Oliver E. Williamson Ph.D.
Oliver E. Williamson Ph.D.
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2009
Nobel co-recipient Elinor Ostrom
External Resources Text & Videos
Economic Organization, Wheatsheaf Publishing Ltd., Brighton, England, 1986; chapter 4 is reprinted in Juha Kinnunen, ed., Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recent Developments in Business Management Research. Helsinki, 1986; translated into Japanese by Kaoru Inoue et al., 1989; translated into Italian by Paolo Mariti and published by Il Mulino, Bologna, 1991.
Antitrust Economics, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, England, 1987; translated into Chinese and published by Economic Science Publishing House, 1998.
“The Elasticity of the Marginal Efficiency Function: Comment”, American Economic Review, December 1962, 52, 1099 1103.
“Selling Expense as a Barrier to Entry,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1963, 77, 112 88.
“A Model of Rational Managerial Behavior,” Ch. 9 in R.M. Cyert and J.D. March, A Behavioral Theory of the Firm, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1963.
“Managerial Discretion and Business Behavior,” American Economic Review, December 1963, 53, 1032 57.
reprinted in
- Economic Theories of International Politics (Bruce M. Russett, ed.),Chicago, 1968
- The Modern Business Enterprise (M. Gilbert, ed.), Penguin, 1972
- The Economics of Property Rights (E. Furubotn and S. Pejovich, eds.), Cambridge, Mass., 1974.
“Innovation and Market Structure,” Journal of Political Economy, February 1965, 73, 67 73.
“Incentive Contracts: An Analysis of Adaptive Response,” RM 4363 PR, RAND, June 1965, pp. 64 and ix.
“A Dynamic Theory of Interfirm Behavior,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1965, 79, 579 607.reprinted in
- Economic Theories of International Politics (Bruce M. Russett, ed.), Chicago, 1968
- Interorganizational Relations (William Evan, ed.), London, 1975.
“Peak Load Pricing and Optimal Capacity under Indivisibility Constraints,” American Economic Review, September 1966, 56, 810 27. reprinted in
- Kosuro Dora Chosakai, February 1967, pp. 90 99 (Japanese translation)
- Public Enterprise (Ralph Turvey, ed.), Middlesex, England, 1968, pp. 64 85
- Translated into Spanish and published by Editorial Tecnos
- Included in the Bobbs Merrill Economic Reprint Series.
- Foundations of Regulatory Economics (Robert Ekelund, ed.), Cheltenham, England, 1997.
- The Economics of Public Utilities (Roy Rees, ed.), Cheltenham, England, 2005.
- Pricing (Michael Waldman and Justin Johnson, eds.), Cheltenham, England, 2007.
“The Economics of Defense Contracting: Incentives and Performance,” in The Economics of Defense, Columbia University Press, 1967.
“Hierarchical Control and Optimum Firm Size,” Journal of Political Economy, April 1967, 76, 123 38. reprinted in
- Readings in Industrial Organization (Needham, ed.), New York, 1970 In Portuguese by Savaira S/A, Readings in Industrial Organization, 1977
- Readings in Microeconomics (William Breit, Harold Hachman, and Edward Saveracker, eds.), 1985
- Readings of Industrial Structure (Basil Yamey, ed.), 1973.
- The International Library of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
“A Rational Theory of the Federal Budgeting Process,” Papers on Non Market Decision Making II (Gordon Tullock, ed.), Charlottesville, VA, 1967.
(with Douglas G. Olson and August Ralston), “Externalities, Insurance, and Disability Analysis,” Economica, August 1967, 34, 235 53.
“A Dynamic Stochastic Theory of Managerial Behavior,” (Phillips and Williamson, eds.), Prices: Issues in Theory, Practice, and Public Policy, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1968.
(with Thomas J. Sargent), “Social Choice: A Probabilistic Approach,” Economic Journal, December 1967, 77, 797 813.
“Wage Rates as a Barrier to Entry: The Pennington Case in Perspective,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1968, 82, 85 116.
“Economies as an Antitrust Defense: The Welfare Trade Offs,” American Economic Review, March 1968, 58, 18 36.
reprinted with corrections in
- Readings in Industrial Economics: Private Enterprise and State Intervention (C.K. Rowley, ed.), London, 1971
- A Century of the Sherman Act: American Economic Opinion, 1890 1990 (Wayne Gable and Jack High, eds.), Fairfax, VA, 1992, pp. 99 116.
- Monopoly and Competition Policy (F.M. Scherer, ed.), Edward Elgar, London, 1993.
- Critical Perspectives: Mergers and Acquisitions (Simon Peck and Paul Temple, eds.), Routledge, 2002.
- Antitrust and Competition Policy (Andrew Kelit, ed.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2004.
- Economics of Antitrust Law (Benjamin Klein and Andres Lerner, eds.), Cheltenham, 2006.
“Economics as an Antitrust Defense: Correction and Reply,” American Economic Review, December 1968, 58, 1372 76.
“Corporate Control and the Theory of the Firm,” The Regulation of Corporate Securities (Henry Manne, ed.), Washington, D.C., 1969, pp. 281 336.
“Administrative Decision Making and Pricing: Externality and Compensation Analysis Applied,” in The Analysis of Public Output (Julius Margolis, ed.), 1970, pp.115 35.
“Allocative Efficiency and the Limits of Antitrust,” American Economic Review, May 1969, 59, 105 118.
“Administrative Controls and Regulatory Behavior,” in Essays in Public Utility Pricing and Regulation (Harry Trebing, ed.), East Lansing, Michigan, 1971, pp. 411 38.
“Economies as an Antitrust Defense: Reply,” American Economic Review, December 1969, 59, 954 59.
“Econometric Studies of Industrial Organization: Discussion,” in Frontiers of Quantitative Economics (Michael Intriligator, ed.), Amsterdam, 1971, pp. 408 11.
“Banks and Bank Holding Companies: Panel Discussion,” Antitrust Law Journal, Spring 1971.
(with Donald F. Turner), “Technical and Organizational Innovation in Relation to Industry Structure,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Monopolies, Mergers, and Restrictive Practices (John Heath, ed.) HMSO, London, 1971, 127 44.
reprinted in
Bobbs Merrill Economics Reprint Series.
“Managerial Discretion, Organization Form, and the Multidivision Hypothesis,” in The Corporate Economy (Robin Marris and Adrian Wood, eds.), London, 1971, pp. 343 86.
“The Vertical Integration of Production: Market Failure Considerations,” American Economic Review, May 1971, 61, 112 23.reprinted in
- Journal of Reprints for Antitrust Law and Economics, 1974.
- The Theory of the Firm (Mark Casson, ed.), Edward Elgar, London, 1996.
- Markets, Hierarchies, and Firms (Glenn Carroll, Pablo Spiller, and David Teece, eds.), Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Critical Perspectives: Mergers and Acquisitions (Simon Peck and Paul Templeton, eds.), Routledge, 2002.
- International Library of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
- Supply Chain Management: Critical Perspectives (Steve New, ed.), Routledge, Milton Park, UK, 2008.
“Pricing Theory with Applications to Property Casualty Insurance,” Keynote Address, American Insurance Association, Proceedings of the American Insurance Association, New York, 1971, 73 84.
“Antitrust Enforcement and the Modern Corporation,” in Policy Issues and Research Opportunities in Industrial Organization (V. Fuchs, ed.), New York, 1972, pp. 16 33.
“Dominant Firms and the Monopoly Problem: Market Failure Considerations,” Harvard Law Review, June 1972, 85, 1512 31. reprinted in
- Corporate Counsel’s Annual, 1973.
- Monopoly and Competition Policy (F.M. Scherer, ed.), Edward Elgar, London, 1993.
(with Narrotam Bhargava), “Assessing and Classifying the Internal Structure and Control Apparatus in the Modern Corporation,” in Keith Cowling, ed., Market Structure and Corporate Behavior, London, 1972, pp. 125 148.
“The Perfectly Competitive Firm: Looking Ahead,” in Economics 1973 74, Guilford, Conn., 1973, pp. 171 73.
“Markets and Hierarchies: Some Elementary Considerations,” American Economic Review, May 1973, 63, 316 25.
reprinted in
Strategy: Critical Perspectives (David Faulkner, ed.).
“On the Limits of Internal Organization, with Special Reference to the Vertical Integration of Production,” in A. Silberston and F. Seton, eds., Industrial Management: East and West, New York, 1973, pp. 199 227.
“The Virtues of Net Benefit Analysis,” in J.W. McGuire, ed., Contemporary Management, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1974, pp. 63 65.
“Peak Load Pricing: Some Further Remarks,” Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, Spring 1974, 5, 223 28.
“The Economics of Antitrust: Transaction Cost Considerations,” University of
Pennsylvania Law Review, June 1974, 122, 1439 96.
reprinted (with revisions) in
“The Economics of Vertical Integration: Transaction Cost Considerations,” in
Competition and Regulation Some Economic Concepts (C.F. Phillips, ed.), Lexington, VA, 1976, pp. 45 76.)
“Exit and Voice: Some Implications for the Study of Modern Corporations,” Social Science Information, December 1974, 13, 61 72.
“Assessing the Modern Corporation: Transaction Cost Considerations,” in J.F. Weston, ed., Large Scale Enterprise in a Changing Society, New York, 1974, pp. 65 89.
(with Michael Wachter and Jeffrey Harris), “Understanding the Employment Relation: The Analysis of Idiosyncratic Exchange,” The Bell Journal of Economics, Spring 1975, 6, 250 78.
reprinted in
- The Economic Nature of the Firm (L. Putterman, ed.), New York, 1987, 135 55.
- Classics of Organization Theory (J. Shafritz and J. Ott, eds.), Pacific Grove, CA, 1992, pp. 379 396.
- The Legacy of Hebert Simon in Economic Analysis (Peter E. Earl, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2001.
- Personnel Economics (Edward Lazear and Robert M. Noble, eds.), Cheltenham, UK, 2003.
- The Economics of Modern Business Enterprise (Martin Rickets, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2006.
“The Modern Corporation as an Efficiency Instrument,” in S. Pejovich, ed., Government Controls and the Free Market: The U.S. Economy in the 1970’s, College Station, Texas, 1976, pp. 163 194.
reprinted in
Transaction Cost Economics, Vol. II (O.E. Williamson and S. Masten,
eds.), Edward Elgar Ltd., Brookfield, VT, 1995, pp. 303 339.
“Franchise Bidding for Natural Monopolies in General and with Respect to CATV,” The Bell Journal of Economics, Spring 1976, 7, 73 104. reprinted in
- The Foundations of Regulatory Economics (Robert B. Ekelund, Jr., ed.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 1998.
- The International Library of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
- Regulation (Thomas P. Lyon, ed.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2007.
“The Economics of Internal Organization: Exit and Voice in Relation to Markets and Hierarchies,” American Economic Review, May 1976, 66, 369 77.
“Economies as an Antitrust Defense Revisited,” University of Pennsylvania Law Review, April 1977, 125, 699 736. reprinted in
- Corporate Practice Commentator
- Welfare Aspects of Industrial Markets (A.P. Jacquemin and H.W. Jong
(eds.), Leiden, The Netherlands, 1977, 237 271 - Economic Analysis and Antitrust Law (T. Calvani and J. Seigfried (eds.),
Boston, 1979, 54 74.
“Firms and Markets,” in S. Weintraub, ed., Modern Economic Thought, 1977, 195 202.
“Predatory Pricing: A Strategic and Welfare Analysis,” Yale Law Journal, December 1977, 87, 284 340. reprinted in
- Journal of Reprints for Antitrust Law and Economics, no. 1, 10, 101 157.
- Economic Analysis and Antitrust Law (T. Calvani and J. Siegfried, eds.),
Boston, 1979, 195 239. - Monopoly and Competition Policy (F.M. Scherer, ed.), Edward Elgar, London, 1993.
(with Michael Wachter), “Obligational Markets and the Mechanics of Inflation,” The Bell Journal of Economics, Autumn 1978, 9, 49 571.
“Symposium on Antitrust Law and Economics: Introduction,” University of Pennsylvania Law Review, April 1979, 127, 918 924.
“Assessing Vertical Market Restrictions: Antitrust Ramifications of the Transactions Cost Approach,” University of Pennsylvania Law Review, April 1979, 127, 953 993. reprinted in
- Antitrust Law and Economics (O.E. Williamson, ed.), Houston, Texas, 1980.
- Transaction Cost Economics, Vol. II (O.E. Williamson and S. Masten, eds.), Edward Elgar Ltd., Brookfield, VT, 1995, pp. 503 543.
“Williamson on Predatory Pricing, II,” Yale Law Journal, May 1979, 88, 1183-1200.
reprinted in
Journal of Reprints for Antitrust Law and Economics, No. 1, 10, 1980,
183 200.
“Transaction Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations,” Journal of Law and Economics, October 1979, 22, 233 261. reprinted in
- Organizational Economics (Jay Barney and William Ouchi, eds.), San Francisco, 198
- Industrial Organization (O.E. Williamson, ed.), Aldershot, England, 1990
- The International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory (Jules Coleman and Jeffrey Lange, eds.), Aldershot, England, 1992, 309 337.
- The Legacy of Ronald Coase in Economic Analysis (Stephen Medema, ed.), Cheltenham, England, 1994.
- Transaction Cost Economics, Vol. I (O.E. Williamson and S. Masten,
eds.), Edward Elgar Ltd., Brookfield, VT, 1995, pp. 96 124. - The Economics of Contracts and Industrial Organization: A Reader (Peter
Buckley and Jonathan Michie, eds.), Oxford, 1996. - The History of Management Thought (R. L. Tricker, ed.), Ashgate, 2000.
- Public Procurement (Sue Arrowsmith, ed.), Edward Elgar, 2000.
- Alternative Theories of the Firm (Richard Langlois, Tony Fu-Lai Yu and Paul Robertson, eds.), Edward Elgar, 2002.
- The Economics of Business Strategy (John Kay, ed.), Edward Elgar, 2002.
- Public Governance (Mark Bevic, ed.), Sage, 2007.
- The Economics of the Modern Business Enterprise (Martin Ricketts, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2007.
- Classics in Corporate Law and Economics (Johanthan R. Macey, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2007.
- Fundamentals of Business Strategy (Mie Augier and David Teece, eds.), Sage Publications, 2007.
- The Economics of Organization and Bureaucracy (Peter M. Jackson, ed.), Edward Elgar, 2011.
- The New Institutional Economics of Contract (Eric Furobotn and Rudolf Richter, eds.), Edward Elgar, 2011.
“On the Governance of the Modern Corporation,” Hofstra Law Review, Fall 1979, 8, 63 78.
“The Organization of Work,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, March 1980, 1, 5 38. reprinted in
- Organizzazione and Mercato (Raoul C.D. Nacamulli and Andrea
Rugiadini, eds.), Bologna, 1985, pp. 513 550 (translated into Italian) - The Economic Nature of the Firm (L. Putterman, ed.), New York, 1987,
292 311.
“Emergence of the Visible Hand: Implications for Industrial Organization,” in A.D. Chandler, Jr., and H. Daems, eds., Managerial Hierarchies, Cambridge, MA, 1980, 182 202.
“Saccharin: An Economist’s View,” in R.B. Crandall and L.B. Lave, eds., The Scientific Basis of Health and Safety Regulations, Washington, D.C., 1981, 131 151.
“Comments on the Political Economy of Antitrust,” in R.D. Tollison, ed., The Political Economy of Antitrust, Lexington, MA, 1980, 77 94.
“Discretionary Power of Large Firms: Commentary,” in J.J. Siegfried, ed., The Economics of Firm Size, Market Structure and Social Performance, Washington, D.C., 1980, 78 88.
“Contract Analysis: The Transaction Cost Approach,” in P. Burrows and C.G. Veljanovski (eds.), The Economic Approach to Law, London, 1981, 39 60.
(with William Ouchi), “The Markets and Hierarchies Program of Research: Origins, Implications, Prospects,” in A.H. Van de Ven and W.F. Joyce, eds., Perspectives on Organizing Design and Behavior, New York, 1981, 347 370. reprinted in
- Power, Efficiency and Institutions: A Critical Appraisal of the “Markets
and Hierarchies” Paradigm (J. Turk and P. Willman, eds.), London, 1983,
13-34. - Theories of Organization (Henry Tosi, ed.), New York, 1984, 118 140.
“The Economics of Organization: The Transaction Cost Approach,” American Journal of Sociology, November 1981, 87, 548 577. reprinted in
- Organizzazione and Mercato (Raoul C.D. Nacamulli and Andrea
Rugiadini, eds.), Bologna, 1985, 288 316 (translated into Italian) - Organizational Sociology (W. Richard Scott, ed.), 1993, Dartmouth.
- Organization Theory (Carlo Turati and Domenico Bodega, eds.), Milano,
1995 (translated into Italian). - Sociology of Organizations: Classic, Contemporary and Critical Readings (Michael J. Handel, ed.), Pine Forge Press, 2002.
“Organizational Innovation: The Transaction Cost Approach,” in J. Ronen, ed., Entrepreneurship, Lexington, MA, 1983, 101 134.
“Antitrust Enforcement: Where It Has Been; Where It Is Going,” in J. Craven, ed., Industrial Organization, Antitrust, and Public Policy, Boston, 1982, 41 68. reprinted in
- St. Louis University Law Review, April 1983, 27, 289 314
- Antitrust and Regulation (Giles H. Burgess, Jr., ed.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K., 1992, 135 158.
“Reply to Lefever,” Yale Law Journal, June 1981, 90, 1646 1649.
“The Modern Corporation: Origins, Evolution, Attributes,” Journal of Economic Literature, December 1981, 19, 1537 1568.reprinted in
- The Growth of Multinationals (Mira Wilkins, ed.), London, 1990.
- The Rise of Big Business (Barry Supple, ed.), Edward Elgar, 1992.
- Industrial Economics (Anindya Sen, ed.), Oxford, 1995.
- The Challenge of the External Environment (The Open University), 1998, pp. 75 103.
- Reader on Strategizing (Claes Nygaard, ed.), Samfunds-litteratur, 2001.
- The International Library of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
- The Economics of Modern Business Enterprise (Martin Rickets, ed.), Cheltenham, 2006.
“Technology and the Organization of Work: A Reply” and “Technology and the Organization of Work: A Rejoinder,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, March 1983, 4, 57 62, 67 68.
“On the Nature of the Firm: Some Recent Developments,” Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, December 1981, 675 680.
“Microanalytic Business History,” Business and Economic History, Jeremy Atack, ed., 1982, 11, 105 15.
“Organization Form, Residual Claimants, and Corporate Control,” Journal of Law and Economics, June 1983, 26, 351 66.
“Vertical Merger Guidelines: Interpreting the 1982 Reforms,” University of California Law Review, March 1983, 71, 604 17.reprinted in
- Antitrust Policy in Transition (Eleanor Fox and James Halverson, eds.),
New York, 1984, pp. 253 266. - Journal of Reprints for Antitrust Law and Economics, Vol. 25, No. 1,
1995, pp. 85 98.
“Intellectual Foundations of Law and Economics: The Need for a Broader View,” Journal of Legal Education, June 1983, 33, 210 16.
“Credible Commitments: Using Hostages to Support Exchange,” American Economic Review, September 1983, 73, 519 40. reprinted in
- The Antitrust Bulletin, Spring 1984, 29, 33 7
- Transaction Cost Economics, Vol. 1 (O.E. Williamson and S. Masten,
eds.), Edward Elgar Ltd., Brookfield, VT, 1995, pp. 208 229. - Trust (Elias Khalil, ed.), Edward Elgar, 2002.
- The International Library of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
- Institutional Law and Economics (Pablo Spiller, ed.), Edward Elgar, 2010.
“Credible Commitments: Further Results,” American Economic Review, June 1984, 74, 488 490.
“Corporate Governance,” Yale Law Journal, June 1984, 88, 1183 1200.
reprinted in
The Foundations of Corporate Law (Roberta Romano), Oxford 1992.
“The Economics of Governance: Framework and Implications,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, March 1984, 140, 195 223.
reprinted in
- Economics as a Process (Richard Langlois, ed.), New York, 1986, pp.
161 202 - The New Institutional Economics (Furubotn and Richter, eds.), 1991
- The Reasons of the Economic Organization (Massimo Egidi and
Margherita Turvani, eds.), Cambridge, 1991 - Transaction Economics (Gary L. Clark, ed.) 1996.
- Alternative Theories of the Firm (Richard Langlois, Tony Fu-Lai Yu, and Paul Robertson, eds.), Edward Elgar, 2002.
“Pretrial Uses of Economists: On the Use of ‘Incentive Logic’ to Screen Predation,” Antitrust Bulletin, Fall 1984, 29, 475 500.
“The Incentive Limits of Firms: A Comparative Institutional Assessment of Bureaucracy,” Review of World Economics, 1984, 120, 736 762.
“Perspectives on the Modern Corporation,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, Winter 1984, 24, 64 71.
“Reflections on the New Institutional Economics,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, March 1985, 141, 187 195.
reprinted in
The Legacy of Ronald Coase in Economic Analysis (Steven Medema, ed.), Edward Elgar Ltd., Brookfield, VT, 1995.
“Assessing Contract,” Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Spring 1985, 1, 177 208.
Reprinted in
The International Library of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
“Employee Ownership and Internal Governance: A Perspective,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, September 1985, 6, 243 46.<br.
“Vertical Integration and Related Variations on a Transaction Cost Economics Theme,” in Joseph E. Stiglitz and G. Frank Mathewson, eds., New Developments in the Analysis of Market Structure, Cambridge, MA, 1986, pp. 149 74.
(with Michael Riordan), “Asset Specificity and Economic Organization,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1985, 3, 365 78.
Reprinted in
The International Library of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
“Transforming Merger Policy: The Pound of New Perspectives,” American Economic Review, May 1986, 78, 114 19.
“Japan’s Industrial Policy for New Technologies: Comment,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, March 1986, 142, 178-80.
“Kenneth Arrow and the New Institutional Economics,” in George Feiwel, ed., Arrow and the Foundations of the Theory of Economic Policy, New York, 1987, pp. 584 99.
“Transaction Cost Economics: The Comparative Contracting Perspective,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, December 1987, 8, 617 25.
“Vertical Integration,” John Eatwell, Murray Milgate and Peter Newman, eds., The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, Vol. IV, Macmillan, London, 1987, pp. 807 812.
“Antitrust,” John Eatwell, Murray Milgate and Peter Newman, eds., The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, Vol. I, Macmillan, London 1987, pp. 95 98.
“Delimiting Antitrust,” Georgetown University Law Review, December 1987, 76, 271 303.
reprinted in
The Rise and Fall of Antitrust (Eleanor Fox, Robert Pitofsky, Henry First,
eds.), Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1991, pp. 211 245.
“Breach of Trust in Hostile Takeovers: Comment,” in Alan Auerbach, ed., Corporate Takeovers: Causes and Consequences, Chicago, 1988, pp. 61 67.
“Shareholders and Managers A Risk Neutral Perspective: Comment,” in John C. Coffee, Jr., et al., eds., Knights, Raiders and Targets: The Impact of the Hostile Takeover, New York, 1988, pp. 159 67.
“The Logic of Economic Organization,” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Spring 1988, 4, 65 93.
“The Economics and Sociology of Organization: Promoting a Dialogue,” in George Farkas and Paula England, eds., Industries, Firms, and Jobs, New York, 1988, pp. 159 85.
“Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance,” Journal of Finance, July 1988, 43, 567 91.
reprinted in
- International Corporate Government (Robert I. Tricker, ed.), New York:
Prentice Hall, 1994, pp. 104 123. - Corporate Governance (Kevin Keasey, ed.), Aldershot, England: Edward
Elgar, 1998. - Translated into Chinese and reprinted in The Corporate Governance Classical Literature (Li Weian, ed.), Nankai, China.
- Classics in Corporate Law and Economics (Jonathan R. Macey, ed.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2008.
“Mergers, Acquisitions, and Leveraged Buyouts: An Efficiency Assessment,” in Gary Libecap, ed., Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth, 1988. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp. 55 79.
reprinted in
Corporate Law and Economic Analysis (Lucian Bebchuk, ed.), New York,
1990, pp. 1 28.
“Technology and Transaction Cost Economics: A Reply,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, October 1988, 10, 355 364.
reprinted in
The International Library of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
“Internal Economic Organization,” in Oliver Williamson, Sven Erik Sjostrand, and Jan Johansson, Perspectives on the Economics of Organization, 1989. Lund, Sweden:
Lund University Press, pp. 9 48.
“Transaction Cost Economics,” in Richard Schmalensee and Robert Willig, eds., Handbook of Industrial Organization, 1989. Vol. 1. New York: North Holland, pp.136 184.
excerpts reprinted in
- Foundations of Corporate Law (Roberta Romano), Oxford 1992.
- translated into German (Mathias and Christina Erlei) and reprinted in
Ökonomische Theorie der Institutionen. LIT Verlag: Münster, 1993. - Translated into Japanese (Tesuo Wada) and reprinted in IPTP Reports,
1998.5, pp. 131 153.
“The Firm as a Nexus of Treaties: An Introduction,” in Masahiko Aoki, Bo Gustafsson, and Oliver E. Williamson, eds., The Firm as a Nexus of Treaties, 1989. London: Sage, pp. 1 25.
“Introduction,” in Oliver E. Williamson, ed., Organization Theory: From Chester Barnard to the Present and Beyond, 1990. New York, pp. 1 10.
“Chester Barnard and the Incipient Science of Organization,” in Oliver E. Williamson, ed., Organization Theory: From Chester Barnard to the Present and Beyond, 1990. New York, pp. 172 206.
“Interview with Oliver E. Williamson,” in Richard Swedberg, ed., Economics and Sociology, 1990. Princeton, N.J., pp. 115 129.
“Introduction,” in Oliver E. Williamson, ed., Industrial Organization, 1990. London, pp. ix xxi.
“A Comparison of Alternative Approaches to Economic Organization,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, March 1990, 146, 61 71.
reprinted in
- The New Institutional Economics (Eirik Furubotn and Rudolf Richter,
eds.), 1991 - Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Seria Ekonomika, #3, 1991
(translated into Russian) and Lessons in Business Organization (Andrei
A. Demin and Valery S. Katkalo, eds.), Lenizdat, 1994. - The Legacy of Ronald Coase in Economic Analysis (Steven Medema, ed.), Brookfield, VT, Edward Elgar, Ltd., 1995.
- The Economics of Property Rights (Svetozav Pejuvich, ed.), Brookfield, CT, Edward Elgar, Ltd., 2000.
- The International Library of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
“Vertical Integration and Market Foreclosure: Comment,” in Martin Baily and Clifford Winston, eds. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Microeconomics, 1990, Washington, D.C., pp. 280 283.
“Introduction: The Nature of the Firm,” in Oliver E. Williamson and Sidney Winter, eds., The Nature of the Firm, 1991, New York, pp. 3 17.
“Political Institutions: The Neglected Side of the Story: Comment,” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Special Issue, 1991, 6, 262 266.
“Comparative Economic Organization: The Analysis of Discrete Structural Alternatives,” Administrative Science Quarterly, June 1991, 36, 269 296. reprinted in
- Institutional Evolution and Change: Theory and Empiric Findings (Sven Eric Sjostrand, ed.), 1992, Sharpe, New York.
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Organization Studies (Siegwart Lindenberg
and Hein Shreuder, eds.), 1992, Pergamon Press, New York, pp. 3 37. - Translated into German and reprinted in Organisation und Netzwerk (Patrick Kenis and Volker Schneider, eds.), Campus Verlag, 1996, pp. 165 210.
- Occasional paper, International Center for Economic Growth, 1994.
- Transaction Cost Economics, Vol. 1 (O.E. Williamson and S. Masten, eds.), Brookfield, VT, Edward Elgar Ltd., 1995, pp. 125 152.
- Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in the Global Economy (Zolton Acs, ed.), Norwell, MA, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
- Networks (Gernet Grabhar and Walter Powell, eds.), Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
“Specific and General Knowledge, and Organizational Structure: Comment,” in Lars Werin and Hans Wijkander, eds., Contracts: Determinants, Properties and Implications, Nobel Symposium No. 77, 1992, Basil Blackwell, pp. 282 291.
“Strategizing, Economizing, and Economic Organization,” Strategic Management Journal, Winter 1991, 12, 75 94.
reprinted in
Fundamental Issues in Strategy (Richard Rumelt, Dan Schendel, and David Teece, eds.), Harvard Business School Press, 1994.
“Economic Institutions: Spontaneous and Intentional Governance,” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, December 1991, 7, 159 187.
“Antitrust Lenses and the Uses of Transaction Cost Economics Reasoning,” in Thomas Jorde and David Teece, eds., Antitrust, Innovation, and Competitiveness, 1992, New York, Oxford, pp. 137 164.
“Markets, Hierarchies, and the Modern Corporation: An Unfolding Perspective,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, May 1992, 17, 335 352.
“Private Ownership and the Capital Market,” in Horst Siebert, ed., Privatization, 1992, J.C.B. Mohr, Tübingen, pp. 27 54.
“Some Issues in the Transformation of Ownership Institutions in Poland: Comment,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, March 1992, 148, 69 71.
“Contested Exchange Versus the Governance of Contractual Relations,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1993, 7, 103 108.
“The Evolving Science of Organization,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, March 1993, 189, 36 63.
“Transaction Cost Economics meets Posnerian Law and Economics,” Journal of
Institutional and Theoretical Economics, March 1993, 149, 99 118.
reprinted in
Transaction Cost Economics, Vol. I (O.E. Williamson and S. Masten, eds.), Brookfield, VT, Edward Elgar Ltd., 1995, pp. 671 690.
“Calculativeness, Trust, and Economic Organization,” Journal of Law and Economics, April 1993, 36, 453 486.
reprinted in
- The International Library of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard, ed.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
- Landmark Papers On Trust (Reinhard Bachmann and Akbar Zaheer, eds.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2008.
“Opportunism and its Critics,” Managerial and Decision Economics, March April 1993, 14, 97 107.
“Transaction Cost Economics and Organization Theory,” Industrial and Corporate Change, No. 2, 1993, 2, 107 156.
reprinted in
- Debating Rationality (J.J. Halpern and R.N. Stern, eds.), Ithaca, NY: I.L.R.
Press, pp. 155 194. - The Handbook of Economic Sociology (N. J. Smelser and R. Swedberg,
eds.) Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994, pp. 77 107. - Technology, Organization, and Competitiveness (G. Dosi, D. Teece &
J. Chytry, eds.), Oxford University Press, 1998, pp. 17 66. - The International Library of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
“Concluding Comment,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, March 1994, 150, 320 324.
“Research Needs and Opportunities in Transaction Cost Economics,” Journal of Business Economics, No. 1, 1994, 45 46.
“Visible and Invisible Governance,” American Economic Review, May 1994, 84, 323 326.
translated into Arabic and reprinted in Dar Al Kitab Al Hadeeth, 1996.
“Evaluating Coase,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1994, 8, 201 204.
“Il Dialogo tra la Nuova Economia Instituzionale e le Altre Scienze Sociale,” Stato
e Mercato, April 1994, 40, 41 62.
“Introduction,” in Oliver E. Williamson and Scott E. Masten, eds., Transaction Cost Economics, Vol. I, 1995, Brookfield, VT, Edward Elgar, pp. xiii xxvi.
“Legal Implications of Imperfect Information in Consumer Markets: Comment,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, March 1995, 151, 45 51.
“The Institutions and Governance of Economic Development and Reform,” in Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, 1994, 1995, Washington, D.C., The World Bank, pp. 171 197.
“Comments on Paul Milgrom and John Robert: `Continuous Adjustment and Fundamental Change in Business Strategy and Organization in Business Strategy and Organization’,” in Trends in Business Organization, 1995, Horst Siebert, ed.. J.C.B. Mohr: Tubingen, pp. 259 264.
“Hierarchies, Markets, and Power in the Economy: An Economic Perspective,” Industrial and Corporate Change, 4, 1995, pp. 21 49.
reprinted with minor changes in:
- Transaction Cost Economics and Beyond (John Groenewegen, ed.), 1996,
Kluwer: pp. 11 42. - Transaction Cost Economics: Recent Developments (Claude Menard,
ed.), 1997, Edward Elgar, pp. 1 29.
“Transaction Cost Economics and the Evolving Science of Organization,” in Arnold Heertje, ed., The Makers of Modern Economics, vol. II, 1995, Edward Elgar, pp. 114 167.
“Economic Organization: The Case for Candor,” Academy of Management Review, 21, 1996, pp. 48 57.
“Economic Organization: A Primer,” California Management Review, 38, Winter 1996, pp. 131 146.
“Some Uneasiness with the Coase Theorem: Comment,” Japan and the World Economy, 7, 1995, pp. 9 11.
“The Fading Boundaries of the Firm: Comment,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, March 1996, 152, pp. 85 88.
“The Politics and Economics of Redistribution and Inefficiency,” Greek Economic Review, December 1995, 17, pp. 115 136.
(with Janet Bercovitz), “The Modern Corporation as an Efficiency Instrument: The Comparative Contracting Perspective,” in The American Corporation Today, 1996. Carl Kaysen, ed. New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 327 359.
“Deregulatory Takings and Breach of the Regulatory Contract: Some Precautions,” New York University Law Review, October 1996, 71, pp. 1007 1020.
“Revisiting Legal Realism: The Law, Economics, and Organization Perspective,” Industrial and Corporate Change, 1996, 5, No. 2, pp. 383 420.
reprinted in:
- Law and Economics (Raja Chellich, ed.), New Delhi, India.
- Markets, Hierarchies, and Firms: The Transaction Cost Economics Perspective (Glenn Carroll & David Teece, eds.), New York, Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 197-234.
- Coasian Economics (Steven G. Medema, ed.), 1997, Boston, Kluwer.
“Transaction Cost Economics and the Carnegie Connection,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, November 1996, 31, 145 156.
“Transaction Cost Economics and Public Administration,” in Public Priority Setting, 1997, P. B. Boorsma, ed., Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 19 37.
“Transaction Cost Economics: How Its Works; Where It Is Headed,” 1998, De Economist, 146 (April), 23 58.
“The Institutions of Governance,” 1998, American Economic Review, 88 (May), 75 79. Translated into Polish and reprinted in Gospodarka Nordowa, 1999.
“Opportunistic Behavior in Contracts,” in Peter Newman, ed., The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, Vol. 2, 1998, pp. 703 710.
(With Richard Gilbert) “Antitrust Policy,” in Peter Newman, ed., The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, Vol. 1, 1998, pp. 82 88.
“Public and Private Bureaucracies: A Transaction Cost Economics Perspective,” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, April 1999, 15, pp. 306-342.
Reprinted in Financial Management in the Public Sector (Justin Martin and David Matkin, eds.), Sage Publications, 2012.
“Strategy Research: Governance and Competence Perspectives,” Strategic Management Journal, December 1999, 20, pp. 1087-1108.
reprinted in
- Competence, Governance, and Entrepreneurship (Nicolai Foss and Volker Mahnke, eds.), Oxford University Press, New York, 2000, pp. 21-54.
- Fundamentals of Business Strategy (Mie Augier and David Teece, eds.), Sage Publications, 2007.
“Why Prediction? Lessons from the Theory of the Firm,” Over Economie en Bedriff, Liber Amicorum voor Prof. Dr. J. L. Bouma, 1999, Delwel Vitgeverij B.V., pp. 19-43.
“Ronald Harry Coase: Institutional Economist/Institution Builder,” in Claude Menard, ed., Institutions, Contracts, and Organizations, 2000, Edward Elgar, pp. 48-53.
(With Witold Henisz) “Comparative Economic Organization – Within and Between Countries,” Business and Politics, 1 (3) 1999, pp. 261-277.
“Economic Institutions and Development: A View from the Bottom,” in Mancur Olson and Satu Kahkonen, eds., A Not-So-Dismal Science, 2000, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 92-118.
“Contract and Economic Organization,” Revue D’Economie Industrielle, 92 (2),
2000, pp.55-66.
Reprinted in
The Economics of Contracts (Eric Brousseau and Jean-Michel Glachant, eds.), 2002, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
“The New Institutional Economics: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead,” Journal of Economic Literature, 38 (September), 2000, pp. 595-613.
Reprinted in
- Socialøkonomen, Nr. 9, December 2000 – 54.ARG, pp. 9-18.
- Translated into Spanish and published in Revista BCV, 2001.
- Recent Developments in Institutional Economics (Geoffrey Hodgson, ed.), Edward Elgar, 2002.
- Property Rights and Environmental Problems (Bruce Larson, ed.), 2003, Hampshire, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
- The International Library of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard, ed.), Cheltenham, UK, 2004.
“Transaction Cost Economics and Property Rights,” International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2001, pp. 15840-15845.
“Hierarchies and Markets,” International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2001, pp. 6690-6692.
“Empirical Microeconomics: Another Perspective,” in Mie Augier and James March, eds., The Economics of Choice, Change, and Organization, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2002, pp. 419-441.
“The Lens of Contract: Private Ordering,” American Economic Review, 92 (May), 2002, pp. 438-443.
“The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure: From Choice to Contract,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 16 (Summer), 2002, pp.171-195.
Translated into Russian and reprinted in
Social Economics, October-December 2002, pp. 84-105.
“Transaction Cost Economics,” in Claude Menard and Mary Shirley, eds., Handbook of New Institutional Economics, Kluwer, 2004, pp. 41-65.
“Economics and Antitrust Enforcement: The Transition Years,” Antitrust (Spring), 2003, pp. 61-65.
“Contract and Economic Organization,” in Eric Brousseau and Jean-Claude Glachant, eds., The Economics of Contract, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 49-58.
“Herbert Simon and Organization Theory, ” in Mie Augier and James March, eds., Models of a Man: Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Simon, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004, pp. 279-295.
“Examining Economic Organization through the Lens of Contract,” Industrial and Corporate Change, 12:4 (August 2003), pp. 917-942.
“Transaction Cost Economics and Agriculture: An Excursion,” in G. Van Huylenbroecke, W. Verbeke and L. Laurens, eds., Role of Institutions in Rural Policies and Agricultural Markets, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2004, pp. 19-34.
“Why Law, Economics, and Organization?” Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 1 (2005), pp. 369-396.
Earlier versions of this paper were published in:
- Spanish as Inaugural Lecture to the Law and Economics Program, University of Chile 2000.
- Japanese as Kobe Law Journal, 54 (June 2004), pp. 63-124.
- a version of this paper also appears in The Origins of Law and Economics
(Charles Rawley and Francesco Parisi, eds.), Edward Elgar, Northampton, MA, 2005, 475-609.
“Transaction Cost Economics and Business Administration,” Scandinavian Journal of Management, 21 (2005), 19-40.
“The Economics of Governance,” American Economic Review, 95 (May 2005), 1-18.
“Transaction Cost Economics: The Process of Theory Development,” in Smith and Hill, eds., Great Minds in Management, Oxford, 2005, 485-508.
“Networks – Organizational Solutions to Future Challenges,” in Theresia Theurl,
ed., Economics of Interfirm Networks. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, Germany, 2005: 3-27.
“The Sociology and Economics of Organization: One View of the Dialogue,” in
Ulrich Bindseil, Justus Haucap and Christian Wey, eds., Institutions in Perspective. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, Germany, 2006, 3-19.
“An Interview with Oliver Williamson,” Journal of Institutional Economics, 2007 (3): 373-386.
“Transaction Cost Economics: An Introduction,” in Peter Klein and Michael Sykuta, eds., The Edward Elgar Companion to Transaction Cost Economics, Cheltenham, UK: Edgar Elgar, 2010, pp. 5-26.
preprinted in Economics Discussion Papers 2007-3 March 1, 2007
“Outsourcing: Transaction Cost Economics and Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Supply Chain Management, 44 (April 2008), pp. 5-16.
“Transaction Cost Economics: The Precursors,” Economic Affairs (September 2008), pp. 7-14.
Foreword: The New Institutional Economics Guidebook, in Eric Brousseau and Jean-Claude Glachant, eds., The Economics of Institutions Guidebook Cambridge (2008), pp. xxiii-xxxvii.
“Corporate Boards of Directors: In Principle and in Practice,” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 24 (October 2008), 247-272.
Reprinted in
The Economics of Corporate Governance and Mergers (Klaus Gugler and B.
Yurtoglu, eds.), Edward Elgar, 2008, pp. 77-104.
“Friedman (1953) and the Theory of the Firm,” in Uskali Maki, ed., The Methodology of Positive Economics, Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 241-256. Translated into Spanish and reprinted, Cambridge University Press, 2013. Translated into Spanish and reprinted as Friedman (1953) y La Teoria de la Empressa, Revista Asturiana de Economia, 2012, 183-2012.
“Pragmatic Methodology: A Sketch, with Applications to Transaction Cost Economics,” The Journal of Economic Methodology, 16 (June 2009), 145-157.
“Opening the Black Box of Firm and Market Organization: Antitrust,” in Per-Olaf Bjuggren and Dennis C. Mueller, eds., The Modern Firm, Corporate Governance and Investment, Edward Elgar, Northampton, MA, 2009, pp. 11-42.
“Transaction Cost Economics: The Natural Progression,” American Economic Review, 100 (June 2010), pp. 673-690.
Reprinted in
- Les Prix Nobel, 2010, with biography (pp. 447-454) and lecture (pp. 455-476).
- Journal of Retailing, 86 (September 2010), pp. 215-226.
“Economics: An Overview” in Peter Klein and Michael Sykuta, eds. The Edward Elgar Companion of Transaction Cost Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, North Hampton, Massachusetts. 2010: 8-26.
“Transaction Cost Economics: The Origins,” Journal of Retailing, 86 (September 2010), pp. 227-231.
“Reflections on Antitrust,” The Antitrust Bulletin, 55 (Fall 2010), pp. 543-544.
(with Tarek Ghani),”Transaction Costs Economics and Its Uses in Marketing.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Published online 15 July 2011, Springer, pp. 1-12.
“Corporate Governance: A Constructive and Organizational Perspective,” in Lorenzo Sacconi, Margaret Blair, R. Edward Freeman, and Alessandro Vercelli, eds., Corporate Social Responsibilities and Corporate Governance, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2011, pp. 3-32.
“Economizing,” in Mie Augier and David Teece, eds., New Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2013.
“Interdisciplinary Social Science: The Transaction Cost Economics Project,” in Robert Solow, ed., Economics for the Curious, Palgrave, 2014 (forthcoming).
(with Steven Tadelis), “Transaction Cost Economics,” Robert Gibbons and John Roberts, eds., The Handbook of Organizational Economics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014, pp. 159-192.
“Hierarchies and Markets” in Organizations and Management, Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2014 (forthcoming).