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Mario R. Capecchi Ph.D.

Mario R. Capecchi Ph.D. speaker

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2007

Nobel co-recipients: Sir Martin J. Evans and Oliver Smithies
National Medal of Science – Biological Sciences 2001

Molecular Geneticist. Introduced specific gene modifications in mice by using embryonic stem cells. Gene Targeting, Homeobox Genes, Development, Behavior.

Mother incarcerated as political prisoner, Germany. “At age 4½, I set off on my own, living in streets, orphanages; joining gangs of homeless children; generally hungry. Vivid recollections, brutal beyond description.”

Nat’l Medal, Science
External Resources/Videos

External Resources

Text, mostly

Mainly Text

PMC The first transgenic mice: an interview with Mario Capecchi. 5p

Gene Targeting, Homeobox Genes, Development and Behavior

suu_logo Speech by Dr. Mario R. Capecchi given at the 109th Commencement of Southern Utah University on May 3, 2008″

dna_logo A way to correct genetic defects?

wolf_logo Mario R. Capecchi winner of Wolf Prize in Medicine 2003

govtrack_logo W. Res 350 (110th): A resolution honoring the achievements of Mario R. Capecchi, Sir Martin
J. Evans and Oliver Smithies


ibiology_logo Birth of gene targeting 13:53

csh_logo Mario Capecchi. Oral history


Mario R. Capecchi Please bear in mind that there may be more than one person with same name.