Ganga Library Inc

Vinton Cerf Ph.D.

Vinton Cerf Ph.D.

National Medal of Technology and Innovation 1997

One of two Fathers of the Internet. TCP/IP protocols. Internet Architecture. Chief Internet Evangelist, Google. Interplanetary Internet. Living Legend.

“Brilliant, indescribably enthusiastic, humorous, happy, treats people extremely well. It would be nice to go to work every day and work with people like Vint Cerf.” – R.V. Nagaveni, Founder, Ganga Library.

CV, Extensive/Publications
Defining Moment/Regret
History of Discovery – Brief History of the Internet
History of Discovery – History of the Internet Answers to Questions
Thought Process


Generously contributed by Vinton Cerf

Personal History
Educational History
Employment History
Professional Memberships, Activities and Awards
Member of the Technical Advisory Boards
Member of the Editorial Boards
Member of the Board of Directors
Television Series, Guest Appearances
Speaking Engagements and Professional Activities
Academic Honors
Public Service



Personal History

Born: June 23, 1943 (same day and month as Alan Turing!)
Birthplace: Yale Hospital, New Haven, CT
Married: Sept 10, 1966 to Sigrid T. Cerf
Sons: David D. Cerf and Bennett C. Cerf

Educational History

Van Nuys High School, Van Nuys, CA Graduated: Feb 1961
B.S. Math, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 1965
M.S. Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 1970
Ph.D. Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 1972

Employment History

February 2013 – May 2018
National Science Board
National Science Foundation
2415 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Member of the National Science Board (appointed by the President of the U.S.)

October 2005 – Present
Google Inc.
1875 Explorer Street
Suite 1000
Reston, VA 20190

VP and Chief Internet Evangelist
Responsible for encouraging extensive development of Internet-based applications through out the Google enterprise. Serving as a public face for Google and an internal communications channel for product ideas and new technology application.
August 2003 – September 2005

22001 Loudoun County Parkway, F2-4115
Ashburn, VA 20147
Senior Vice President, Technology Strategy
Responsible for guiding corporate strategy, acquisitions and partnerships with regard to technology
January 2003 – August 2003
22001 Loudoun County Parkway, F2-4115
Ashburn, VA 20147
Senior Vice President for Architecture and Technology
Responsible for design and development of advanced voice, data and Internet networking systems.

January 2000 – Present
Gallup Corporation
The Gallup Building
901 F Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20004
Tel: +1.202.715.3030
Fax: +1.202.715.3045
Senior advisor to the CEO and CIO; Gallup supplies statistical information, polling and business advice to enterprises, governments and NGO’s, worldwide.
James Clifton, CEO; Philip Ruhlman, CIO

November 1999 – December 2002
WorldCom Corporation
22001 Loudoun County Parkway, F2-4115
Ashburn, VA 20147
Senior Vice President for Internet Architecture and Technology
Responsible for design and development of advanced networking and Internet systems

August 2000 – Present

IPN Group
1435 Woodhurst Blvd
McLean, VA 22102

This is a California corporation set up to commercialize Interplanetary Protocols
developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The work is still too experimental for
such application, so the corporation has been essentially dormant.

November 1999 – November 2007

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 300
Marina del Rey, CA
Board member since November 1999
Chairman from November 2000 – November 2007
This was an unpaid position. The organization is a non-profit California corporation responsible for the management and coordination of the Internet’s unique identifiers
and parameters (Domain Names, Internet Addresses and Protocol parameters).

September 1998 – Nov 1999
MCI WorldCom Corporation
2100 Reston Parkway, 6th Floor
Reston, VA 20191
Senior Vice President for Internet Architecture and Technology
Responsible for design and development of advanced Internet systems

July 1998 – Present
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, California 91109-8099
Distinguished visiting scientist responsible for architecture and design of an interplanetary Internet

January 1997 – Sept 2000
World Business Review (with Casper Weinberger and Alexander Haig)
MultiMedia Productions
(Television Program on High Tech Businesses)

January 1996 – September 1998
MCI Communications Corporation
2100 Reston Parkway, 6th Floor
Reston, VA 20191

Senior Vice President for Internet Architecture and Engineering.
Responsible for design and engineering of MCI Internet system and services.

February 1994 – December 1995
MCI Telecommunications Corporation
2100 Reston Parkway, 6th Floor
Reston, VA 20191
Senior Vice President for Data Architecture.

Responsible for architectural design of MCI Data and Information Services

January 1992 – June 2001

Internet Society
11150 Sunset Hills Road
Suite 100
Reston, VA 20190-5321 USA
TEL: +1 703 326 9880

FAX: +1 703 326 9881

Chairman, Internet Societal Task Force (1999-2001)
Chairman of the Board (June 1998 – June 1999)
Vice President, Chapters (June 1997 – June 1998)
President (January 1992 – June 1995)

June 1986 – January 1994
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
1895 Preston White Drive
Reston, VA 22091
Vice President
Responsible for managing digital library, electronic messaging and Internet research projects.

October 1982 – May 1986
MCI Digital Information Services Company
2000 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Vice President of Engineering

Responsible for the design and implementation of MCI Mail.

September 1976 – September 1982
U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO)
1400 Wilson Street, 7th Floor
Arlington, VA 22209
Program manager and later, Principal Scientist.

Responsible for the packet technology and network security research programs, including the DoD Internet project.

November 1972 – August 1976
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Conducted research on packet network interconnection protocols and co-designed the DoD TCP/IP protocol suite with Robert E. Kahn. Taught classes in operating systems, algorithms and data structures, networking.

March 1967 – October 1972
Computer Science Department
Boelter Hall
University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024
Principal Programmer managing a number of projects including the ARPANET Network
Measurement Center, a videographics project including a computer-controlled 16 mm
camera. Participated in development of ARPANET host protocol specifications.

June 1965 – March 1967
3424 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA

Systems Engineer supporting the QUIKTRAN time-sharing system.
Computer Communications Consulting; 1966 – Present

Consultant to the National Library of Medicine, Defense Communications Agency (now Defense Information Systems Agency), MCI Communications Corp., National Security Agency, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Systems Development Corp., International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Department of Education, Cabledata Corp., Jacobi Systems Corp., Systems Control Corp., GTE Sylvania Corp., ELSAG, Inc., National Science Foundation, Salomon Brothers, United Nations Development Programme, MTELCorporation, EQUIFAX Corporation, MITRE Corporation, General Accounting Office, ACM, IEEE, National Academy of Science, Institute of Medicine, Department of Development (Ireland); Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy, Department of Commerce (NIST), Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Professional Memberships, Activities and Awards:

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (Member since 1967),

(Fellow 1993, President 2012-2014; past President 2014-2016)
ACM Council (1990-1992; 2010-present)
ACM SIGCOMM (Member, since 1973), (Chairman 1987 – 1991)
ACM LA-SIGART (Member 1967 – 1972), (Chairman, 1968 – 1969)
ACM National Lecturer (1979 – 1980)
ACM Systems Software Award (for TCP/IP with R. E. Kahn), 1992
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Fellow 1990
Chairman, Information, Computing and Communications Section, 2010-2011
American Academy for the Arts and Sciences, Fellow 1995
Sigma Xi (Member 1972 – Present)
IEEE (Member 1976, Senior Member 1980, Fellow 1988)
IEEE Koji Kobayashi Award (for TCP/IP with R. E. Kahn), 1992
IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Award (for Internet, with R. E. Kahn), 1997
IFIP – Chairman, IFIP Working Group 6.1 (1972 – 1976)
Member IFIP Working Groups 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5
Internet Architecture Board (Member 1985-1993), (Chairman 1989-1991)
Internet Society (Pioneer Member, since 1992), (Founding President 1992 – 1995),
Board of Trustees (1992 – Sept 2000), (Vice President for Chapters 1997-1998),
(Chairman 1998-1999), (Founding Chairman, Internet Societal Task Force,
March 1999-Sept 2000) IPV6 Forum (Honorary Chairman, July 1999 – present)
Federal Newsmaker Award (Federal Computer Week, 1989)
Datamation Hall of Fame, 1989
Brain Mapping Panel, Institute of Medicine 1990-1991
Rubin I. Altizer Award, 1992
Collaboratory Panel, National Academy of Science, chair, 1992 – 1993

Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award, 1993
UNIFORUM Award, 1993
Dvorak Technology Award, 1993 (BBSCON)
Info World Technology Award, 1993 (on behalf of Internet Society)
National Cristina Foundation Award, 1995
NATO Science Subcommittee on Networking, Chairman 1994 – 1998
Networld/Interop Lifetime Achievement Award, 1994
PEOPLE Magazine, 25 Most Intriguing People of 1994, December 1994
National Academy of Engineering (Member, 1995; committee on membership 2001-2004)
Softquad/Rubinsky Award, 1995
Medal of the Ambassador of France, 1995
International Telecommunications Union Silver Medal, 1995
Industry Legend Award, Computer and Communications Industries Association, 1996
Computerworld/Smithsonian Leadership Award, 1996
Franklin Institute, Certificate of Merit, May 1996
Nippon Electronics Corporation Computers and Communications Award, 1996
ACM SIGCOMM Award, 1996
Internet Electronic Commerce Lifetime Achievement Award, 1997
National Medal of Technology (w/Robert Kahn), 1997 Awarded by President Bill Clinton
Member of the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee 1997- 2001
Marconi Fellowship Award, April 1998
Washington Association of Science Award, May 1998
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf Medal, June 1998
Computer Reseller News/Computer Museum Hall of Fame, Nov 1998
Fellow, International Engineering Consortium, June 1999
George R. Stibitz Computer Award, September 1999 (w/Robert Kahn)
Werner Wolter Award, Intelevent, September 1999
Millennium Evening with President and Mrs. Clinton, (w/Eric Lander) October 1999
Living Legend Medal, Library of Congress, April 2000
E-map World Communications Lifetime Achievement Award, Monaco, Nov 2000
Charles Stark Draper Award (w/Kahn, Kleinrock, Roberts) Feb 2001
Andrew Saks Engineering Award, Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc, July 2001
J.D. Edwards Leadership Award for Collaboration, Computerworld, June 2002
Prince of Asturias Award, Oviedo, Spain, October 2002
World Institute on Disability Annual Award, San Francisco, November 2002
UCLA Engineering Alumnus of the Year Award, November 2003
National Medal of Science, Tunisia 2003
ACM Turing Award, 2004 (with Robert E Kahn), awarded June 2005
Presidential Medal of Freedom (w/Robert Kahn), Nov. 9, 2005 by President George W Bush
National Inventors Hall of Fame, May 2006 (w/Robert Kahn)
St. Cyril & St. Methodius (Collar) Order of Bulgaria, awarded 7/4/2006 by President Paranov
The Joseph Priestley Award, Dickinson College, September 2007
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, October 2007
The Japan Prize, April 23, 2008 (w/Robert Kahn)
Freeman of the City of London, April 2008
Member of the American Philosophical Society, April 2008
Cosmos Club McGovern Award 2008
Cosmos Club Member 2011 – present
Foreign Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, March 2009
Eminent Member, Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) honor society of the IEEE, December 2009
Pender Award, University of Pennsylvania, February 2010 (w/Robert Kahn)
Lifetime Webby Award, New York City June 2010
Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Eagle Award, April 2011
UCLA Alumnus of the Year, May 2011
Hasso Plattner Institute Fellow, May 2011
New Media Consortium Lifetime Achievement Award, June 2011
Life Achievement Award, Oxford Internet Institute, September 2011.
Distinguished Fellow of the British Computer Society, September 2011
Arthur C. Clarke Lifetime Achievement Award, April 2012
Internet Hall of Fame (Internet Society) – April 2012
Honorary Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, 2012
Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (with Robert Kahn, Tim Berners-Lee, Marc Andreessen and Louis Pouzin), March/June 2013
Terra Mariana Medal (First Class) of Estonia, May 2014
Computing Research Association Distinguished Service Award, June 2014
National Cyber Security Hall of Fame, August 2014
Elected Officer of the French Legion d’Honneur, December 2014
Honorary Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Stationers & Newspaper Makers, Oct 2015
Murillo Toro Medal for Communications, Colombia, November 2015
Foreign Member of the Royal Society, UK, July 2016
Areté Medallion, Elon University, September 2016
George Gamow Memorial Lecture, University of Colorado, Feb 2018
Shannon Luminary Lecture, Nokia-Bell Laboratories, March 2018
Franklin Medal, May 2018
French-American Foundation Award, June 2018

Member of the Technical Advisory Boards of:

Advisory Committee on International Communications and Information Policy (US State Department) (Oct 2010 – Sept 2014)
Blastoff! (June 2000 – January 2001) Bulgarian President’s Council for Information Technologies (2002 – 2009)
CoSine Corporation (January 2004 – December 2004)
COSMOS ID (June 2009 – present)
CRDF Foundation (2011 – present)
DOE Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee (Feb. 2012 – Feb. 2015)
Research Libraries Group (1988 – 1989)
Federal Networking Council (1990 – 1997)
Gallaudet Board of Associates (2010 – 2016)
General Magic, Inc. (1991 – 1992)
HP Strategic Technology Advisory Board (August 2002 – July 2005)
IPVerse (1999 – August 2001)
Bellcore (1992 – 1994) – acquired by SAIC
Cyras Systems (January 2000 – January 2001) – acquired
CSI, Inc. (1992 – 1995) – acquired by IRE
Intel Carrier Advisory Council (Jan 2002 – October 2005)
IRE, Inc. (1997 – September 2000)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (September 2001 – 2016)
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory ESNET Advisory Board (1 July 2011 – 30 June 2014)
Longitude Systems – (August 2000 – November 2001)
Metricom (May 2000 – July 2001)
Mount Wilson Council (March 2000 – June 2004)
National Association of Securities Dealers (June 2000 – June 2004)
Visiting Committee for Advanced Technology (VCAT) , National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), Member (February 2007), Vice Chair (2008 – 2009),
Chair (2010 – February 2013). Guest Researcher (2013-present)
Technology Innovation Program Committee, NIST, 2009 – 2011
Smart Grid Interoperability Panel Governing Board, 2010 – 2011
Packet Design (June 2000 – December 2004)
Tribune Entertainment Company (“Earth: Final Conflict” 1997- September 2000)
B2BS (was SmartAge) (1999 – July 2001) – out of business
FCC Technology Advisory Board (Jan 1999 – Jan 2001) (Jan 2003 – 2007)(Jun 2011 – 2013)
Procket Networks (August 1999 – July 2004) – acquired
Streamcore (January 2000 – June 2003) – acquired
US Institute of Peace (Jan 2000 – present)
US President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (1997 – 2001)
VeriSign (March 2008 – December 2011)
Zero G Capital Fund (March 2000 – December 2003)

Member of the Editorial Boards of:

The Internet Protocol Journal (IPJ)
IEEE Computer Society Internet Computing Magazine (IC)

Member of the Board of Directors:

2BNatural Inc. (April 2000 – December 2002)
Airguide Photonics, Member of the Advisory Board, Southampton, June 2018 – present
Association for Computer Machinery (July 2010 – July 2014)
President (July 2012-June 2014); Past President (July 2014-June 2016)
AfriQ*Access, Inc (Oct 2000 – December 2002)
ARIN (January 2011-2016)
(Audit Committee chair 2012-2016; Governance Committee member 2012-2016; chairman 2013-2016)
AVANEX (December 1999 – April 2009) (acquired by Oclaro)
B2B Video Networks (April 2000 – June 2002)
Broadband for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Jan 2009 – 2010)
CoSine Corporation (April 2000 – December 31, 2003)
Digex, Incorporated (October 2002 – October 2003)
Folger Shakespeare Library (September 2000 – June 2005; March 2016 – present)
FTP Software (1994 – 1998) – acquired
Gallaudet University (January 1997 – June 2005)
The Gorilla Foundation (August 2011 – 2014)
ClearSight Systems (was Hynomics, Inc.) (September 1998 – December 2006)
Innovation for Jobs, 2013 – present
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (January 2015 – present)
Intaba Institute (June 2009 – 2013)
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Sept 1999 – Nov 2007) (chairman Nov. 2000 – Nov. 2007)
Internet Policy Institute (November 1999 – December 2001)
Internet Society (January 1992 – June 2001)
Interprophet (1998 – September 2000)
MarcoPolo Foundation (July 2002 – October 2005)
Marconi Society (March 2012- present) [Chairman, 2016-present, Vice Chairman 2012-2016,
Audit Committee chair, Selection Advisory Committee (2009-2012,
chair 2011-2012)]
MasterCard Center for Inclusive Growth, Member of the Advisory Board, November 2017-present
MCI Foundation (January 1999 – October 2005)
National Science & Technology Medals Foundation (2004 – present)
Vice Chairman and Treasurer (2006 – present)
Member of the Board of Directors, Fairfax Resource Center for the Hearing Impaired (1987 – 1991).
Nuance (December 1999 – December 2004)
People Centered Internet, 2012 – present
Smart Grid Interoperability Panel Governing Board, Nov 2009 – 31 December 2011
StopBadWare, December 2009 – August 2015 (Chairman, 2012 – August 2015)
UNICODE Consortium, July 2010 – 2013 (Board member)

Television Series, Guest Appearances

Earth: Final Conflict, Episode 21 (“Destruction”) as Cy Vincent,
US President’s Chief of Staff (5/3/1998)
World Business Review w/Casper Weinberger, guest expert,
(1996 – September 2000). (From June 2000-Jan 2001, w/Alexander Haig.)

CSPAN, October 12, 1999 – White House Millennium Evening with President Bill Clinton,
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Eric Lander

CSPAN, July 17, 2014 – Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, Senator
John Rockefeller presiding.

Next Wave w/Leonard Nimoy, guest expert, (December 1999 )

Sam Donaldson’s ABC.COM, December 29, 1999

Art and Entertainment Channel’s Biographies of the Millennium, commenting on nine
of the 100 biographies, December 31, 1999

The History Channel, History of the Internet, Jan 31, 2000

The Colbert Report, July 15, 2014

Speaking Engagements and Professional Activities:

Keynote Speaker, 1st Latin American Symposium on Computer
Communication, Mexico City, May 1981.

Program Chairman, INFOCOM 82, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1982
(sponsored by IEEE Computer and Communications Societies).

Keynote Speaker, INFOCOM 86, Miami, Florida, April 1986.

Keynote Speaker, DECUS Networking Special Interest Group, April 1986.

Keynote Speaker, TCP/IP Working Group Meeting, Monterey, Calif., August 1986

Keynote Speaker, SIGCOMM 87, Stowe, Vermont, August 1987.

Keynote Speaker, CRAY USERS GROUP, Minneapolis, April 1988.

Keynote Speaker, IFIP WG 6.1, Atlantic City, June 1988.

Keynote Speaker, IFIP Network Management Workshop, Boston, May 1989.

Plenary Speaker, INTEROP 89, San Jose, California, October 1989.

Keynote Speaker, Special Libraries Association, Boston, April 1990.

Keynote Speaker, NISO Annual Meeting, New York, September 1990.

Keynote Speaker, ASIS Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, May, 1992

Keynote Speaker, DFN Semi-Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany, June 1993

Congressional Testimony, House Science Subcommittee, (Ch. Valentine), March, 1993

Keynote Speaker, INTEROP, Paris, France, October, 1993

Keynote Speaker, AFCEA, Fairfax, VA, January, 1994

Keynote Speaker, COMNET, Washington, DC, January, 1994

Invited Speaker, Powering Up North America, Toronto, Canada, February, 1994

Invited Speaker, Evolution of the Internet, HPCC, Alexandria, VA, March, 1994

Congressional Testimony, House Science Subcommittee, (Ch. Boucher), March, 1994

Invited Speaker, National Net ’94, Washington, DC, April, 1994

Keynote Speaker, ATM II, Technology Transfer Institute, April, 1994

Invited Speaker, Internet Association of Japan Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, April, 1994

Master of Ceremonies and Keynote Speaker, Information Infrastructure, Ballston Partnership, April, 1994

Invited Speaker, ICC/Super Comm, New Orleans, May, 1994

Keynote Speaker, Lawfirm Communications Conference, Philadelphia, PA, May, 1994

Keynote Speaker, Rotary Club International, Arlington, VA, May, 1994

Keynote Speaker, Thunderbird School Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, June, 1994

Invited Speaker, Multiple Panels, Internet Society INET ’94/JENC, Prague, Czech Republic, June, 1994

Invited Speaker, DISA Information Infrastructure Symposium, McLean, VA, June, 1994

Invited Speaker, IEEE National Information Infrastructure Symposium, McLean, VA, June, 1994

Invited Speaker, Defense Science Board, Arlington, VA, July, 1994

Invited Speaker, CSC Vanguard Conference, London, England, July, 1994

Keynote Speaker, Arizona State University Data Seminar, Phoenix, AZ, July, 1994

Invited Speaker, IFIP ’94, Hamburg, Germany, August, 1994

Panel Moderator, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Conference, Telecommunications, Washington, DC, September, 1994

Keynote Speaker, Latin American Networks Conference, Santiago, Chile, September, 1994 (Via Satellite)

Keynote Speaker, COMNET, San Francisco, CA, September, 1994

Invited Speaker, TCA, San Diego, CA, October, 1994

Invited Speaker, Interchange ’94, Washington, DC, October, 1994

Keynote Speaker, Networks and Distributed Systems, Crystal City, VA, October 1994

Keynote Speaker, Information Industries Association, New York, October, 1994

Keynote Speaker, E-Mail World, Boston, MA, November, 1994

Keynote speaker, Nobel Science Prize Ceremony, Stockholm, Sweden December 2002

Congressional Testimony, Senate Commerce, Science, Transportation Committee July 17, 2014, Senator J. Rockefeller, presiding. “Support for basic science research”

Approximately 1000 additional speaking engagements over the
period 1995 to 2006. I have stopped counting and recording after 2006.

Academic Honors

North American Rockwell Four-Year Scholarship, 1961.
Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA, Ph.D., honoris causa, 1996
Capitol College, MD, Ph.D., honoris causa, Commencement speaker, 1997
University of the Balearic Islands, Ph.D., honoris causa, 1998
ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, Ph.D., honoris causa, 1998
Lulea University of Technology, Sweden, Ph.D., honoris causa, 1998
George Mason University, Ph.D., honoris causa, 2000
University of Rovira and Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, Ph.D., honoris causa, 2000
Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, Ph. D., honoris causa, May 2001
University of Twente, Netherlands, Ph.D., honoris causa, November 2001
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Prof. honoris causa, Sept. 2004
Tschingua University, Beijing, China, honoris causa, 2004
Brooklyn Polytechnic, Ph.D, honoris causa, February 2005
Marymount University, Arlington, VA, honoris causa, May 2006
University of Pisa, Ph. D., honoris causa, June 2006
Technical University of Cartagena, Spain, Ph. D., honoris causa, April 2008
University of Zaragoza, Spain, Ph. D., honoris causa, May 2008
Universidad Politecnica Madrid, Spain, Ph.D., honoris causa, April 2009
Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas, USA, Ph.D., honoris causa, May 2009
MGIMO (Moscow State University of International Relations), Ph.D., honoris causa, August 2010
Buenos Aires Institute of Technology, Ph. D., honoris causa, November 2011
Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, Ph.D., honoris causa, September 2012
Yale University, New Haven, CT, Ph.D., honoris causa, May 2013
University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, Ph. D. Honoris Causa, November 2013
Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, Ph.D., honoris causa, June 2015
St. Andrews University, Scotland, UK, Ph.D., honoris causa, June 2015
University of Reading, UK, Ph.D., honoris causa, July 2015
Pitt University, Pittsburgh, USA, Ph.D., honoris causa, May 2016
McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Ph.D., honoris causa, June 2016
Ramon Llull University (La Salle), Barcelona, Spain, Ph.D., honoris causa, June 2016

Public Service

Member of the Board of Directors, Fairfax Resource Center for the
Hearing Impaired (1987 – 1991).

President, Camelot Community Club (1987-1990)

Languages: English, German


  1. V. G. Cerf, “Zero Text Length EOF Message,” RFC 13, 20 August 1969.
  2. V. G. Cerf, “IMP-IMP and HOST-HOST Control Links,” RFC 18, September 1969.
  3. V. G. Cerf, “ASCII Format for Network Interchange,” RFC 20, October 16, 1969.
  4. V. G. Cerf, “Network Meeting Notes,” RFC 21, October 17, 1959.
  5. V. G. Cerf, “Host-Host Protocol Message Formats, ” RFC 22, October 17, 1969
  6. V. G. Cerf, Measurement of Recursive Programs, Technical Report No. 70-43,
    Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, May 1970
    (Master’s Thesis).
  7. V. G. Cerf, “Belated Network Meeting Report,” RFC 63, 31 July 1970.
  8. J. Postel, V. G. Cerf, “UCLA – Computer Science Graphics Overview,” RFC 174, 8 June 1971.
  9. C. S. Carr, S. Crocker, and V. G. Cerf, “HOST-HOST Communication
    Protocol in the ARPA Network,” AFIPS Proceedings of the 1970 SJCC, pp.
    589-597. [Reprinted in Computer Networking, edited by Blanc and Cotton,
    IEEE Press, 1976, p. 7.]
  10. R.H. Anderson, V.G. Cerf, E. Harslem, J. Heafner, J. Madden, R. Metcalfe, A. Shoshani, J. White, D.C.M. Wood, Status Report on Proposed Data Reconfiguration Service, RFC 138, April 1971.
  11. V. G. Cerf, “Data Transfer Protocols,” RFC 163, 19 May 1971.
  12. R. H. Anderson, V. G. Cerf, E. Harslem, J. F. Heafner, J. Madden, R. M. Metcalfe, A. Shoshani, J.E. White, D.C.M.Wood, “Data Reconfiguration Service: An Implementation specification,” RFC 166, May 1971.
  13. R. H. Anderson, V. G. Cerf, E. Harslem, J. F. Heafner, J. Madden, R. M. Metcalfe, A. Shoshani, J.E. White, “The Data Reconfiguration Service – Compiler/Interpreter Implementation notes,” RFC 194, July 1971.
  14. V. G. Cerf, and G. Estrin, “Measurement of Recursive Programs”
    Proceedings of the IFIP Congress, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, August 1971.
  15. R. D. Anderson and E. F. Harslem, J. F. Heafner, V. G. Cerf, J.
    Madden, R. Metcalfe, A. Shoshani, J. White, D. Wood, “The Data
    Reconfiguration Service — An Experiment in Adaptable Process/Process
    Communication,” Proceedings of ACM/IEEE Second Symposium on Problems
    in the Optimization of Data Communication Systems, Palo Alto, October
    20-22, 1971, pp. 1-9, Reprinted in IEEE Transactions on Communications,
    Vol. COM-20, No. 3, June 1972, pp. 557-564.
  16. E. C. Russell, V. G. Cerf and J. Postel, “META-5 for BPM and SEX
    Systems,” Document #3, SEX Users Manual, SPADE Group, 3732 Boelter
    California, Los Angeles, October 1971.
  17. V. G. Cerf, E. Fernandez, K. Gostelow, and S. Volansky, “Formal
    Control-Flow Properties of a Model of Computation,” Technical Report
    No. ENG-7178, Engineering Department, University of California, Los
    Angeles, December 1971.
  18. V. G. Cerf, Multiprocessing, Semaphores and a Graph Model of
    Computation, Ph.D. Dissertation, Computer Science Department,
    University of California, Los Angeles, March 1972.
  19. V. G. Cerf, J. Postel, “Well Known Socket Numbers,” RFC 322, 26 March 1972.
  20. V. G. Cerf and W. Naylor, “Storage Considerations in
    Store-and-Forward Message Switching,” 1972 Wescon Technical Papers,
    session 7, Los Angeles, September 19-22, 1972.
  21. K. P. Gostelow, V. G. Cerf, G. Estrin, and S. Volansky, “Proper
    Termination of Flow-of-Control in Programs Involving Concurrent
    Processes,” Proceedings of the ACM Annual Conference, Boston, August
    1972, pp. 742-754.
  22. V. G. Cerf and W. Naylor, “Selected ARPA Network Measurement
    Experiments,” COMPCON 72 Digest of Papers, September 12-14, 1972, San
    Francisco, pp. 201-204.
  23. V. G. Cerf, “Formation of the Network Measurement Group (NMG), RFC 323, March 23, 1972.
  24. K. Gostelow, V. G. Cerf, G. Estrin, S. Volansky, “Proper Termination of Flow-of-Control in Programs Involving Concurrent Processes,” ACM ’72, Proceedings of the ACM Annual Conference, Volume 2, ACM, August 1972.
  25. V. G. Cerf, “NCP Statistics,” RFC 323, 23 August 1972.
  26. V. G. Cerf, “Current Flow-Control Scheme for IMPSYS,” RFC 442, 24 January 1973.
  27. V. G. Cerf, “Parry Encounters the Doctor,” DATAMATION, July 1973,
    pp. 62-64. [and RFC 439, 21 January 1973].
  28. V. G. Cerf and R. E. Kahn, “A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication,” IEEE Transactions on Communication, Vol. COM-22, No. 5, May 1974, pp. 637-648. Reprinted in Computer Networking, edited by Blanc and Cotton, IEEE Press, 1976, pp. 95-106. Reprinted in Innovations in Internetworking, Artech House, December 1988. Reprinted in Computer Communications Review, Vol. 35, No. 2, p. 71-82, 2005.
  29. V. G. Cerf, D. D. Cowan, R. C. Mullin, and R. G. Stanton,
    “Topological Design Considerations in Computer-Communication Networks,”
    Computer Communication Networks, (R. L. Grimsdale and F. F. Kuo, eds.),
    Academic Book Services, Holland, Netherlands, April 1974.
  30. V. G. Cerf and C. Sunshine, “Protocols and Gateways for
    Interconnection of Packet Switching Networks,” Proceedings of the
    Seventh Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Western
    Periodicals Co., Hawaii, 1974, pp. 105-108.
  31. V. G. Cerf, “An Assessment of ARPANET Protocols,” Proceedings of
    the Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, 1974.
  32. V. G. Cerf, D. D. Cowan, R. C. Mullin and R. G. Stanton, “Networks
    and Generalized Moore Graphs.” Proceedings of the Manitoba Conference
    on Numerical Mathematics, 1974.
  33. V. G. Cerf, D. D. Cowan, R. C. Mullin and R. G. Stanton, “A Partial
    Census of Trivalent Generalized Moore Networks,” Combinatorial
    Mathematics III, Proceedings of the Third Australian Conference held
    at the University of Queensland, May 1974, Lecture Notes in Mathematics
    452, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1975, pp. 1-27.
  34. V. G. Cerf, D. D. Cowan, R. C. Mullin, and R. G. Stanton, “A Lower
    Bound on Average Path Length in Regular Graphs,” Networks, Vol. 4,
    1974, pp. 335-342.
  35. V. G. Cerf, “ARPANET Protocols,” Computer Networks, Infotech
    State-of-the-Art Report No. 24, Infotech Information Ltd., Maidenhead,
    Berkshire, England, 1974.
  36. V. G. Cerf, D. D. Cowan, R. C. Mullin, and R. G. Stanton,
    “Trivalent Generalized Moore Networks on Sixteen Nodes,” UTILITAS
    MATHEMATICA, Vol. 6 (1974) pp. 259-283.
  37. “L. D. Earnest, J. McCarthy, E. A. Feigenbaum, J. Lederberg, V. G. Cerf, “Recent Research in artificial intelligence, heuristic programming and network protocols,” Stanford University, July 1974 [one year progress report for ARPA-sponsored research]
  38. C. E. Agnew, P. Baran, D. C. Caulkins, V. G. Cerf, and R. C. Crane,
    “New Applications for ARPANET-Developed Information Processing
    Technology, Vol. I., On the Automation of the Procurement Process:
    Present Status, Feasibility for Improvements, Proposed Next Steps, and
    Payoffs,” Cabledata Associates, Inc., Palo Alto, California, February
    3, 1975, 112, p. R-170. NTIS AD/A-006 900/5WC.
  39. A. Curran, V. G. Cerf, “The Work of IFIP Working Group 6.1,” SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, V. 5, No. 2, ACM, April 1975.
  40. V. G. Cerf, “International Dialogue,” AFIPS ’75, Proceedings of the May 19-22, 1975 National Computer Conference and Exhibition, ACM, May 1975.
  41. V. G. Cerf, “Comments on the IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol Changes,” RFC 696, July 1975.
  42. V. G. Cerf, A. McKenzie, R. Scantlebury, and H. Zimmermann,
    “Proposal for an International End to End Protocol,” ACM SIGCOMM
    Computer Communication Review, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1976, pp. 63-89.
  43. K. Uncapher and V. G. Cerf, “The ARPANET — A User Perspective,” Sao
    Paulo, Brazil, October 1975.
  44. R. W. Sanders, V. G. Cerf, “Compatibility or Chaos in Communications,”
    Datamation, March 1976, pp. 50-55.
  45. V. G. Cerf, “Research Topics in Computer Communication,” Computers
    and Communication, Proceedings of the Federal Communications Commission
    Planning Conference, November 8-9,1976, AFIPS Press, Montvale, New
    Jersey, 1976.
  46. V. G. Cerf and A. Curran, “The Future of Computer Communications.”
    Computers and Communication, Proceedings of the Federal Communications
    Commission Planning Conference, November 8-9, 1976, AFIPS Press,
    Montvale, New Jersey 1976. (Also reprinted in DATAMATION, May 1977, pp.
  47. J. M. McQuillan and V. G. Cerf, A Practical View of Computer
    Communications Protocols, Tutorial Day Presentation, Fifth Data
    Communications Symposium, Snowbird, Utah, September 27-29, 1977. (IEEE
    Press, Catalog No. EHO 137-0, 1978.)
  48. V. G. Cerf and P. T. Kirstein, “Issues in Packet Network
    Interconnection,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 66, No. 11, November
    1978, pp. 1386-1408. [reprinted in Innovations in Internetworking, Artech House, December 1988.]
  49. V. G. Cerf, J. Postel, “Mail Transition Plan,” RFC 771, September 1980.
  50. V. G. Cerf, “Comments on NCP/TCP Mail Service Transition Strategy,” RFC 773, October 1980.
  51. V. G. Cerf, “A View of Verification Technology,” SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, ACM, July 1981.
  52. Robert R. Fossum and V. G. Cerf, “Communications Challenges for the
    80s,” SIGNAL, Vol. 34, No. 2, October 1979, pp. 17-25. Reprinted in
    High Technology Initiatives in C3I, (S. J. Andriole, ed.), AFCEA
    International Press, Washington, D.C., 1986.
  53. V. G. Cerf, “DARPA Activities in Packet Network Interconnection,”
    Interlinking of Computer Networks, K. G. Beauchamp, ed.), NATO Advanced
    Studies Institute Series, D. Reidel Publishing, London, 1979.
  54. V. G. Cerf, “Packet Communication Technology,” Protocols and
    Techniques for Data Communication Networks, (F. F. Kuo, ed.), Prentice
    Hall, New York, 1980.
  55. V. G. Cerf, “Protocols for Interconnected Packet Networks,”
    Computer Communication Review, Vol. 10, No. 4, October 1980.
  56. V. G. Cerf, “Aspirations and Trends in Computer Networking
    Technology,” Keynote speech, First Latin American Symposium on Computer
    Networks, Mexico City, May 1981.
  57. V. G. Cerf, “Internetting and Electronic Message Systems,”
    Electronic Mail and Message Systems: Technical and Policy Issues, (R.
    E. Kahn, A. Vezza and A. Roth, eds.), AFIPS Press, 1981.
  58. V. G. Cerf, “Pre-emption,” RFC 794 (IEN 125), September 1981.
  59. V. G. Cerf and R. E. Lyons, “Military Requirements for
    Packet-Switched Networks and Their Implications for Protocol
    Standardization,” EASCON 1982 Proceedings; also, Proceedings of the
    SHAPE Technology Center Symposium on the Interoperability of Automated
    Data Systems, November 1982.
  60. V. G. Cerf, “Packet Satellite Technology Reference Sources,” RFC 829, November 1982.
  61. V. G. Cerf, H. Clausen, F. Deckelman, H. Dodel, R. E. Kahn, J.
    Laws, P. T. Kirstein and P. Spilling, “Cooperative U.S./European
    Research on Command and Control System Interoperability,” Proceedings
    of the SHAPE Technology Center Symposium on the Interoperability of
    Automated Data Systems, November 1982.
  62. V. G. Cerf and E. Cain, “The DoD Internet Architecture Model,”
    Proceedings of the SHAPE Technology Center Symposium on the
    Interoperability of Automated Data Systems, November 1982. Also
    appeared in Computer Networks, Vol. 7, No. 5, October 1983, pp. 307-318,
    doi: 10.1016/0376-5075(83)90042-9, Elsevier Science, B. V.
  63. V. G. Cerf, “Packet Satellite Technology Reference Sources,”
    Proceedings of the DFVLR Symposium on Satellites and Data
    Communication, Cologne, Federal Republic of Germany, September, 1982.
  64. V. G. Cerf, “The MCI Mail Architecture”, Networks 84, Online
    Conferences, London, 1984.
  65. “Twas the night before start-up,”: RFC 968, December 1985.
  66. V. G. Cerf, “Computer-based Messaging”, in Data Communications
    Networks and Systems (T. C. Bartee, ed.), Howard W. Sams & Co., Division
    of MacMillan, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, 1986.
  67. V. G. Cerf, “On the Role of Paper in an Electronic Messaging
    Environment,” in Proceedings of the IFIP Congress ’86, Dublin, Ireland,
    September 1986.
  68. V. G. Cerf, “Information Infrastructure,” a column appearing in IEEE
    Networks Magazine, 1987 – 1990.
  69. V. G. Cerf, “IAB Recommendations for the development of Internet Network Management Standards,” RFC 1042, April 1988.
  70. V. G. Cerf, “Report of the Second Ad Hoc Network Management Review Group,” RFC 1109, August 1989.
  71. V.G.Cerf, “The Internet Activities Board”, Computer Networks 17: 337-341 (1989) [and RFC 1120, September 1989].
  72. J. Postel, L. Kleinrock, V. Cerf, R. Boehm, “Act One –The Poems,” RFC 1121, September 199.
  73. V. G. Cerf, “The Internet Activities Board, RFC 1160, May 1990.
  74. V. G. Cerf, “Thoughts on the National Research and Education Network,” RFC 1167, July 1990.
  75. V.G. Cerf, K. L. Mills, “Explaining the Role of GOSIP,” RFC 1169, August 1990.
  76. V. G. Cerf, IAB recommended policy on distributing internet identifier assignment and IAB recommended policy change to internet “connected” status, RFC 1174, August 1990.
  77. V. G. Cerf, “Ethics and the Internet,” Computers Under Attack: intruders, worms and viruses, ACM, February 1991.
  78. V. G. Cerf, P.T. Kirstein, B. Randell, “Network and Infrastructure User Requirements for Transatlantic Research Collaboration, Brussels, July 16-18 and Washington July 24-25, RFC 1210, March 1991.
  79. V. G. Cerf, “Memo from the Consortium for Slow Commotion Research (CSCR), RFC 1217, 1 April 1991.
  80. Constance. M. Pechura, Joseph. B. Martin (eds.), Mapping the Brain and its Functions,
    Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, 1991 (V.G. Cerf member of committee)
  81. V. G. Cerf, “Networks,” Scientific American, Vol 265, No 3,
    September 1991, p. 72.
  82. A.C. Weaver and V.G. Cerf, “Computer Networks: Past and Future,” IEEE Computer
    24(9), p.106-107, 1991.
  83. V. G. Cerf, “Guidelines for Internet Measurement Activity,” RFC 1262, October 1991
  84. D. Clark, L. Chapin, V. Cerf, R. Braden, R. Hobby, “Towards the Future Internet Architecture,” RFC 1287, December 1991.
  85. V.G. Cerf, “A Perspective on Ubiquitous Computing,” ACM Conference on
    Computer Science, 1992, p. 570
  86. V. G. Cerf, “EXPERT OPINION: Warming trend with turbulence in the
    lower layers,” IEEE SPECTRUM, Vol. 30, No. 1, January 1993, p. 42 (part
    of article on Data Communications)
  87. V. G. Cerf (Ed.), National Collaboratories: Applying Information
    Technologies for Scientific Research, National Academy of Sciences,
    Computer Science Technology Board, 1993.
  88. S. Hardcastle-Kille, E. Huizer, V. Cerf, R. Hobby, S. Kent, “A Strategic Plan for Deploying an Internet X.500 Director Service,” RFC 1430, February 1993.
  89. V. G. Cerf, “A National Information Infrastructure,” Connexions,
    Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1993; also in Boardwatch, May 1993 as “Dr. Cerf Goes
    to Washington.”
  90. V.G. Cerf, “A View from the 21st Century,” RFC1607, 1 April 1994.
  91. V. G. Cerf, “An Agreement between the Internet Society and Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the Matter of ONC RPC and XDR Protocols,” RFC 1790, April 1995
  92. V.G. Cerf, “Research Pays Off,” SCIENCE, Vol. 271, p.1343, 8 March 1996
  93. V. G. Cerf and John Klensin, “Documenting the Information Age: What do we know?”, History of the Internet Conference, Feb 1997
  94. Barry M. Leiner, Vinton G. Cerf, David D. Clark, Robert E. Kahn, Leonard Kleinrock,
    Daniel C. Lynch, Jonathan B. Postel, Lawrence G. Roberts, Stephen S. Wolff, “The Past
    And Future History of the Internet,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 40, No. 2, 1997,
    p. 102-108. [see also]
  95. V. G. Cerf, “When They’re Everywhere,” Beyond Calculation, Copernicus, Springer Verlag, 1997
  96. V. G. Cerf, “I Remember IANA,” Network Working Group, Request for Comments, 2469, Oct. 17, 1998 [Also reprinted in Communications of the ACM, Vol. 41, No. 12, P. 27-28 and
    in ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review, 2009, Vol. 39, No. 5, p. 22-31]
  97. V. G. Cerf, “Our Digital Future,” The NOVA Reader; Science at the Turn of the Millennium, TV Books, 1999
  98. V.G. Cerf, “In the belly of the net,” Talking Back to the Machine, Springer-Verlag, New York, June 1999.
  99. Robert E. Kahn and Vinton G. Cerf, “What Is The Internet (And What Makes It Work)”, Internet Policy Institute, December 1999.
  100. V. G. Cerf, “Beyond the Post-PC Internet, ” Communications of the ACM, 2001, Vol. 44,
    No. 9, September 2001, p. 34-37.
  101. V. G. Cerf, “The Internet is for Everyone,” RFC 3271, April 2002.
  102. V. G. Cerf, “One is Glad to Be of Service,” The Invisible Future, McGraw-Hill, 2001, p. 127.
  103. V.G. Cerf, First Chapter of Sociedad Del Futuro [Society of the Future], Circulo de Lectores, 2002, p. 24-85, edited by Jordi Llompart.
  104. V. G. Cerf, “Digital Government and the Internet, ” dg.o ’02. Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Natioal Conference on Digital Government Reearch, Digital Government Society of North America, May 2002.
  105. V. G. Cerf, “Delay Tolerant Networking,” HOTI ’02: Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on High Performance Interconnects, August 2002.
  106. Michael Pelcovits and Vinton G Cerf, “Economics of the Internet,” Emerging Telecommunications Networks, The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics, Volume II, (Gary Madden, ed.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2003, p. 27-54
  107. S. Burleigh, A. Hooke, L. Torgerson, K. Fall, V.G. Cerf, B. Durst, K. Scott, H. Weiss, “Delay-tolerant Networking: An Approach to Interplanetary Internet,” IEEE Communications Magazine, V 41, No. 5, June 2003.
  108. Scott Burleigh, Vinton Cerf, Robert Durst, Kevin Fall, Adrian Hooke, Keith Scott, Howard Weiss, “The Interplanetary Internet: A Communications Infrastructure for Mars Exploration” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Published by Elsevier Science Ltd., 2003
  109. V.G. Cerf, “Rosencrantz and Ethernet,” Kontur Magazine, Vol 1993, No. 2-3, p. 101
  110. V. G. Cerf, Preface, CommLaw Conspectus, Journal of Communications, Law and Policy, Institute for Communications Law Studies and the Columbus School of Law, The Catholic University of America, Volume 9, No. 1, 2001, p. 1
  111. National Research Council, High Performance Computing and Communications Steering Committee (Ken Kennedy, chair; Frances E. Allen; Vinton G. Cerf; Geoffrey Fox; William L. Scherlis; Burton Smith; Karen R. Sollins), Computing and Communications in the Extreme, National Academy Press, 1996, 160 pages.
  112. V. G. Cerf, Foreword, “The Free Flow of Information is not Free,” The Internet Under Surveillance, Reporters without Borders,, May 2003.
  113. V. G. Cerf, “What are Key Policy and Social Issues Facing the Internet?”, in Engineering Tomorrow, (Janie Fouke, Ed., Trudy E. Bell and Dave Dooling, Writers), IEEE Press, New Jersey, 2000, p. 4-10.
  114. V. G. Cerf and Robert E. Kahn, Introduction, Managing IP Networks: Challenges and Opportunities, (Salah Aidarous and Thomas Plevyak, editors), IEEE Press, Wiley Interscience, NY, 2003, p. 1-8.
  115. V. G. Cerf, “Requirements for the Internet,” 11th IEEE International Conference on
    Requirements Engineering (RE 2003), 8-12 September 2003, Monterey Bay, CA, USA. IEEE
    Computer Society 2003, ISBN 0-7695-1980-6, p. 3-4.
  116. V .G. Cerf, “Foreword: Who Rules the Net?”, Who Rules the Net?: Internet Governance and Jurisdiction, edited by Adam Thierer and Clyde Wayne Crews, Jr., CATO Institute, Washington, DC, 2003, p. vii-xii.
  117. Linkov F, Omenn G, Serageldin I, Cerf V, Lovalekar M, LaPorte R. Multilayer Quality Control: The Supercourse Journal of Cancer Education Mar 19 PMID: 20300911
  118. V.G. Cerf, “Internet and the System of Justice”, Washington Law Review, Vol. 79, No, 1, February, 2004, p. 25-30.
  119. V. G. Cerf, MUSINGS ON THE INTERNET (Part 1), Educause Review, Vol. 37, No. 5, September/October 2002, pp. 74-84.

  121. V. G. Cerf, MUSINGS ON THE INTERNET (Part 2), Educause Review, Vol 39, No. 3, May/June 2004, pp. 28-37.
  122. V. G. Cerf, “Taking Internet’s Temperature,” ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital
  123. Libraries, JCDL 2004, Tucson, AZ, USA, June 7-11, 2004, Proceedings. ACM 2004,
    ISBN 1-58113-832-6

  124. V. G. Cerf, “Spam, spim and spit,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 48, No. 4
  125. p. 39-43, 2005.

  126. J. A. Hitchcock, V. G. Cerf, Net Crimes & Misdemeanors: Outmaneuvering Web Spammers, Stalkers and Con Artists, Cyberage Books/Information Today, Inc., November 2005.
  127. V. G. Cerf, How the Internet is Changing the Concept of Journalism, Innovation Journalism, Vol. 3, No. 4, May 29, 2006 (Third Conference on Innovation Journalism Keynote)
  128. R.E. Laporte, G.S. Omenn, I. Serageldin, V.G. Cerf, F. Linkov, A Scientific Supercourse, Science 28 April 2006, Vol. 312, No. 5773 .p 526 (DOI: 10.1126/Science.312.5773.526c)
  129. V. G. Cerf, R. E. Kahn, “Assessing the Internet: Lessons Learned, Strategies for Evolution and Future Possibilities,” Turing Award Lectures, ACM, January 2007 [Video]
  130. V. G. Cerf, “An Information Avalanche,” IEEE Computer, Vol. 40, No. 1, p. 104-105, 2007.
  131. V. G. Cerf, “The Disruptive Power of Networks,”, May 5, 2007.
  132. V. G. Cerf, “Information Sharing in the 21st Century,” Career Development in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, G. Madhavan, B. Oakley, L. Kun, eds., Springer Science and Business Media, 2008, chapter 56, pp. 208-209.
  133. 130 V. G. Cerf, “The Geo-Internet and how we may use it,” 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL
    International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, ACM-GIS 2008,
    November 2008, Irvine, California, USA, Proceedings. ACM 2008, ISBN 978-1-60558-323-5,
    p. 2.
  134. V. G.Cerf, “An Internet for Everyone and Everything,” ICT Shaping the World: A Scientific View, ETSI World Class Standards, Wiley, 2009, Part I, Chapter 2, P. 17-23.
  135. V. G. Cerf. ‘The open Internet: what it is, and why it matters’. Telecommunications
    Journal of Australia. 59 (2), July 2009, pp. 18.1 to 18.10. DOI: 10.2104/tja09018.
  136. V. G. Cerf, “The Net’s Big Bang,” 1989: The Year that Defined Today’s World, TIME Books, 2009, pages 74-75 (article is about Tim Berners-Lee and the WWW)
  137. V. G. Cerf, “The Day the Internet Age Began,” Nature 461, 1202-1203 (29 October 2009) |
    doi:10.1038/4611202a; Published online 28 October 2009
  138. V. G. Cerf, “Whither Cyberspace” in Present at the Future, Edited by Ira Flatow, Harper Collins, August 2007, p. 267-276.
  139. Thomas A. Limocelli, ” Successful Strategies for IPv6 Rollouts. Really.” With Introduction by V. G. Cerf, Communications of the ACM, April 2011, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 44-48, DOI:10.1145/1924421.1924438
  140. V. G. Cerf, Prologue to Todo va a Cambiar (Tecnologia y evolucion: adaptarse or desaparecer), Enrique Dans, Deusto, Barcelona 2010.
  141. V. G. Cerf, “A half-century makes a difference,” Journal of Internet Services and
    and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 3-5, January 2010.
  142. Deborah Estrin, K. Mani Chandy, R. Michael Young, Larry Smarr, Andrew M. Odylzko,
    David D. Clark, Viviane Reding, Toru Ishida, Sharad Sharma, Vinton G. Cerf,
    Urs Hoelzle, Luiz Andre’ Barroso, Geoff Mulligan, Adrian Hooke, Chip Elliot, “Internet
    Predictions,” IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 10-11, January 2010.
  143. V. G. Cerf, “Trust and the Internet,” IEEE Internet Computing, V. 14, No. 5, September 2010.
  144. V.G. Cerf, “2012 Isn’t the End of the World,” IEEE Internet Computing, V 14, No. 6, November 2010.
  145. V. G.Cerf, “Open Source, Smart Grid and Mobile Applications,” IEEE Internet Computing, V 15, No. 1, January 2011.
  146. V. G. Cerf, “Sherry Turkle: Alone Together,” IEEE Internet Computing, V 15, No. 2, March 2011.
  147. T. A. Limoncellii, V.G. Cerf, “Successful Strategies for IPv6 Rollouts, Really,” ACM Queue, V 9 No 3, March 2011. [CACM, V 54, No. 4, April 2011].
  148. V. G. Cerf, “Secure Identities,” IEEE Internet Computing, V. 15, No. 4, July 2011
  149. V.G. Cerf, “Safety in Cyberspace,” Dædalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Fall 2011, p. 59-69.
  150. V. G. Cerf, “The Battle for Internet Openness,” IEEE Internet Computing, V. 15, No. 5, September 2011.
  151. V. G. Cerf, “Natural Disasters and Electric Infrastructure,” IEEE Internet Computing, V. 15, No. 6, November 2011.
  152. F. Linkov, G.S. Omenn, I. Serageldin, V.G. Cerf, M. Lovalekar, R. Laporte, “Multilayer and Multimetric Quality Control: the Supercourse,” J. Cancer Educ 2010; 25(4); 478-483
  153. R. Laporte, G.S. Omenn, i. Serageldin, V.G. Cerf, F. Linkov, “A Scientific Supercourse,” Science, 2006; 312(5773); 526
  154. V. G. Cerf, “Defense against the Dark Arts,” IEEE Internet Computing, V 16, No. 1, January 2012.
  155. V. G. Cerf, “Emergent Properties, Human Rights and the Internet,” IEEE Internet Computing, V. 16, No. 2, March 2012.
  156. V. G. Cerf, “It’s the Net, Stupid,” IEEE Internet Computing, V.16, Issue 3, May 2012.
  157. V. G. Cerf, J. Hopcroft, R. E. Kahn, R. Rivest, A. Shamir, “Information, Data, Security in a Networked Future,” ACM-TURING ’12, Turing Centenary Celebration, ACM, June 2012.
  158. V. G. Cerf, “Potpourri,” IEEE Internet Computing, V 16, No. 4, July 2012.
  159. V.G. Cerf, “The Organic Internet,” IEEE Internet Computing, V 16, No. 5, September 2012.
  160. V. G. Cerf, “Where is the Science in Computer Science?,” CACM, V 55, No. 10, October 2012. [Ubiquity, ACM, December 2012]
  161. V. G. Cerf, “Things and the Net,” IEEE Internet Computing, V 16, No. 6, November 2012.
  162. V.G. Cerf, “Why is Accessibility so Hard?,” CACM, V55, No. 11, November 2012.
  163. V.G. Cerf, “Computer Science Revisited,” CACM, V 55, No. 12, December 2012.
  164. V. G. Cerf, “Abstraction, Federation and Scalability,” IEEE Internet Computing, V17, No. 1, January 2013.
  165. V.G. Cerf, “What’s a Robot?,” CACM, V 56, No. 1, January 2013.
  166. V.G. Cerf, “Growing the ACM Family,” CACM, V56, No. 2, February 2013.
  167. V. G. Cerf, “The Internet at Risk,” IEEE Internet Computing, V 17, No. 2, March 2013.
  168. V. G. Cerf, “Loose Couplings,” IEEE Internet Computing, V 17, No. 2, March 2013
  169. V.G. Cerf, “A Revolution in India,” CACM, V56, No. 3, March 2013.
  170. V.G. Cerf, “Open Access,” V 56, No. 4, CACM, April 2013.
  171. V. G. Cerf, “Running AMOOC,” IEEE Internet Computing, V 17, No. 3, May 2013.
  172. V.G. Cerf, “ACM President’s Salary Increased by 300%,” CACM, V 56, No. 5, May 2013.
  173. V.G. Cerf, “Looking Forward,” The Internet Protocol Journal, Vol. 16, No. 2, June 2013.
  174. V.G. Cerf, “Honoring our Best,” V 56, No. 6, CACM, June 2013.
  175. V.G. Cerf, “But Officer, I was only programming at 100 Lines per Hour,” CACM V56, No. 7, July 2013.
  176. V.G. Cerf, “Computer Science Education – Revisited,” CACM, V 56, No. 8, August 2013.
  177. V.G. Cerf, “The Day the Internet Age Began,” Nature; 2009 Oct 29; 461(7268):1202-3.
  178. Francine Berman and Vint Cerf, “Who Will Pay for Public Access to Research Data?,” SCIENCE, 9 August 2013, P. 616-617.
  179. Cerf, Vinton G. and Ryan, Patrick S. and Senges, Max, Internet Governance Is Our Shared Responsibility (August 13, 2013). I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 10 ISJLP 1 (2014).. Available at SSRN:
  180. Cerf, Vinton G. and Ryan, Patrick S and Senges, Max and Whitt, Richard S., A Perspective from the Private Sector: Ensuring that Forum Follows Function, in Beyond Netmundial: The Roadmap for Institutional Improvements to the Global Internet Governance Ecosystem (William J. Drake and Monroe Price, Eds.) (August 29, 2014) Center for Global Communication Studies, Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, Available at SSRN:
  181. V. G. Cerf, “First, Do No Harm,” Philosophy & Technology, V. 24, Issue 4, pp 463-465, Dec. 2011.
  182. V.G. Cerf, Preface, 2nd Report of the Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, (Luca Belli & Primavera de Filippi, eds.), Network Neutrality: An Ongoing Regulatory Debate, United Nations Internet Governance Forum, September 2914.
  183. Ryan, Patrick S. and Zwart, Breanna and Whitt, Richard S. and Goldburg, Marc and Cerf, Vinton G., The Problem of Exclusive Arrangements in Multiple Dwelling Units: Unlocking Broadband Growth in Indonesia and the Global South (July 29, 2015). The 7th Indonesia International Conference on innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2015). Available at SSRN:
  184. V. G. Cerf and P. T. Kirstein, “Gateways for the Internet of Things: An old problem revisited,” Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2013, IEEE, p. 2641-2647, DOI: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2013.6831473
  185. V. G. Cerf, Y. Dalal, C. Sunshine, “Specification of Internet Transmission Control Program,” RFC 675, December 1974, [Internet Engineering Task Force documents,],
  186. William J. Drake, Vinton G. Cerf, and Wolfgang Kleinwächter. “Internet Fragmentation: An Overview,” Future of the Internet Initiative White Paper. Geneva: World Economic Forum, January 2016.