Grazia Deledda Ph.D.
Grazia Deledda Ph.D.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1926
Italian writer. Idealistically inspired writings picture life with clarity. With depth and sympathy deal with human problems in general. Criticize moral norms and social values, but not criticize people who are victims of circumstances. Pet crow.
Constant faith in humankind and in God
External Resources
External Resources
Embracing the Body: A Woman’s Journey in Il paese del vento by Grazia Deledda by Chiara Fabbian, University of Illinois at Chicago, Article.
Please do use your discretion. Videos by Nobel Prize authorities and those in which the Laureates themselves speak are fine. Regarding other videos please accept truthful info and disregard the rest. Possibly more than one person with same name.
Grazia Deledda Please bear in mind that there may be more than one person with same name.