Nina V. Fedoroff Ph.D.
Nina V. Fedoroff Ph.D.
National Medal of Science – Biological Sciences 2006
Plant Molecular Biologist. Geneticist. First to clone and characterize maize transposons. Founding director, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences. Interests: Education, Public Policy.
“It’s as much wanting to succeed as it is to using your brains. I’ve seen very bright people fall out of the system”.
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Nat’l Medal Science
Journal Articles, NCBI/Pubmed Fedoroff N.
- Fedoroff, N., and Zinder, N.D. (1971). Structure of the poly(G) polymerase component of the bacteriophage f2 replicase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 68, 1838-1843.
- Fedoroff, N., and Zinder, N.D. (1972). Properties of the phage f2 replicase. II. Comparative studies on the ribonucleic acid-dependent and poly(C)-dependent activities of the replicase. J. Biol. Chem. 247, 4586-4592.
- Fedoroff, N., and Zinder, N.D. (1972). Properties of the phage f2 replicase. I. Optimal conditions for replicase activity and analysis of the polynucleotide product synthesized in vitro. J. Biol. Chem. 247, 4577-4585.
- Fedoroff, N., and Zinder, N.D. (1973). Factor requirement of the bacteriophage f2 replicase. Nature New Biol. 241, 105-108.
- Fedoroff, N. (1975). Bacteriophage f2 replicase. In RNA Phages, N.D. Zinder, ed. (Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Press), pp. 235-258.
- Fedoroff, N. (1976). Sequencing studies on Xenopus 5S DNA. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yrbk. 75, 17-20.
- Fedoroff, N.V., and Wall, T.R. (1976). Complementary sequences in heterogeneous nuclear RNA. In Molecular Mechanisms in the Control of Gene Expression, W.J. Rudder, D.P. Nierlich, and D.F. Fox, eds. (New York: Academic Press), pp. 379-384.
- Salser, W., Bowen, S., Browne, D., El Adli, F., Fedoroff, N., Fry, K., Heindell, H., Paddock, G., Poon, R., Wallace, B., and Whitcome, P. (1976). Investigation of the organization of mammalian chromosomes at the DNA sequence level. Fed. Proc. 35, 23.
- Fedoroff, N., and Brown, D.D. (1977). The nucleotide sequences of the repeating unit in the oocyte 5S ribosomal DNA of Xenopus laevis. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 42, 1195-1200.
- Fedoroff, N. (1977). Sequencing studies on the 5S DNA of Xenopus laevis. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yrbk. 76, 100-102.
- Fedoroff, N.V., Wellauer, P.K., and Wall, R. (1977). Intermolecular duplexes in heterogeneous nuclear RNA from HeLa cells. Cell 10, 597-610.
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- Brown, D.D., and Fedoroff, N.V. (1978). The dual 5S RNA gene system in Xenopus. In Cell Differentiation and Neoplasia, G.F. Saunders, ed. (New York: Raven Press), pp. 297-303.
- Fedoroff, N.V. (1978). The structure of deletion derivatives of a recombinant plasmid containing the transposable element Tn9 in the spacer sequence of Xenopus laevis 5S DNA. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 43, 1287-1292.
- Fedoroff, N.V. (1978). Deletion analysis of X. laevis 5S DNA. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yrbk. 77, 131-136.
- Fedoroff, N.V., and Brown, D.D. (1978). The nucleotide sequence of oocyte 5S DNA in Xenopus laevis. I. The AT-rich spacer. Cell 13, 701-716.
- Miller, J.R., Cartwright, E.M., Brownlee, G.G., Fedoroff, N.V., and Brown, D.D. (1978). The nucleotide sequence of oocyte 5S DNA in Xenopus laevis. II. The GC-rich region. Cell 13, 717-725.
- Fedoroff, N., and Mauvais, J. (1979). Controlling elements in maize. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yrbk. 78, 61-65.
- Fedoroff, N.V. (1979). Deletion mutants of Xenopus laevis 5S ribosomal DNA. Cell 16, 551-563.
- Fedoroff, N.V. (1979). On spacers. Cell 16, 697-710.
- Fedoroff, N., McCormick, S., and Mauvais, J. (1980). Molecular studies on the controlling elements in maize. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yrbk. 79, 51-62.
- Chaleff, D., Mauvais, J., McCormick, S., Shure, M., Wessler, S., and Fedoroff, N. (1981). Controlling elements in maize. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yrbk. 80, 158-174.
- Fedoroff, N. (1982). Introduction to transposable controlling elements in maize. In Maize for Biological Research, W.F. Sheriden, ed. (Charlottesville: Plant Molecular Biology Association), pp. 203-211.
- Fedoroff, N., Chaleff, D., Mauvais, J., Shure, M., and Wessler, S. (1982). Molecular studies on maize genes with controlling element mutations. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Yrbk. 81, 161-171.
- Fedoroff, N., and Mauvais, J. (1982). A purification scheme for the Bronze-encoded UDPglucose:flavonoid glucosyl transferase. Maize Genet. Coop. Newslet. 56, 8-10.
- McCormick, S., Mauvais, J., and Fedoroff, N.V. (1982). Evidence that the two sucrose synthetase genes in maize are related. Mol. Gen. Genet. 187, 494-500.
- Courage-Tebbe, U., Döring, H.-P., Fedoroff, N., and Starlinger, P. (1983). The controlling element Ds at the Shrunken locus in Zea mays: structure of the unstable sh-m5933 allele and several revertants. Cell 34, 383-393.
- Fedoroff, N., Chaleff, D., Courage-Tebbe, U., Döring, H.-P., Geiser, M., Starlinger, P., Tillman, E., Weck, E., and Werr, W. (1983). Mutations at the Shrunken locus in maize caused by the controlling element Ds. In Structure and Function of Plant Genomes, O. Ciferri, and L. Dure, eds. (New York: Plenum Press), pp. 61-72.
- Fedoroff, N., Wessler, S., and Shure, M. (1983). Isolation of the transposable maize controlling elements Ac and Ds. Cell 35, 243-251.
- Fedoroff, N. (1983). Notes on cloning maize DNA. Maize Genet. Coop. Newslet. 57, 154-155.
- Fedoroff, N., and Chaleff, D. (1983). The structure and expression of the Shrunken locus in maize strains with mutations caused by the controlling element Ds. In Genetic Engineering: Applications to Agriculture, L.D. Owens, ed. (Totowa: Rowman and Allanheld), pp. 27-33.
- Fedoroff, N.V., Mauvais, J., and Chaleff, D. (1983). Molecular studies on mutations at the Shrunken locus in maize strains with mutations caused by the controlling element Ds. J. Mol. Appl. Gen. 2, 11-29.
- Fedoroff, N.V. (1983). Controlling elements in maize. In Mobile Genetic Elements, J. Shapiro, ed. (New York: Academic Press), pp. 1-63.
- Sheldon, E., Ferl, R., Fedoroff, N., and Hannah, L.C. (1983). Isolation and analysis of a genomic clone encoding sucrose synthetase in maize: evidence for two introns in Sh. Mol. Gen. Genet. 190, 421-426.
- Shure, M., Wessler, S., and Fedoroff, N. (1983). Molecular identification and isolation of the Waxy locus in maize. Cell 35, 225-233.
- Fedoroff, N., Wessler, S., and Shure, M. (1983). Isolation of the transposable maize controlling elements Ac and Ds. Cell 35, 235-242.
- Behrens, U., Fedoroff, N., Laird, A., Müller-Neumann, M., Starlinger, P., and Yoder, J. (1984). Cloning of Zea mays controlling element Ac from the wx-m7 allele. Mol. Gen. Genet. 194, 346-347.
- Fedoroff, N., Shure, M., Kelly, S., Johns, M., Furtek, D., Schiefelbein, J., and Nelson, O. (1984). Isolation of Spm controlling elements from maize. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 49, 339-345.
- Fedoroff, N., Furtek, D., and Nelson, O. (1984). Cloning of the Bronze locus in maize by a simple and generalizable procedure using the transposable controlling element Ac. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81, 3825-3829.
- Pohlman, R.F., Fedoroff, N.V., and Messing, J. (1984). The nucleotide sequence of the maize controlling element Activator. Cell 37, 635-643.
- Weck, E., Courage, U., Döring, H.-P., Fedoroff, N., and Starlinger, P. (1984). Analysis of sh-m6233, a mutation induced by the transposable element Ds in the sucrose synthetase gene of Zea mays. EMBO J. 3, 1713-1716.
- Banks, J., Kingsbury, J., Raboy, V., Schiefelbein, J.W., Nelson, O., and Fedoroff, N. (1985). The Ac and Spm controlling element families in maize. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 50, 307-311.
- Fedoroff, N.V. (1985). Moving genes in maize. In Engineered Organisms in the Environment: Scientific Issues. H.O. Halvorson, D. Pramer, and M. Rogul, eds. (American Society for Microbiology: Washington), pp. 70-75.
- Fedoroff, N., Wessler, S., Shure, M., Pohlman, R., Messing, J., Furtek, D., and Nelson, O. (1985). The transposable Ac and Ds elements of maize: isolation, structure and utility. In Genome Rearrangement, I. Herskowitz, and M. Simon, eds. (New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc.), pp. 3-12.
- Fedoroff, N.V. (1985). Maize transposable controlling elements. Proc. 16th FEBS Congress, Part C 91-98.
- Fedoroff, N.V. (1985). Biochemical and molecular techniques in maize research. In Genetic Engineering. Vol. 7, J.K. Setlow, and A. Hollaender, eds. (New York: Plenum Press), pp. 115-133.
- Schell, J., Kaulen, H., Kreuzaler, F., Eckes, P., Rosahl, S., Willmitzer, L., Spena, A., Baker, B., Herrera-Estrella, L., and Fedoroff, N. (1985). Transfer and regulation of chimeric genes in plants. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 50, 421-431.
- Schiefelbein, J.W., Furtek, D.B., Raboy, V., Banks, J.A., Fedoroff, N.V., and Nelson, O.E. (1985). Exploiting transposable elements to study the expression of a maize gene. In Plant Genetics, M. Freeling, ed. (New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc.), pp. 445-459.
- Schiefelbein, J.W., Raboy, V., Fedoroff, N.V., and Nelson, O.E. (1985). Deletions within a defective Suppressor-mutator element in maize affect the frequency and developmental timing of its excision from the bronze locus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82, 4783-4787.
- Baker, B., Schell, J., Lörz, H., and Fedoroff, N.V. (1986). Transposition of the maize controlling element Activator in tobacco. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 4844-4848.
- Fedoroff, N. (1986). Activation of Spm and Modifier elements. Maize Genet. Coop. Newslet. 60, 18-20.
- Baker, B., Coupland, G., Fedoroff, N., Starlinger, P., and Schell, J. (1987). Phenotypic assay for excision of the maize controlling element Ac in tobacco. EMBO J. 6, 1547-1554.
- Masson, P., Surosky, R., Kingsbury, J., and Fedoroff, N.V. (1987). Genetic and molecular analysis of the Spm-dependent a-m2 alleles of the maize a locus. Genetics 177, 117-137.
- Van Sluys, M.A., Tempé, J., and Fedoroff, N. (1987). Transposition of the maize Activator element in Arabidopsis thaliana and Daucus carota. EMBO J. 13, 3881-3889.
- Banks, J.A., Masson, P., and Fedoroff, N. (1988). Molecular mechanisms in the developmental regulation of the maize Suppressor-mutator transposable element. Genes Dev. 2, 1364-1380.
- Fedoroff, N., Masson, P., and Banks, J. (1988). Regulation of the maize Suppressor-mutator element. In Eukaryotic Transposable Elements as Mutagenic Agents, M.E. Lambert, J.F. McDonald, and I.B. Weinstein, eds. (Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Press), pp. 63-70.
- Fedoroff, N. (1988). Mobile genetic elements in maize. In Developmental Genetics of Higher Organisms, G. Malacinski, ed. (New York: Macmillan), pp. 97-126.
- Fedoroff, N., Masson, P., Banks, J., and Kingsbury, J. (1988). Positive and negative regulation of the Suppressor-mutator element. In Plant Transposable Elements, O.E. Nelson, ed. (New York: Plenum Press), pp. 1-15.
- Fedoroff, N.V., and Banks, J.A. (1988). Is the Suppressor-mutator element controlled by a basic developmental regulatory mechanism? Genetics 120, 559-577.
- Masson, P., Toohey, K., and Fedoroff, N. (1988). Excision of Spm in tobacco. Maize Genet. Coop. Newslet. 62, 26-27.
- Fedoroff, N. (1989). Maize transposable elements. In Mobile DNA, M. Howe, and D. Berg, eds. (Washington: American Society for Microbiology), pp. 375-411.
- Fedoroff, N., Banks, J.A., and Masson, P. (1989). Developmental determination of Spm expression. In Molecular Basis of Plant Development, R. Goldberg, ed. (Plenum Press: New York), pp. 51-65.
- Fedoroff, N.V. (1989). About maize transposable elements and development. Cell 56, 181-191.
- Fedoroff, N.V. (1989). The heritable activation of cryptic Suppressor-mutator elements by an active element. Genetics 121, 591-608.
- Masson, P., Banks, J., Surosky, R., Kingsbury, J., and Fedoroff, N. (1989). Structure and regulation of the maize Suppressor-mutator transposable element. In Plant Molecular Biology, D. von Wettstein, and N.-H. Chua, eds. (Plenum Press: New York), pp. 589-597.
- Masson, P., and Fedoroff, N. (1989). Mobility of the maize Suppressor-mutator element in transgenic tobacco cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86, 2219-2223.
- Fedoroff, N., Masson, P., and Banks, J.A. (1989). Mutations, epimutations, and the developmental programming of the maize Suppressor-mutator transposable element. BioEssays, 10, 139-144.
- Fedoroff, N., and Baker, B. (1989). The structure, function and uses of maize transposable elements. In Molecular Biology of Plant Nuclear Genes. Vol. 6. Cell Culture and Somatic Cell Genetics of Plants, I. Vasil, and J. Schell, eds., pp 101-132.
- Fedoroff, N. V. (1989) Maize transposable elements in development and evolution, Am. Zool. 29, 549-555.
- Masson, P., Rutherford, G., Banks, J.A. and Fedoroff, N. (1989). Essential large transcripts of the maize Spm transposable element are generated by alternative splicing. Cell, 58, 755-765.
- Banks, J.A. and Fedoroff, N. (1989). Patterns of developmental and heritable change in methylation of the Suppressor-mutator transposable element. Develop. Genet. 10, 425-437.
- Fedoroff, N., Banks, J.A., and Masson, P. (1989). Molecular genetic analysis of the maize Suppressor-mutator element’s epigenetic developmental regulatory mechanism. Genome, 31, 973-979.
- Masson, P., Banks, J. A., and Fedoroff, N. (1991). Structure and function of the maize Spm transposable element. Biochimie, 73, 5-8.
- Fedoroff, N. V., Masson, P., and Banks, J. A. (1991). Expression and regulation of the maize Spm transposable element. In Plant Molecular Biology 2, R. G. Herrmann and B. A. Larkins, eds. (Plenum Press: New York), pp. 299-308.
- Fedoroff, N. (1991). Maize transposable elements. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 35, 2-19.
- Masson, P., Strem, M., and Fedoroff, N. (1991). The tnpA and tnpD gene products of the Spm element are required for transposition in tobacco. The Plant Cell, 3, 73-85.
- Fedoroff, N. V. (1992). Maize transposable elements: a story in four parts. In The Dynamic Genome: Barbara McClintock’s Ideas in the Century of Genetics, N. Fedoroff and D. Botstein, eds. (Cold Spring Harbor Press: Cold Spring Harbor).
- Fedoroff, N. V., and Smith, D. L. (1993). A versatile system for detecting transposition in Arabidopsis. Plant J., 3,273-289.
- Schläppi, M., Smith, D., and Fedoroff, N. (1993). TnpA trans-activates methylated maize Suppressor-mutator transposable elements in transgenic tobacco. Genetics 133, 1009-1021.
- Raina, R., Cook, D., and Fedoroff, N. (1993). The maize Spm transposable element has an enhancer-insensitive promoter. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 90, 6355-6359.
- Fedoroff, N. V. and Chandler, V. (1994). Inactivation of maize transposable elements. In: Homologous Recombination in Plants. J. Paszkowski, ed. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands), 349-385.
- Fedoroff, N. V. (1994) DNA methylation and activity of the maize Spm transposable element. In: Gene Silencing in Higher Plants and Related Phenomena in Other Eukaryotes. P. Meyer, ed. (Springer-Verlag, New York), 143-164.
- Schläppi, M., Raina, R. and Fedoroff, N. (1994). Epigenetic regulation of the maize Spm transposable element: novel activation of a methylated promoter by TnpA. Cell 77, 427-437.
- Fedoroff, N. (1995). Maize transposable element regulation. Maydica 40, 7-12.
- Raina, R., and Fedoroff, N. (1995). The role of TnpA and TnpD in transposition of Spm. Maize Genet. Coop. Newslet. 69, 13-15.
- Schläppi, M. and Fedoroff, N. (1995). Analysis of the Spm-encoded TnpA and TnpD proteins using single-and double-hybrid protein fusions in a plant transient assay. Maize Genet. Coop. Newslet. 69, 15-17.
- Fedoroff, N. V., Schläppi, M., and Raina, R. (1995). Epigenetic regulation of the maize Spm transposon. Bioessays 17, 291-297.
- Smith, D. L. and Fedoroff, N. V. (1995). LRP1, a gene expressed in lateral and adventitious root primordia of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 7, 735-745.
- Tsugeki, R. , Kochieva, E. Z. and N. V. Fedoroff (1996). The ARP-S16 gene: rapid identification of the biochemical lesion underlying a transposon-tagged embryo-defective Arabidopsis mutation. Plant J. 10, 479-489.
- Smith, D., Liu, Y.-G., Yanai, Y., Ishiguro, S., Okada, K., Shibata, D., Whittier, R. F., and Fedoroff, N. V. (1996). Characterization and mapping of Ds-GUS-T-DNA lines for targeted insertional mutagenesis. Plant J. 10, 721-732.
- Schläppi, M., Raina, R., and Fedoroff, N. (1996) A highly sensitive plant hybrid protein assay system based on the Spm promoter and TnpA protein for detection and analysis of transcription activation domains. Plant Mol. Biol. 30, 1223-1232.
- Fedoroff, N. V. (1996). Epigenetic regulation of the maize Spm transposable element. In: Epigenetics, V. E. A. Russo, R. A. Martienssen, and A. D. Riggs, eds. (Cold Spring Harbor Press: Cold Spring Harbor), 575-592.
- Fedoroff, N. (1998). Marcus Rhoades and transposition, Genetics 150, 957-961.
- Fedoroff, N. V. (1998). The discovery of transposable elements. In: Discoveries in Plant Biology, Vol 1, Shain-Dow Kung & Shang-Fa Yang, eds., (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore) pp 89-104.
- Raina, R., Schläppi, M., and Fedoroff, N. (1998). Epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of the maize Spm transposon. In: Epigenetics. Proc. Novartis Foundation Symposium 241 (John Wiley &Sons, New York), pp 133-143.
- Tsugeki, R., Olson, M., and Fedoroff, N. (1998). Transposon insertional mutagenesis and the study of plant root development. In: Radical Biology: Advances and Perspectives on the Function of Plant Roots. H. E. Flores, J. P. Lynch and D. Eissenstat, eds. Current Topics in Plant Physiology, 18: 48-58.
- Tsugeki, R., Olson, M., and Fedoroff, N. (1998). Transposon tagging and root development in Arabidopsis. Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin 11: 79-87.
- Raina, R., Schläppi, M., Karunananandaa, B., Elhofy, A. and Fedoroff, N. (1998). Concerted formation of macromolecular Spm transposition complexes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 95: 8526-8531.
- Fedoroff, N.V. (1999). Transposable elements as a molecular evolutionary force. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 18: 251-264.
- Eckardt, N.A. and N.V. Fedoroff (1999). Identification of genes up-regulated in response to ozone in Arabidospsis. Plant Physiol. abst. supp. pp. 130.
- Fedoroff, N. V. and J. E. Cohen (1999). Plants and population: Is there time? Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 96: 5903-5907.
- Fedoroff, N. V. (1999). Spm and the riddle of transposons. Genes to Cells, 4: 11-19.
- Merritt, C. D., Raina, S., Fedoroff, N., and Curtis, W.R. (1999). Direct Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Hyoscyamus muticus hairy roots using green fluorescent protein. Biotechnol. Prog. 15:278-282
- Scortecci, K., Raina, R., Fedoroff, N., and M.A.Van Sluys. (1999). Negative effect of the 5′ untranslated leader sequence on the Ac transposon promoter expression. Plant Mol. Biol. 40: 935-944.
- Tsugeki, R., and N. V. Fedoroff (1999). Genetic ablation of root cap cells in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96: 12941-12946.
- Fedoroff, N. V. (2000). Transposons and genome evolution in plants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97: 7002-7007
- Holter, N. S., Mitra, M., Maritan, A, Cieplak, M., Banavar, J. R. and N. Fedoroff (2000) Fundamental patterns underlying gene expression profiles: simplicity from complexity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97: 8409-8414. [Cited in Editor’s Choice, Science, 289: 511 (2000)]
- Lu, C. and N. Fedoroff (2000). A mutation in the Arabidopsis HYL1 gene encoding a dsRNA binding protein affects responses to abscisic acid, auxin, and cytokinin. Plant Cell 12:2351-2366. [Cited in Editor’s Choice, Science, 291: 557 (2001)]
- Holter, N. S., Maritan, A., Cieplak, M., Fedoroff, N. V., and J. R. Banavar (2001). Dynamic modeling of gene expression data. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 98: 1693-1698.
- Fedoroff, N. V. (2001) How transposition was discovered. Nature Struct. Biol. 8: 300-301.
- Mahalingam, R. and N. Fedoroff (2001). Using DNA microarrays to screen insertion libraries for mutations in many genes simultaneously. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98: 7420-7425.
- Fedoroff, N. V. (2002) Control of mobile DNA. In: Mobile DNA II. N. Craig, R. Craigie, M. Gellert and A. Lambowitz, eds. (Washington: American Society for Microbiology), 997-1007.
- Mitra, M., Shah, N, Mueller, L., Pin, S. and N. Fedoroff (2002). StessDB, a locally installable relational microarray database designed for small user communities. Comp. Funct. Genomics 3:91-96.
- Nicewarner-Peña, S. R., Raina, S., Goodrich, G. P., Fedoroff, N. V., and Keating, C. D. (2002) Hybridization and enzymatic extension of Au nanoparticle-bound oligonucleotides. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124:7314-7323
- Fedoroff. N. V. (2002) “Cross talk” in abscisic acid signaling. Science’s STKE;2002/140/re10
- Fedoroff, N. V. (2002). RNA-binding proteins in plants: the tip of an iceberg? Curr. Op. Plant Biol., 5:452-459.
- Raina, S., Mahalingam, R., Chen, F., and N. Fedoroff (2002). A collection of sequenced and mapped Ds transposon insertion sites in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol.Biol. 50:93-110.
- Fedoroff, N. V. and W. Fontana (2002) Small numbers of large molecules. Science 297:1129-1130.
- Cui, H., and Fedoroff, N. V. (2002) Inducible DNA demethylation mediated by the maize Spm transposon-encoded TnpA protein. Plant Cell 14:1-17.
- Lu, C., Han, M.-H., Guevara-Garcia, A., and Fedoroff, N. (2002) Mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in post-germination arrest of development by abscisic acid. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:15812-15817.
- Mahalingam, R., Buitrago, A. M., Eckardt, N., Shah, N., Guevara-Garcia, A., Day, P, Raina, R., and Fedoroff, N (2003). Charactarizing the stress/defense transcriptome of Arabidopsis. Genome Biology 4: R20.
- Mahalingam, R., and Fedoroff, N (2003). Stress response, cell death and signaling: the many faces of ROS. Physiologia Plantarum, 119:56-68.
- Racunas, S.A., N. Shah & N.V. Fedoroff (2003). A contradiction-based framework for testing gene regulation hypotheses. In IEEE Bioinformatics. Stanford University, Palo Alto, California: IEEE Computer Society.
- Shah, N. H., King, D. C., Shah, P. N. and Fedoroff, N. V. (2003) A tool-kit for cDNA microarray and promoter analysis. Bioinformatics, 19: 1848-8.
- Zhang, S. Raina, S., Li, H., Li, J. Ma, H., Huang, H., and N. Fedoroff (2003). Resources for targeted insertional and deletional mutagenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol. Biol. 53: 133-150.
- Fedoroff, N. (2003) Prehistoric GM corn. Science 302:1158-59.
- Han, M.-H., Goud, S., Song, L., and Fedoroff, N. (2004) The Arabidopsis dsRNA-binding protein HYL1 plays a role in microRNA-mediated gene regulation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101: 1093-1098.
- Shah, N., and Fedoroff, N. (2004) CLENCH: a program for calculating Cluster ENriCHment using the Gene Ontology. Bioinformatics 20: 1196-7.
- Racunas, S.A., Shah, N. H., Albert I. and Fedoroff N. V. (2004). HyBrow: A prototype system for computer-aided hypothesis evaluation. Bioinformatics, 20 Suppl 1: I257-I264
- Joo, J. H., Wang, S, Chen, , J. G. , Jones, A. M. , and Fedoroff, N.V (2005). Different signaling and cell-death roles of heterotrimeric G protein ? and ? subunits in the Arabidopsis oxidative stress response to ozone. Plant Cell, 17: 957-970.
- Fedoroff, N., Racunas, S. and Shrager, J. (2005) Making biological computing smarter. The Scientist, 19: 20-21.
- Mahalingam, R., Shah, N., Scrymgeour, A. and Fedoroff, N. (2005) Temporal profiling of the Arabidopsis thaliana oxidative stress response. Plant Mol. Biol. 57:709-73.
- Racunas, S. S., Shah, N. H., and Fedoroff, N. V. (2006) A case study in pathway knowledgebase verification. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 196-205.
- Fedoroff, N. (2006) Redox regulatory mechanisms in cellular stress responses. Ann. Bot. 98:289-300.
- Lezon, T., Banavar, J. R., Cieplak, M., Maritan, A., and Fedoroff, N. (2006). Using entropy maximization to infer genetic interaction networks from gene expression patterns. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103:19033-19038.
- Wang, S., Narendra, S., and N. Fedoroff (2007). Heterotrimeric G protein signaling in the Arabidopsis unfolded protein response. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104:3817-3822.
- Song, L., Han, M.-H., Lesicka, J., and N. Fedoroff (2007). Arabidopsis primary microRNA processing proteins HYL1 and DCL1 define a nuclear body distinct from the Cajal body. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104: 5437-5442.
- Li, C. F., Henderson, I. R., Song, L., Fedoroff, N., Lagrange, T., and Jacobsen, S. E. (2008). Dynamic regulation of ARGONAUTE4 within multiple nuclear bodies in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics 4:e27.
- Wang, S., Assmann, S. M., and Fedoroff, N. V. (2008). Characterization of the Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G protein. J. Biol. Chem. 283: 13913-22.
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- Alberts, G., Beachy, R., Baulcombe, D., Blobel, G., Datta, S., Fedoroff, N., Kennedy, D., Khush, G. S., Peacock, J., Rees, M., and Sharp, P. (2013). Standing up for GMOs. Science 341: 1320.
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