DL, Boles Ponto LL, Hichwa RD (2007): Correlation between extraversion and regional cerebral blood flow in response to olfactory stimuli. Am J Psychiatry 164:339-341. PMID: 17267799.
- Andreasen NC: Einstein: His Life and Universe, by Walter Isaacson, Simon and Schuster, book review. Am J Psychiatry, 2008; 165:1615-1616.
- Andreasen NC: The relationship between creativity and mood disorders. Dialogues Clin Neurosci 2008; 10(2):251-5. PMCID: PMC3181877.
- Andreasen NC, Calage CA, O’Leary DS: Theory of mind and schizophrenia: a positron emission tomography study of medication-free patients. Schizophr Bull 2008; 34(4):708-19. PMCID: PMC2632446.
- Andreasen NC, Pierson R: The role of the cerebellum in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 2008; 64(2):81-8. PMCID: PMC3175494.
- Demirci O, Clark VP, Magnotta VA, Andreasen NC, Lauriello J, Kiehl KA, Pearlson GD, Calhoun VD: A Review of Challenges in the Use of fMRI for Disease Classification / Characterization and A Projection Pursuit Application from Multi-site fMRI Schizophrenia Study. Brain Imaging Behav 2008; 2(3):147-226. PMCID: PMC2701746.
- Ho BC, Epping E, Wang K, Andreasen NC, Librant A, Wassink TH: Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor NEUROG1 and schizophrenia: effects on illness susceptibility, MRI brain morphometry and cognitive abilities. Schizophr Res 2008; 106(2-3):192-9. PMCID: PMC2597152.
- Leyba L, Mayer AR, Gollub RL, Andreasen NC, Clark VP: Smoking status as a potential confound in the BOLD response of patients with schizophrenia. Schizophr Res 2008; 104(1-3):79-84. PMCID: PMC2577169.
- Magnotta VA, Adix ML, Caprahan A, Lim K, Gollub R, Andreasen NC: Investigating connectivity between the cerebellum and thalamus in schizophrenia using diffusion tensor tractography: a pilot study. Psychiatry Res 2008; 163(3):193-200. PMC3847814.
- McCormick LM, Keel PK, Brumm MC, Bowers W, Swayze V, Andersen A, Andreasen N. Implications of starvation-induced change in right dorsal anterior cingulate volume in anorexia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord. 2008;41(7):602-10. PMCID: PMC3652574.
- Michael AM, Calhoun VD, Andreasen NC, Baum SA. A method to classify schizophrenia using inter-task spatial correlations of functional brain images. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc; 2008:5510-3.
- Powell S, Magnotta VA, Johnson H, Jammalamadaka VK, Pierson R, Andreasen NC (2008): Registration and machine learning-based automated segmentation of subcortical and cerebellar brain structures. Neuroimage 39:238-247. PMCID: PMC2253948.
- Roffman JL, Gollub RL, Calhoun VD, Wassink TH, Weiss AP, Ho BC, White T, Clark VP, Fries J, Andreasen NC, Goff DC, Manoach DS: MTHFR 677C –> T genotype disrupts prefrontal function in schizophrenia through an interaction with COMT 158Val –> Met. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2008; 105(45):17573-8. PMCID: PMC2582272.
- Wood JL, Heitmiller D, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P: Morphology of the ventral frontal cortex: relationship to femininity and social cognition. Cereb Cortex 2008; 18(3):534-40.
- Andreasen NC: Dialogues in clinical neuroscience. Child and adolescent psychiatry. Dialogues Clin Neurosci 2009; 11(1):5-6.
- Andreasen NC: John Case Nemiah, M.D. 1918-2009. Am J Psychiatry 2009; 166(12):1323-4.
- Dae KI, Manoach DS, Mathalon DH, Turner JA, Mannell M., Brown GG, Ford JM, Gollub RL, White T, Wible C, Belger A, Bockholt HJ, Clark VP, Lauriello J, O’Leary D, Mueller BA, Lim KO, Andreasen N, Potkin SG, Calhoun VD: Dysregulation of working memory and default-mode networks in schizophrenia using independent component analysis, an fBIRN and MCIC study. Human Brain Mapping 2009; 30 (11):3795-3811. PMCID: PMC2713821.
- Demirci O, Stevens MC, Andreasen NC, Michael A, Liu J, White T, Pearlson GD, Clark VP, Calhoun VD: Investigation of relationships between fMRI brain networks in the spectral domain using ICA and Granger causality reveals distinct differences between schizophrenia patients and healthy controls. Neuroimage 2009; 46(2):419-31. PMCID: PMC2713821.
- Freedman R, Lewis DA, Michels R, Pine DS, Schultz SK, Tamminga CA, Andreasen NC, Brady KT, Brent DA, Brzustowicz L, Carter CS, Eisenberg L, Goldman H, Javitt DC, Leibenluft E, Lieberman JA, Milrod B, Oquendo MA, Rosenbaum JF, Rush AJ, Siever LJ, Suppes P, Weissman MM, Roy MD, Scully JH, Jr., Yager J: Conflict of interest– an issue for every psychiatrist. Am J Psychiatry 2009; 166(3):274. PMID: 19255048.
- Kim DI, Manoach DS, Mathalon DH, Turner JA, Mannell M, Brown GG, Ford JM, Gollub RL, White T, Wible C, Belger A, Bockholt HJ, Clark VP, Lauriello J, O’Leary D, Mueller BA, Lim KO, Andreasen N, Potkin SG, Calhoun VD: Dysregulation of working memory and default-mode networks in schizophrenia using independent component analysis, an fBIRN and MCIC study. Hum Brain Mapp 2009; 30(11):3795-811. PMC3058491.
- Koscik T, O’Leary D, Moser DJ, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P: Sex differences in parietal lobe morphology: relationship to mental rotation performance. Brain Cogn 2009; 69(3):451-9. PMC2680714
- Michael, A. M., Baum, S. A., Fries, J. F., Ho, B. C., Pierson, R. K., Andreasen, N. C., & Calhoun, V. D. (2009). A method to fuse fMRI tasks through spatial correlations: applied to schizophrenia. Human Brain Mapping, 30(8), 2512-2529. PMCID: 2711995.
- Weinberg SM, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P: Three-dimensional morphometric analysis of brain shape in nonsyndromic orofacial clefting. Journal of Anatomy 2009, 214:926-936. PMCID: PMC2705301.
- Andreasen NC. Posttraumatic stress disorder: a history and a critique. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2010 Oct;1208:67-71. PMID: 20955327.
- Andreasen NC: The Lifetime Trajectory of Schizophrenia and the Concept of Neurodevelopment. Dialogues in Clin Neurosci; 2010; 12(3):409-413. PMC3181981.
- Andreasen NC, Pressler M, Nopoulos P, Miller D, Ho BC. Antipsychotic dose equivalents and dose-years: a standardized method for comparing exposure to different drugs. Biol Psychiatry. 2010 Feb 1;67(3):255-62. PMC3677042.
- Crespo-Facorro B, Roiz-Santianez R, Perez-Iglesias R, Rodriguez-Sanchez JM, Mata I, Tordesillas-Gutierrez D, Sanchez, E., Tabares-Seisdedos, R, Andreasen, N., Magnotta, V., Vazquez-Barquero, J. L.. Global and regional cortical thinning in first-episode psychosis patients: relationships with clinical and cognitive features. Psychol Med. 2010 Oct 14:1-12. PMC3954972.
- Hartz SM, Ho BC, Andreasen NC, Librant A, Rudd D, Epping EA, et al. G72 influences longitudinal change in frontal lobe volume in schizophrenia. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2010 Mar 5;153B(2):640-7. PMC2908546.
- Koscik T, O’Leary D, Moser DJ, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P: Sex differences in parietal lobe morphology: relationship to mental rotation performance. Brain Cogn 2010; 69(3):451-9. PMC2680714.
- Michael AM, Baum SA, White T, Demirci O, Andreasen NC, Segall JM, Jung RE, Pearlson G, Clark VP, Gollub RL, Schulz SC, Roffman JL, Lim KO, Ho BC, Bockholt HJ, Calhoun VD: Does function follow form?: Methods to fuse structural and functional brain images show decreased linkage in schizophrenia. NeuroImage 49 (2010) 2626-2637. PMC2911118.
- Sponheim SR, Jung RE, Seidman LJ, Mesholam-Gately RI, Manoach DS, O’Leary DS, Ho BC, Andreasen, N. C., Lauriello, J., Schulz, S. C.: Cognitive deficits in recent-onset and chronic schizophrenia. J Psychiatr Res. 2010 May;44(7):421-8. PMC3940967.
- Witthaus H, Mendes U, Brune M, Ozgurdal S, Bohner G, Gudlowski Y, Kalus P, Andreasen N, Heinz A, Klingebiel R, Juckel G: Hippocampal subdivision and amygdalar volumes in patients in an at-risk mental state for schizophrenia. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2010; 35(1):33-40. PMC2799502.
- Yendiki A, Greve DN, Wallace S, Vangel M, Bockholt J, Mueller BA, Magnotta V, Andreasen N, Manoach DS, Gollub RL: Multi-site characterization of an fMRI working memory paradigm: reliability of activation indices. Neuroimage, 2010; 53(1):119-31. PMC3810293.
- Andreasen NC: A journey into chaos: creativity and the unconscious. Mens Sana Monogr. 2011 Jan;9(1):42-53. PMC3115302.
- Andreasen NC: What is post-traumatic stress disorder? Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 2011; 13(3): 240-243. PMC3182007.
- Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P, Magnotta V, Pierson R, Ziebell S, Ho BC. Progressive Brain Change in Schizophrenia: A Prospective Longitudinal Study of First-Episode Schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry. 2011; 70:672-679. PMC3496792.
- Andreasen NC, Wilcox MA, Ho BC, Epping E, Ziebell S, Zeien E, Weiss B, Wassink T: Statistical Epistasis and Progressive Brain Change in Schizophrenia: An Approach for Examining the Relationships Between Multiple Genes. Molecular Psychiatry 2011: 108:1-10. PMCID: PMC3235542.
- Crespo-Facorro B, Roiz-Santianez R, Perez-Iglesias R, Mata I, Rodriguez-Sanchez JM, Tordesillas-Gutierrez D, Ortíz-García de la Foz V, Tabarés-Seisdedos R, Sánchez E, Andreasen N, Magnotta V, Vízquez-Barquero JL. Sex-specific variation of MRI-based cortical morphometry in adult healthy volunteers: the effect on cognitive functioning. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. [Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t]. 2011 Mar 30;35(2):616-23. PMC3880827.
- Crespo-Facorro B, Roiz-Santianez R, Perez-Iglesias R, Rodriguez-Sanchez JM, Mata I, Tordesillas-Gutierrez D, Sanchez, E., Tabares-Seisdedos, R., Andreasen, N., Magnotta, V. Vazquez-Barquero, J: Global and regional cortical thinning in first-episode psychosis patients: relationships with clinical and cognitive features. Psychological medicine. [Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t]. 2011 Jul;41(7):1449-60. PMC3954972.
- Ho BC,.Wassink TH, Zeibell S, Andreasen NC: Cannabinoid receptor 1 gene polymorphisms and marijuana misuse interactions on white matter and cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 2011, 128:66-75. PMCID: PMC3085576.
- Ho BC, Andreasen NC, Ziebell S, Pierson R, Magnotta V: Long-term Antipsychotic Treatment and Brain Volumes: A Longitudinal Study of First-episode Schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 2011; 68(2):128-137. PMCID: PMC3476840.
- Karageorgiou E, Schulz SC, Gollub RL, Andreasen NC, Ho BC, Lauriello J, Calhoun, V. D., Bockholt, H. J., Sponheim, S. R., Georgopoulos, A. P.. Neuropsychological Testing and Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging as Diagnostic Biomarkers Early in the Course of Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses. Neuroinformatics. 2011. PMC3116989.
- Michael AM; King MD; Ehrlich S; Pearlson G; White T; Holt DJ; Andreasen NC; Sakoglu U; Ho BC; Schulz S; Calhoun VD: A Data-Driven Investigation of Gray Matter-Function Correlations in Schizophrenia during a Working Memory Task. Front Hum Neurosci. 2011; 5:71. PMC3153862.
- Pierson R, Johnson H, Harris G, Keefe H, Paulsen JS, Andreasen NC, Magnotta V.A. Fully automated analysis using BRAINS: AutoWorkup. Neuroimage. 2011 Jan 1;54(1):328-36. PMC3827877.
- Qhite T, Magnotta VA, Bockholt HJ, Williams S, Wallace S, Ehrlich S,, Mueller, B. A., Ho, B. C., Jung, R. E., Clark, V. P., Lauriello, J., Bustillo, J. R., Schulz, S. C., Gollub, R. L., Andreasen, N. C., Calhoun, V. D., Lim, K. O.: Global white matter abnormalities in schizophrenia: a multisite diffusion tensor imaging study. Schizophr Bull. 2011 Jan;37(1):222-232. PMC3004177.
- Andreasen NC and Ramchandran K: Creativity in art and science: are there two cultures?” Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 2012; 14(1): 49-54. PMC3341649.
- Cullen KR, Wallace S, Magnotta VA, Bockholt J, Ehrlich S, Gollub RL, Manoach DS, Ho BC, Clark VP, Lauriello J, Bustillo JR, Schulz SC, Andreasen NC, Calhoun VD, Lim KO and White T: Cigarette smoking and whit matter microstructure in schizophrenia.” Psychiatry Research, 2012; 201(2): 152-158. PMC3319200.
- McCormick LM, Brumm MC, Beadle JN, Paradiso S, Yamada T, Andreasen N. Mirror neuron function, psychosis, and empathy in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 2012; 201(3):233-9. PMC3545445.
- Parker KL, Andreasen NC, Liu D, Freeman JH, Ponto LL and O’Leary DS: Eyeblink conditioning in healthy adults: a positron emission tomography study. Cerebellum, 2012; 11(4): 946-956. PMC3835594.
- Salinas, J., Mills, E. D., Conrad, A. L., Koscik, T., Andreasen, N. C. and Nopoulos, P. (2012). “Sex differences in parietal lobe structure and development.” Gender medicine 9(1): 44-55. PMC3326392.
- Sui, J., He, H., Pearlson, G. D., Adali, T., Kiehl, K. A., Yu, Q., Clark, V. P., Castro, E., White, T., Mueller, B. A., Ho, B. C., Andreasen, N. C. and Calhoun, V. D. (2012). “Three-way (N-way) fusion of brain imaging data based on mCCA+jICA and its application to discriminating schizophrenia.” Neuroimage 66C: 119-132. PMCID: PMC 3897558.
- Wassink, T. H., Epping, E. A., Rudd, D., Axelsen, M., Ziebell, S., Fleming, F. W., Monson, E., Ho, B. C. and Andreasen, N. C. (2012). “Influence of ZNF804a on brain structure volumes and symptom severity in individuals with schizophrenia.” Archives of general psychiatry 69(9): 885-892. PMC3852666.
- White T, Ehrlich S, Ho BC, Manoach DS, Caprihan A, Schulz SC, Andreasen NC, Gollub RL, Calhoun VD, Magnotta VA. Spatial characteristics of white matter abnormalities in schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull. 2012 PMCID: PMC3756779.
- Andreasen NC, Liu D, Ziebell S, Vora A, Ho BC. (2013). “Relapse duration, treatment Intensity, and brain tissue loss in schizophrenia: A prospective longitudinal MRI study.” Am J Psychiatry 2013, 170:609-615). PMCID PMC3835590.
- Fusar-Poli, P., Smieskova, R., Kempton, M. J., Ho, B. C., Andreasen, N. C., & Borgwardt, S. (2013). Progressive brain changes in schizophrenia related to antipsychotic treatment? A meta-analysis of longitudinal MRI studies. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 37(8), 1680-1691. PMC3964856.
- Gollub RL, Shoemaker JM, King MD, White T, Ehrlich S, Sponheim SR, Clark VP, Turner JA, Mueller BA, Magnotta V, O’Leary D, Ho BC, Brauns S, Manoach DS, Seidman L, Bustillo JR, Lauriello J, Bockholt J, Lim KO, Rosen BR, Schulz SC, Calhoun VD and Andreasen NC: The MCIC Collection: A Shared Repository of Multi-Modal, Multi-Site Brain Image Data from a Clinical Investigation of Schizophrenia. Neuroinformatics, 2013; 11:367-388. PMCID: PMC 3727653.
- Li, W., Andreasen, N. C., Nopoulos, P., & Magnotta, V. A. (2013). Automated parcellation of the brain surface generated from magnetic resonance images. Frontiers in neuroinformatics, 7, 23.
- Onwuameze OE, Nam KW, Epping EA, Wassink TH, Ziebell S, Andreasen NC and Ho BC: MAPK14 and CNR1 gene variant interactions: effects on brain volume deficits in schizophrenia patients with marijuana misuse. Psychological Medicine, 2013; 43(3): 619-631. PMCID: PMC3847818.
- Parker KL, Andreasen NC, Liu D, Freeman JH, and O’Leary DS: Eyeblink conditioning in unmedicated schizophrenia patients: A positron emission tomography study. Psychiatry Research, 2013; 214(3), 402-409. PMCID: PMC3980571.
- White T, Ehrlich S, Ho BC, Manoach DS, Caprihan A, Schulz SC, Andreasen NC, Gollub RL, Calhoun VD, Magnotta VA: Spatial characteristics of white matter abnormalities in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2013; 39(5), 1077-1086. PMCID: PMC3756779.
- Andreasen NC: Secrets of the Creative Brain. The Atlantic, June 25, 2014.
- Bijanki, K. R., Hodis, B., Magnotta, V. A., Zeien, E., & Andreasen, N. C. (2014). Effects of age on white matter integrity and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2014.05.031
- Koziol, L. F., Budding, D., Andreasen, N., D’Arrigo, S., Bulgheroni, S., Imamizu, H., Ito, M., Manto, M., Marvel, C., Parker, K., Pezzulo, G., Ramnani, N., Riva, D., Schmahmann, J., Vandervert, L., Yamazaki, T. (2014). Consensus paper: the cerebellum’s role in movement and cognition. Cerebellum, 13(1), 151-177. PMCID: PMC4089997.
- Rudd, D. S., Axelsen, M., Epping, E. A., Andreasen, N. C., & Wassink, T. H. (2014). A genome-wide CNV analysis of schizophrenia reveals a potential role for a multiple-hit model. American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32266
- Thompson, P. M., Stein, J. L., Medland, S. E., Hibar, D. P., Vasquez, A. A., Renteria, M. E., . . . Drevets, W. (2014). The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data. Brain imaging and behavior, 8(2), 153-182. doi: 10.1007/s11682-013-9269-5. PMCID: PMC4008818.
Papers submitted or in press:
- Andreasen NC, Ramchandran K: The Neuroscience of Creative Genius. In: The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Genius, edited by Dean Keith Simonton; Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell (in press).
- Andreasen NC, Magnotta V, Pierson R, Ziebell S, Ho BC: Progressive Neural Change in Schizophrenia: Phenomics, Eidomics, and Genomics. NEJM, submitted.
- Bijanki K, et al.: Hippocampal and Left Subcallosal Anterior Cingulate Atrophy in Psychotic Depression, PLOS One, in press.
- Ho B-C, Fuhrmeister L, Librant A, Keefe H, Pierson R, Andreasen NC, Wassink T: “Neurogenin 1 is associated with schizophrenia risk and hippocampal volume & verbal memory abnormalities.” Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, in press.
- Kemp, J., Ho, BC., Nopoulos, P., Andreasen, N. Effects of neuroleptic medications on the superior temporal plane structure in patients with schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology, submitted.
- Michael AM, Fries JF, Baum SA, Ho BC, Andreasen NC, Calhoun VD: A method to analyze correlations between multiple brain imaging tasks to characterize schizophrenia, Human Brain Mapping, in press.
- Nopoulos P, Andreasen N, et al: Sex differences in parietal lobe structure and development. Gender Medicine, in press.
- O’Leary DS, Block RI, Koeppel JA, Magnotta V, Andreasen NC, Boles Ponto LL, Watkins GL, Hichwa RD: Effects of smoking marijuana on attention and brain perfusion, submitted.
- Rudd DS, Wassink T, Axelsen MS, Epping EA, Andreasen NC: A Genome-Wide CNV Analysis of Schizophrenia Reveals a Potential Role for a Multiple-Hit Model. Neuropsychiatric Genetics, in press.
- Rudd DS, Epping EA, Axelsen MS, Andreasen N, Wassink T: Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia Case with 2.2 Mb Deletion at Chromosome 3p12.2-p12.1 and Two Large Chromosomal Abnormalities at 16q22.3-q24.3 and Xq23-q28, Clinical Cases Reports, in press.
Papers in preparation:
- Andreasen NC, Ho BC, Ziebell S, Weiss B, Wassink T. Relationship of NRG1 to Initial and Progressive Brain Abnormalities in Schizophrenia
- Ho BC, Wassink TH, Ziebell S, Andreasen NC. Effects of Cannabinoid Receptor 1 (CNR1) Genetic Polymorphisms and Cannabis Use on MRI Brain Volume Abnormalities in Schizophrenia
- Kemp, J., Nopoulos, P., Andreasen NC., Richman, L., Schutte, B. Morphology of the superior temporal plan in individuals with Van der Woude Syndrome. Genome Biology. In preparation.
- Nopoulos P, Beglinger L, Juhl A, Duff K, Mikos A, Paulson H, Murko V, Andreasen N, Paulsen J. Differential Sex Effects on the Structure of the Ventral Frontal Cortex in Huntington’s Disease: Relationship to Psychiatric Symptoms. In preparation.
- Wassink T, Ho BC, Ziebell S, Eric EA, Andreasen NC. CAMK4 and Schizophrenia: A CNV that Causes Disease and SNPs that Influence Rate of Longitudinal Brain Volume Change