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Santiago Cajal Doctor of Medicine, Ph.D.

Santiago Cajal Doctor of Medicine, Ph.D.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1906

Co-nobelist: Camillo Golgi

Physician, Anatomist, Pathologist, Artist. Discovered nervous system structure. Stained nerve cells with silver nitrate. Proved nerve cell’s independence that impulse travels from one cell to another by synapse. He used to be a barber’s and a shoemaker’s apprentice.

“Oh comforting solitude, how favorable thou art to original thought!
“Outstanding work results from immense zeal applied to great idea.”
– Santiago Cajal

Nobel Prize Cash & Philanthropy


In the YouTube page search box, please copy and paste the name of the laureate. Click. Please do use your discretion. Please accept truthful info and disregard the rest. Possibly more than one person with same name.