Sir John B. Gurdon Kt DPhil DSc FRS
Sir John B. Gurdon Kt DPhil DSc FRS
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012
Nobel co-recipient Shinya Yamanaka
Developmental Biologist. Mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent. Hobbies: Outdoor sports, mountaineering, travelling, but not theatre, music, reading.
At age15, damning school report: …he will not listen, but will insist in doing his work his own way…has ideas of becoming a Scientist…waste of time for him and teachers.
`Know Thyself
Journal Articles
History of Discovery
Patents: Sir John Gurdon has not patented his work
Bearing Gurdon’s Name
External Resources/Videos
Nobel Medal Cash and Charity

This volume provides a historical account of the recipients of the Wolf Prize in Medicine and includes their curriculum vitae and examples of their most significant publications. Altogether, 25 Wolf Prize recipients are included.
Sample Chapter(s)
Readership: Professionals, science historians and the general public.
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