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Vernon L. Smith BSEE, Ph.D.[Economics]

Vernon L. Smith BSEE, Ph.D.[Economics]

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2002

Nobel co-recipient Daniel Kahneman

Electrical Engineer, Experimental Economist. Founder, International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics; Founder Economic Science Institute at Chapman University.

“… If I am ever reborn, I hope to be a madman yet again …”

External Resources Videos


Please do use your discretion. Videos in which the Laureates themselves speak are fine. Regarding other videos please accept truthful info and disregard the rest. Possibly more than one person with same name.

reason_tv_logoExperimental Economist Vernon Smith on the Housing Bubble, Adam Smith, and Libertarianism. ReasonTV. Uploaded on Jul 20, 2011. 24:26.

sfu_logoRethinking Housing Bubbles with Dr. Vernon L. Smith. Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada. Published on Dec 10, 2014. 1:16:57.

mercatus_logoDr. Vernon Smith’s Presentation on F. A. Hayek and the Nobel Prize and Q&A. Mercatus Center. Published on Oct 8, 2014. 50:15.

youtubelogoVernon L. Smith