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Sir John B. Gurdon Kt DPhil DSc FRS

Sir John B. Gurdon Kt DPhil DSc FRS

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012

Nobel co-recipient Shinya Yamanaka

Developmental Biologist. Mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent. Hobbies: Outdoor sports, mountaineering, travelling, but not theatre, music, reading.

At age15, damning school report: …he will not listen, but will insist in doing his work his own way…has ideas of becoming a Scientist…waste of time for him and teachers.

`Know Thyself

Journal Articles
History of Discovery
Patents: Sir John Gurdon has not patented his work
Bearing Gurdon’s Name
External Resources/Videos
Nobel Medal Cash and Charity


Nobel Lecture, “The egg and the nucleus: a battle for supremacy.” Aarhus Universitet

cambridge-logoInterview with Nobelist Professor Sir John Gurdon. University of Cambridge

uctv-logo Conversations with History: John Gurdon. University of California Television (UCTV)

Sir John B. Gurdon Please bear in mind that there may be more than one person with same name