George H. Whipple M.D.
George H. Whipple M.D.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934
Co-Nobelists George R. Minot, William P. Murphy
Physician; Pathologist. Pernicious anaemia liver therapy. Whipple Disease. Intestinal parasites. Blackwater fever. WWII, Chloroform anesthesia induced liver necrosis. Liver regeneration. Tuberculosis. Pancreatitis. Used Nobelists Joliot Curie’s, Fermi’s, E.O. Lawrence’s radioactive isotopes; discovered iron metabolism; protein metabolism, distribution, functions. Bile constituents. Red cell stroma.
Gentle. Quiet. Wanted to be remembered as teacher.
Honoring George Whipple
Nobel Prize Medal
George H. Whipple Founded the School of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Rochester, NY. He was a longtime Dean of the school.