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Thomas H. Morgan Ph.D.

Thomas H. Morgan Ph.D.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1933

Zoologist, Geneticist. Chromosome role in heredity, sex determination. Drosophila. Genes stored in chromosomes in nuclei. Epigenetics. Combination rule. Limited number of combination groups. Crossing-over rule. Linear arrangement of genes in chromosomes.

Didn’t attend Nobel award ceremony, because in Caltech, busy establishing new physiology group and with future of biochemistry, genetics.

Nobel Prize Medal


  1. Thomas Hunt Morgan Pioneer of Genetics by Ian Shine; Sylvia Wrobel. Published by Lexington The University Press of Kentucky 2015. Summary: For most of his fellow Kentuckians, the accomplishments of Thomas Hunt Morgan have been overshadowed by the Civil War exploits of his uncle, the Confederate raider. Thomas Hunt Morgan: Pioneer of Genetics shows that feats performed on the frontiers of science can be as exciting as battlefield heroics, and that the “”other Morgan”” was as colorful a man as the general. Thomas Hunt Morgan’s most noted work, done between 1910 and 1920 at Columbia University, revealed many of the secrets if genetics. Studying hundreds of generations of the fruit fly Drosophilia melanogaster, he and the other scientists …
  2. Thomas Hunt Morgan: the man and his science by Garland E Allen. Published in 1978. Pages: 447.
  3. The theory of the gene by homas Hunt Morgan. Publisher: New York, Garland Pub., 1988
  4. The sex problem: Thomas Hunt Morgan, Richard Goldschmidt, and the question of sex and gender in the twentieth century by Christopher Scott Whiston Koehler. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Florida 1998.


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