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Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2008

Prize: “for his analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity.”

Catalog of Copyright Records

Publication: 1/7
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX000487829/1998-07-07
Title: The Accidental Theorist: And Other Dispatches From the Dismal Science/Paul Krugman
Edition: 1st
Imprint: New York : W.W. Norton, c1998
Description: 204 p.
Claimant: Paul Krugman
Date of Creation: 1997
Date of Publication: 1998-05-11
Basis of Claim: New Matter: New Text & Compilation
Variant Title: The Accidental Theorist: And Other Dispatches From the Dismal Science
Publication: 2/7
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0006840251/2007-11-05
Application Title: The Concience of a Liberal
Description: Book: 296 p.
Copyright Claimant: Paul Krugman. Address: c/o Scott Meredith Literary Agency, 200 W. 57th St., Suite 804, NY, 10019
Date of Creation: 2007
Date of Publication: 2007-10-15
Nation of First Publication: United States
Authorship on Application: Paul Krugmam: Domicile: United States.
Authorship: Text
Publication: 3/7
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX000542583/2001-08-03
Title: Fuzzy Math: The Essential Guide to the Bush Tax Plan/Paul Krugman
Edition: 1st
Imprint: New York: W.W. Norton & Co., c 2001
Description: 128 p
Copyright Claimant: Paul Krugman
Date of Creation: 2001
Date of Publication: 2001-05-14
Other Title: Fuzzy Math: The Essential Guide to the Bush Tax Plan
Publication: 4/7
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0003166539/1991-10-03
Title: Geography and Trade/Paul Krugman
Series Gaston Eyskens Lecture Series
Date of Creation: 1991
Date of Publication: 1991-08-03
Publication: 5/7
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0002266148/1988-02-29
Title: International Economics: Theory & Policy/Paul Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld
Description: 656 p.
Date of Creation: 1987
Date of Publication: 1987-12-03
Basis of Claim: New Matter: “New Textual Material”
Variant Title: International Economics: Theory and Policy
Publication: 6/7
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0003914542/1994-09-22
Title: Peddling Prosperity: Economic Sense and Nonsense in the Age of Diminished Expectations/Paul Krugman
Imprint: New York: W.W. Norton, c1994
Discription: 303 p.
Copyright Claimant: Paul Krugman
Date of Creation: 1991
Date of Publication: 1994-03-21
Publication: 7/7
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0004916931/1999-07-21
Title: The Return of Depression Economics/Paul Krugman
Edition: 1st Edition
Description: 303 p.
Copyright Claimant: Paul Krugman
Date of Creation: 1999
Date of Publication: 1999-05-10