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Julius Axelrod Ph.D.

Julius Axelrod Ph.D.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1970

Co-Nobelists Sir Bernard Katz, Ulf von Euler

Pharmacologist. Neurophysiologist. Mechanism for storage, release, inactivation of humoral transmitters in nerve endings. Discovered drug metabolic pathways: hydroxylation, demethylation, deamination, conjugation. Led to liver’s microsomal drug-metabolizing enzymes discovery. Pheochromocytoma. Carboxylmethyl transferase. Melatonin.

Ideal mentor. Infectious exhilaration in discovery. Research was genuine fun. Students came out of lab with same attitude.



  1. The history of neuroscience in autobiography. vol. 1.
    Editors: Larry R. Squire. Hardcover. ISBN: 9780126603019. Imprint: Academic Press. 18th March 1998. Pages 607
  2. NINDS at 50: Celebrating 50 Years of Brain Research by Lewis P Rowland. EBook. Publisher: New York: Demos Medical Pub., LLC, 2003.
  3. Julius Axelrod, PhD. by Robert Kanigel; American Association of Neurological Surgeons. VHS tape: Publisher: [Park Ridge, Ill.]: The Association, ©1990.


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