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Joseph E. Stiglitz

Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2001

Co-nobelists:George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence

Prize: “for their analyses of markets with asymmetric information.”

Catalog of Copyright Records

Publication: 1/11
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0001843012/1986-05-19
Title: Economics of the Public Sector/Joseph E. Stiglitz
Edition: 1st
Imprint: New York : W.W. Norton, c1986
Description: 599 p.
Claimant: Joseph E. Stiglitz, the Trustee of Edward Hannaway, Stligitz Trust, the Trustee of
Julia Hannaway Stiglitz & the Trustee of the Trust for the benefit of Joseph E. Stiglitz Children
Date of Creation: 1986
Date of Publication: 1986-05-10
Publication: 2/11
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0008333595/2016-10-07
Application Title: The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe
Description: Book: 416 p.
Copyright Claimant: Joseph E. Stiglitz. Address: c/o W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 500 Fifth Ave, New York, NY,10110, United States
Date of Creation: 2016
Date of Publication: 2016-08-16
Nation of First Publication: United States
Authorship on Application: Joseph E. Stiglitz; Domicile: United States
Authorship: Text
ISBN: 978-0-393-25402-0
Publication: 3/11
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0003903059/1994-10-05
Title: Financial Systems for Eastern Europe’s Emerging Democracies/Joseph E. Stiglitz
Description: 39 p
Series: Occasional Papers: No 38
Copyright Claimant: Joseph Stiglitz
Date of Creation: 1993
Date of Publication: 1993-08-01
Other Title: Occasional Papers: no 38
Publication: 4/11
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0007131902/2010-02-23
Title: Freefall Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy
Description: Book, 361 p
Copyright Claimant: Joseph Stiglitz. Address: c/o W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 500 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y., 10110, United States
Date of Creation: 2009
Date of Publication: 2010-01-18
Nation of First Publication: United States
Authorship on Application: Joseph E. Stiglitz, Domicile United States
Authorship: Text, editing
Pre-existing Material: Text
Basis of Claim: Text, Editing
ISBN: 978-0-393-07596-0
Publication: 5/11
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0005597714/2002-08-23
Title: Globalization and its Discontents/Joseph Stiglitz
Description: 1st Edition
Imprint: New York: W.W. Norton, c2002
Description: 282 p.
Copyright Claimant: Joseph E. Stiglitz
Date of Creation: 2002
Date of Publication: 2002-06-10
Publication: 6/11
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0000513476/1980-07-14
Title: Lectures of Public Economics/Anthony B. Atkinson [i.e. Anthony Barnes Atkinson],Joseph E. Stiglitz
Imprint: New York: McGraw-Hill, c1980
Discription: 619 p.
Series: Economics handbook series
Date of Creation: 1979
Date of Publication: 1980-05-15
Previous Registration: Appl. states all new except some charts
ISBN: 0070841055
Publication: 7/11
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0006465252/2006-11-03
Title: Making Globalization Work
Copyright Claimant: Joseph E. Stiglitz
Date of Creation: 2006
Date of Publication: 2006-09-18
Copyright Note: Cataloged from appl. only
Publication: 8/11
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0007752347/2013-07-02
Title: The Price of Inequality
Description: Book, 523 p
Copyright Claimant: Joseph Stiglitz. Address: c/o W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 500 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y., 10110, United States
Date of Creation: 2012
Date of Publication: 2013-04-08
Nation of First Publication: United States
Authorship on Application: Joseph E. Stiglitz, Domicile United States
Authorship: Text
Pre-existing Material: Text
Basis of Claim: Text
ISBN: 978-0-393-34506-3
Publication: 9/11
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0007567573/2012-09-05
Title: The Price of Inequality
Description: Book, 414 p
Copyright Claimant: Joseph Stiglitz. Address: c/o W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 500 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y., 10110, United States
Date of Creation: 2012
Date of Publication: 2012-06-11
Nation of First Publication: United States
Authorship on Application: Joseph E. Stiglitz, Domicile United States
Authorship: Text
ISBN: 978-0-393-08869-4
Publication: 10/11
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0005864170/2003-11-26
Title: The Roaring Ninties: A New History of the World’s Most Prosperous Decade/Joseph E. Stiglitz
Edition: 1st
Imprint: New York, W.W. Norton & Co.,c2003
Description: 379 p.
Copyright Claimant: Joseph E. Stiglitz
Nation of First Publication: United States
Date of Creation: 2003
Date of Publication: 2003-10-02
Variant Title: The Roaring Nineties: A New History of the World’s Prosperous Decade
Publication: 11/11
Type of Work: Text
Registration No./Date: TX0006842855/2008-04-18
Application Title: The Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict
Description: Book: 311p
Copyright Claimant: Joseph E. Stiglitz. Address: c/o Columbia Univ. Grad School, Uris Hall, Rm. 814,
3022 Broadway, New York, NY. 10027
Date of Creation: 2008
Date of Publication: 2008-03-03
Nation of First Publication: United States
Authorship on Application: Joseph E. Stiglitz: Domicile: United States.
Authorship: Text. Linda J Bilmes; Domicile: United States